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well...I'm officially voting for Obama now...grrrrr...


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I'm not a Republican...I'm not a Democrat...I'm an American...and I vote for whoever I think is the best person for the job...and I was really hoping that McCain would pick Huckabee...I think he's the best person out of all the people who were in consideration for President...but, I can't see another 4 years of the crap that's been going on for the past 8 years...and I think, although I might be wrong, that if McCain is elected...that's exactly what we will have, if not worse.


That said...I guess I'm voting for Obama now...I will watch what McCain says at the primary when he speaks...and I might change my mind...who knows.


Not that who I vote for matters or anything...it's just interesting to talk about.




Huckabee: I won’t be McCain’s V.P.

Posted: 11:30 PM ET


From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney



Mike Huckabee said Thursday he is not McCain's vice presidential pick.

(CNN) – Former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told supporters Thursday he would not be John McCain’s running mate, and emphasized that he was never vetted by McCain’s presidential campaign.


"I have never been contacted by the McCain campaign at any point about the VP slot," Huckabee wrote in the statement posted on his political action committee’s Web site. "I have never been asked for any information, background, etc., so as I have said repeatedly in interviews, I didn’t consider myself to be under any consideration."


"I think people thought I was being coy and just not talking, but I have built my political life on trying to shoot straight and tell it as it is and as I see it," he added. “I have been honest in telling you that I had no reason to believe I was ever seriously considered or “vetted” for the ticket."


Huckabee, whose surprising win in the Iowa caucuses, helped derail rival Mitt Romney's presidential bid. His position on issues such as same sex marriage and abortion made him a favorite of social conservatives. Huckabee told supporters he, too, “will await news of who Senator McCain selects.”


“I hope it will be a person with a solid record and solid convictions on the foundation issues that bring many of us to the process,” Huckabee wrote. “I’m taking this unusual step to communicate so it will come from me and not from some of the ridiculous things being said on TV and websites tonight.”


McCain is set to appear with his vice presidential pick in Ohio on Friday.

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Obama is nothing but a great orator with a bunch of rhetoric. He says a lot, but will do nothing! I have heard the same speech given from Dems and Repubs for the past 20 years, I will admit that his was more praise worthy and well delivered however. Nonetheless, I too agree with Lance, I once was a staunch Conservative Republican, I too have left my allegiance open. I know for a fact that I am not a liberal Democrat, but something must change in politics in America. Now is a great time for a sound third party candidate to run, unfortunately there aren't any running unless you count Barr as a legitimate contender, which I do not!


I am leaning toward Libertarianism, but I can't handle some of their positions either, but at least they support small government, low taxes and freedom of the individual. Whatever happened to hard work, keep your word, pay your taxes and try to pursue happiness?


Obama said that he was going to push for clean coal technology, when he can't find enough technology to satisfy his tree hugging liberals, he will attempt to eliminate coal, which should go over well here in the COALFIELDS, he said so himself a few weeks ago. "Remove our dependence on coal and foreign oil in 10 years." I like how he set the timeline for 10 years, knowing that he can only serve 8 YEARS, he would then be able to blame HIS failure on the next president!


Obama said that he he would CUT TAXES by 95% to the working class or middle class Americans. So how does he expect to bring about all of this change? You have to have money to do this, if he expects to LEACH (TAX) it from the evil big business that are built on the American dream of Capitalism and the free market he is only going to run them out of America and force them to an overseas market. Which will in turn lead to more unemployment.


I will admit the guy stirs me up when he talks, but I require some substance, I don't need my ears tickled, I need some hard evidence and so far he has NOT told how HE is going to bring about this change. But, I will keep listening and hopefully, he can start to give hard numbers for how this is going to happen.



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yeah i have one of those from last time that says "don't blame me I voted for Kerry"...and I didn't really like him either lol...but I knew what would happen if Bush was left to do whatever he wanted for 4 more years...sadly I was right.


I voted for Bush the first time around though...and I think that was better than having Al Gore in office...glad he's not on the ticket this time because I would probably have to vote for him this go around.


Huckabee and Ron Paul need to run as a 3rd party...I'd vote for those guys.

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Guest JJBrickface

Don't vote for someone based on what they say, vote for them based on their voting record.


Any candidate can say things that sound good during election time, especially on a national stage like the DNC. Its the duty of each voting American to do research on the candidates instead of just hearing what they say and believing it. For example, look at Obamas voting record on alternate energy or drilling offshore. He was always against it until a few weeks ago when it became the popular thing to do.

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times change and so do people...I'm more interested in whats going on now...and in the future than what someone voted for in the past...plus you would have to research everything that got tacked on to everything that they voted for at the last minute...might have been a good reason either of them voted a certain way depending on what was hidden in a bill at the last minute...i dunno...i just consider all things as a whole and then decide who I'm going to vote for...unless McCain comes out and changes my mind with his speech I'm leaning towards Obama...if he picks Romney as his VP then that is the clincher...I can't stand that guy.

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It will not be Romney or Pawlenty.....word is, it is the gov. of Alaska.....a woman, Sarah Palin. Young, in her 40's....five kids....very smart....and will pull the conservative vote, also, the women vote.....but more important ....watching the morning shows.....some of the democratic pundits seem a little "worried" w/this pick....if that is whom it is. Not whom I was expecting (so glad it was not Romney, and yes, I would have loved for it to be Huckabee) but, we'll see how it all shakes out.

A little side note, Jimmy Carter has totally flipped....saying, "McCain is milking his POW experience"......WHAT???? An American that was held for years as a POW....and he's milking it. The democrats better hope he goes back to Plains....and yes, I voted for Carter (and this is when I lived in VA).....a BIG mistake.

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Carter was a horrible President and owes his post Pres life to Clinton, who turned him in to some sort of international statesman? (wtf?) He's borderline insane at this point, notice they didn't bring him out at the DNC except for a few photo ops?


Lucky for him Bush will go down as the worst modern era President.

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Obama = Anti-coal = worst economy for SWVA and SWV.. Good choice!


WRONG. He specifically stated that he was going to invest in clean coal technology in his speech last night. Also he wants to invest a lot in natural gas, wind energy and safe nuclear power.


Investing in alternative fuels will only help create jobs and move us away from the stranglehold that the middle east has on us right now.


I'm still undecided by the way, just thought I'd point out what he said last night.

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I'm going to my bump sticker now... "don't blame me I voted for McCain!" LOL


Did you vote for Bush? Because you should have one that says "blame me, I voted for Bush!". The country is in the worst shape it's ever been in, after having record surpluses and very low unemployment when he took over. This administration has driven the country on the verge of an economic nightmare.

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Not even close, for all the talk about how bad the ecomony is, people are still buying big, wide screen flat pannel tvs, consumer spending is as high as ever. When people start giving up their many luxery items, then what they say about the economy being so hard on people might be more factual, till then it's nothing more than an inconvenience.


I don't care for the cost of oil myself, I think there's a lot of corruption behind it, but it hasn't run this country into the ground. The war in iraq has been won also despite what critics said for so long as well. We don't have it bad here at all.


Exactly what's so bad about this country that anyone thinks socialsm would be better?

Obama a socialist, and the words free and socialism "do not go together". Do you people not recognize what "social" programs do to society, what being dependant on government does to people and the places with this high dependancy? You people want more government in your lives?

I won't even get started at this time with how bad Obama would be for this "free" country, and national defense downright scary.

People are going to have to realize they are chossing between freedom and socialism in this election.

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my new best friend^^^^.


I couldnt have said it better myself.


Id just like to add the country was far worse in times in the 80's, it has been noted many times.

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WRONG. He specifically stated that he was going to invest in clean coal technology in his speech last night. Also he wants to invest a lot in natural gas, wind energy and safe nuclear power.


Investing in alternative fuels will only help create jobs and move us away from the stranglehold that the middle east has on us right now.


I'm still undecided by the way, just thought I'd point out what he said last night.


He might have said that, but actually you should know you that Obama has flip flopped on the coal issue numerous times. Basically, he comes from a coal state in illinois, and at first agreed with burning all coal. Then he got pressure from the enviromentalists and switched nd voted several times in 2006 against the coal industry. After getting hammered by the coal industry he just recently switched to the clean coal idea, although his plans are to put a "stringent cap on carbon will also make it uneconomic to site traditional coal facilities and discourage the use of existing inefficient coal facilities." Which means that whatever coal company doesnt have the money to readily switch to clean burning coal will lose out.


Finally, according to the Washington Post, Obama leaves the coal industry as well as the enviromentalists "wondering what side he is truly on."

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Not even close, for all the talk about how bad the ecomony is, people are still buying big, wide screen flat pannel tvs, consumer spending is as high as ever. When people start giving up their many luxery items, then what they say about the economy being so hard on people might be more factual, till then it's nothing more than an inconvenience.


I don't care for the cost of oil myself, I think there's a lot of corruption behind it, but it hasn't run this country into the ground. The war in iraq has been won also despite what critics said for so long as well. We don't have it bad here at all.


Exactly what's so bad about this country that anyone thinks socialsm would be better?

Obama a socialist, and the words free and socialism "do not go together". Do you people not recognize what "social" programs do to society, what being dependant on government does to people and the places with this high dependancy? You people want more government in your lives?

I won't even get started at this time with how bad Obama would be for this "free" country, and national defense downright scary.

People are going to have to realize they are chossing between freedom and socialism in this election.



I'd like to be friends with these people who are still buying up all of the big-screen tv's. Meanwhile, my health insurance has went up 14% this past year (An extra $112 a month), so I'm bring home less in my paycheck than before. I have to worry about being able to pay my mortgage and buy diapers and have enough gas to go to work. Some people say, well you're lucky to have a job, but I don't consider myself lucky to just have a job. This is America, I expect better. I feel like my wife and I both work our rear-ends off and we're no better off than somebody that sits at home on their arse collecting unemployment or "disability" benefits because they're a frickin drug addict. They get free health insurance and get more food stamps than I could ever imagine to be able to spend on groceries each month. Something needs to change in this country. People who stay married and work for a living feel like they are being penalized for doing the right thing...working and staying married. There are women in my town, that I know of that would rather collect "benefits" from the government, who have children, and live with their boyfriend (of course they don't tell the government that). Then get married, because they know if they get married, they won't get the freebies.


Bottom line is...if the question was asked to me...Somebody who has worked steadily for the past 20 years..."Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?" I would have to say a big fat "NO!!". I am worse off. I am paying 3 times as much for health insurance as I was 8 years ago... I am paying 3 times as much for gas, twice as much for food. and as a result, I have to worry if my lights will stay on this winter with children in the house. I don't have ANY extras. No cell-phone, no cable tv. We have cut back to the bare minimum. We are forced to sell our house and BOTH my wife and I have worked full time jobs for a living this entire time. Don't tell me that the economy isn't bad. The Volvo plant just 2 miles from my house just laid off nearly 600 people!! We're not talking temporary layoffs, we're talking PERMANENT layoffs. These folks now have to pick up and find a job, that doesn't exist in this county, most of them in their 40's and 50's. Now, you tell me how great things are.

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"I feel like my wife and I both work our rear-ends off and we're no better off than somebody that sits at home on their arse collecting unemployment or "disability" benefits because they're a frickin drug addict. They get free health insurance and get more food stamps than I could ever imagine to be able to spend on groceries each month. Something needs to change in this country."



For goodness sake you just defined everything that is wrong with socialism yourself, that's exactly what welfare is, a "social" program. Food stamps, "social" program, free health insurance for the lazy, social program, $ incentives for the unemployed to have more children and have government pay for them at the tax payers' (you the working man) expense...."social" program.


Government programs for everything,, welcome to obama's world of change....."social change..." freedom to socialim, think about it long and hard.


You wanna pay for more social programs for the durg addicts sitting at home to lazy to work, join hands and sing kumbaya with obama and company and celebrate equality because that's what you'll get.


That said, you have a job, you have a wife, you aren't starving, you have freedom, you have opportunity to move where jobs are, you have the right to bear arms and defend yourself and your loved ones, and you have the opportunity to vote and vote for either freedom or socialism, 1 benefits you, the working man, even if times are hard, the other benefits the lazy welfare collecting people with 14 children and a government check for each of them that you despise so much.

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"I feel like my wife and I both work our rear-ends off and we're no better off than somebody that sits at home on their arse collecting unemployment or "disability" benefits because they're a frickin drug addict. They get free health insurance and get more food stamps than I could ever imagine to be able to spend on groceries each month. Something needs to change in this country."



For goodness sake you just defined everything that is wrong with socialism yourself, that's exactly what welfare is, a "social" program. Food stamps, "social" program, free health insurance for the lazy, social program, $ incentives for the unemployed to have more children and have government pay for them at the tax payers' (you the working man) expense...."social" program.


Government programs for everything,, welcome to obama's world of change....."social change..." freedom to socialim, think about it long and hard.


You wanna pay for more social programs for the durg addicts sitting at home to lazy to work, join hands and sing kumbaya with obama and company and celebrate equality because that's what you'll get.


That said, you have a job, you have a wife, you aren't starving, you have freedom, you have opportunity to move where jobs are, you have the right to bear arms and defend yourself and your loved ones, and you have the opportunity to vote and vote for either freedom or socialism, 1 benefits you, the working man, even if times are hard, the other benefits the lazy welfare collecting people with 14 children and a government check for each of them that you despise so much.


Where have you been the past 8 years? The Government is MUCH bigger than it was 8 years ago. Obama has not said one thing about making government bigger, he wants to keep jobs in America, create new jobs for people here and not let the big corporations ship all the jobs overseas. You must truly believe all of the negative rhetoric spread by the republicans every 4 years, who try to scare you to death by saying the democrats want to tax you to death and turn this country into a socialist country. The agenda of Barack is not to make people dependent on government, it's to create jobs and opportunity. In the past 8 years, unemployment has grown by leaps and bounds. The median income has actually went DOWN. You can't argue Bush's 20% approval rating...the lowest in history. It is the republican administration that always drives people to the welfare lines by giving big corporations incentives to ship jobs overseas. Wake up and look at what's going on in the world today. Yes, I feel very lucky to be an American and very fortunate to have what I have, but this IS America. We need to get back to doing what America does!! and that is to be prosperous and create opportunities for americans.I have voted republican in the past and every time, I have been failed by the republican administration, they do NOT have MY best interests at heart, therefore I will vote Democratic come this election. The Republicans have no PLAN, they only are trying to scare people about the prospect of what might happen if a Democrat is in office. Well guess what, it's the Republican administration that has driven us to the brink of an economic crisis. At least the democrats have a PLAN to get us out of the mess we're in, McCain has offered nothing to sway my vote in his favor, except to try to scare me into not voting for Obama.

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Carter was a horrible President and owes his post Pres life to Clinton, who turned him in to some sort of international statesman? (wtf?) He's borderline insane at this point, notice they didn't bring him out at the DNC except for a few photo ops?


Lucky for him Bush will go down as the worst modern era President.



Nah, Carter still has that honor.

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Nah, Carter still has that honor.


You need to check the ratings...Bush is the lowest rated president ever...like...ever.


futbolking, obama is a socialist, liberals are socialist, they are not patriots of freedom, everything I wrote is accurate.


"Leading a horse to water", so it's not worth it to post more.



that's just silly.

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Guest JJBrickface

Bush has a low approval rating but so does Congress, a democrat lead congress. Why? Because they would rather spend their time and our money on passing a "symbolic" bill to impeach President Bush instead of working to improve health care, fuel prices, etc.


Buzzsaw, is it exactly right. Politicians like Obama and Hillary want a socialist government which would only bring about more programs like welfare. The working man needs LESS government hands in his pocket, but with a socialist government there will be more because of this "all is equal" outlook and taxes. When it comes to money, not all is equal. Like the Good Book states, if you don't work, you don't eat.

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I am a proud Union member, and our union has given their support to Osama. Not this member, I vote my morals, ethics, not who my union decides to back. Osama can give a great speech, but I think it stops there. He has a lack experience, and is just another politician in my opinion. Mccain to me is the obvious choice. I think Mccain's decision to select the Alaska governor as his running mate was one that was well thought out and one that will hopefully payoff in November. As a couple on here have put it, will help carry the female vote and also some of the independents that were undecided.


I am also not for free handouts, I think people should work for what they get and not have the working people give it to them because they make the choice to sit on the couch and smoke cigarettes, drink beer, and pop or snort lortabs all day.


I think with Osama in office, he will help fuel the fire with an already TERRIBLE welfare system that needs to be revamped.

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Where have you been the past 8 years? The Government is MUCH bigger than it was 8 years ago. Obama has not said one thing about making government bigger, he wants to keep jobs in America, create new jobs for people here and not let the big corporations ship all the jobs overseas. You must truly believe all of the negative rhetoric spread by the republicans every 4 years, who try to scare you to death by saying the democrats want to tax you to death and turn this country into a socialist country. The agenda of Barack is not to make people dependent on government, it's to create jobs and opportunity. In the past 8 years, unemployment has grown by leaps and bounds. The median income has actually went DOWN. You can't argue Bush's 20% approval rating...the lowest in history. It is the republican administration that always drives people to the welfare lines by giving big corporations incentives to ship jobs overseas. .


I agree the government is much bigger than it was 8 years ago, thats what happens when a Republican President acts like a Democrat President. Nonetheless, Barak wants to create new jobs here in America, he says over 5 million. He forgot to mention the fact that those jobs will come from the 8 or 10 million that lose their jobs in the coal and nuclear energy fields. Remember it was OBAMA that said he wanted to completely do away with our dependence on Coal and natural gas as well as reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern Oil. By the way what about the other 80% of the oil that we use BARAK? Only 20%+- comes from the Middle East.



In addition to the above statement about the President and his abysmal 20% approval rating, which is the worst yet, I will not deny that at all, as a matter of a fact, I don't like him either. It pales in comparison to the 14 % approval rating that congress currently has, which by the way is currently controlled by the GODLESS Democrats! Yes the price of gas has went up but THANK GOD, the number of abortions has went down, which is more important to you? The price of fuel or the life of an innocent child?


As far as giving big corporations incentive to go overseas, I think that it is appalling that our own govt. would give our tax dollars to a company to re-locate overseas. However, I understand that N.A.F.T.A. made all of this possible and who signed it into effect? The beloved BILL CLINTON! The facts are the facts and to deny them is simply absurd. NAFTA only opened our borders, to free market trading from Canada and Mexico. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor, therefore American companys could not compete with the cost of these products, which in turn forced American companies to find cheaper labor, BILL CLINTON AND THE DEMOCRATS AND THE FEW REPUBLICANS THAT SUPPORTED NAFTA ran these corporations out of AMERICA! If you were the CEO of a large corporation what would you do if you were losing money and could not compete with your competition? You would move and act fast or you would be looking for a job.


George Bush, his daddy and the Clintons as well as McCain and Obama are all GLOBALIST! Despite their different positions on social and fiscal issues they each have the same END GAME for America.............GLOBALIZATION!!!!!!!!!!!! We are polarized by this LEFT / RIGHT paradigm and are all the while being fooled into believing that we really have a voice!


To think that someone from Washington is gonna be allowed, by the powers that be to run for president and change this downward spiral is simply wishful thinking. Obama is not the answer nor is McCain the only answer for America is REFORM OR REVOLUTION! Whether it comes through non-violent protest or by force!


You can argue that it is the Republican party that DRIVES people to the welfare lines if you wish, but you cannot ignore the fact that it is the DEMOCRATIC party that encourages them to stay there! America has thrived on hard work and a free market economy, if a business earns millions it is because they are providing the people with a commodity that they want! Why should BILL GATES be forced to give me any of his $$$$$$$$?

Edited by bucfan64
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