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Battle Football Coach


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Rumors got out of control yesterday....Anything you heard started with kids at the school. Witten had a family emergency and had to leave right before practice on Thursday, and the kids and coaches werent told prior to him leaving. Let the rumors begin.


That is what I was told by people close to the program.

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Rumors got out of control yesterday....Anything you heard started with kids at the school. Witten had a family emergency and had to leave right before practice on Thursday, and the kids and coaches werent told prior to him leaving. Let the rumors begin.


That is what I was told by people close to the program.

What is the rumor?....Is he OK?
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the man is not in trouble.......The administration and football team had a meeting this morning. Just waiting on things to get cleared up now and for him to return. Anything you've heard is simply rumors that started small, and kids passed it around and it blew up by the time it leaked out of the school.


I really suggest that noone comment on here until actual facts are released. I'd hate to see anyone in court for defamation of character, or slander.

Edited by battleftbl
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the man is not in trouble.......The administration and football team had a meeting this morning. Just waiting on things to get cleared up now and for him to return. Anything you've heard is simply rumors that started small, and kids passed it around and it blew up by the time it leaked out of the school.


I really suggest that noone comment on here until actual facts are released. I'd hate to see anyone in court for defamation of character, or slander.


You can not be charged with defamation of character, or slander in Va by those comments. When this is all over you can post your apology for everyone to see. There was wrong doing and it is a fact!!!!!! They are not rumors!!!!!!! Where there is smoke, there is fire and there is a lot of smoke. I am sure that some of the details are off and somethings have been added but he will not be back as the Battle coach. Sorry I wish it wasn't true but you can't do those things and keep your job.

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Im guessing that you're from Bristol??? Maybe you should stick to your day job, and quit believing what your kid is running home from school and telling you.... I'll not be apologizing to anyone. I'm not defending him, only advising people that there are NO FACTS in this case that have been made public knowledge yet. By coming on here and posting without facts, you're spreading rumors that even if proven innocent, can ruin a man's life and career. What you're saying right now isnt slander or defamation of character, but you're walking a very fine line my friend. I've became good friends with Ryan, and I'll stand behind him 100%. If Im wrong, then I'm wrong. I hope, and doubt thats the case though. But how about we let this be determined by people much more qualified than either of us, and not crucify someone on a message board all because of rumors that kids have made larger and larger as each day passes.


BTW...You've posted 2 posts....both have been on this topic.....You've either A) Bought into the rumors, B) The over jealous person that got this entire thing started, or C) From a neighboring school and just trying to stir the pot. Or I guess there could be D) You work for the Washington County Sheriff's dept and are investigating the case...since you seem to think you know what really happened. Stick to your day job, friend

Edited by battleftbl
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Im guessing that you're from Bristol??? Maybe you should stick to your day job, and quit believing what your kid is running home from school and telling you.... I'll not be apologizing to anyone. I'm not defending him, only advising people that there are NO FACTS in this case that have been made public knowledge yet. By coming on here and posting without facts, you're spreading rumors that even if proven innocent, can ruin a man's life and career. What you're saying right now isnt slander or defamation of character, but you're walking a very fine line my friend. I've became good friends with Ryan, and I'll stand behind him 100%. If Im wrong, then I'm wrong. I hope, and doubt thats the case though. But how about we let this be determined by people much more qualified than either of us, and not crucify someone on a message board all because of rumors that kids have made larger and larger as each day passes.


BTW...You've posted 2 posts....both have been on this topic.....You've either A) Bought into the rumors, B) The over jealous person that got this entire thing started, or C) From a neighboring school and just trying to stir the pot. Or I guess there could be D) You work for the Washington County Sheriff's dept and are investigating the case...since you seem to think you know what really happened. Stick to your day job, friend


I won't argue with you I know all the facts from the case and the family. Your right the facts will come out and the facts are going to shock the county and make national headlines. The pot is full no need to stir. Again, from the horses mouth he will not be back as coach at Battle.

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I won't argue with you I know all the facts from the case and the family. Your right the facts will come out and the facts are going to shock the county and make national headlines. The pot is full no need to stir. Again, from the horses mouth he will not be back as coach at Battle.



lol, Hawkins, Poole, Perrigan........or have you talked to Witten?

As of right now, the first three names I mentioned have no clue as to whats going on. They dont even have facts. They're all expecting him to return, and told the football team that yesterday morning. Right now the only people that know whats going on is the people working on the case, and ryan witten. As I've said, I stand behind him and will continue to do so until I see solid physical proof, and not some rumors started by kids.


This should be a dead topic until actual facts are released to the public.

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Guest redneckman

Put a fork in him he is done. Just goes to show you that washington county schools cant seem to keep coaches. School board might want to look at hiring principals that can evaluate there staff.

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This has nothing to do with me but it is WRONG to attack a mans character unless you know for sure(i.e. saw it yourself or formal charges have been brought), if you dont then dont mention it. It has nothing to do with the rule of law, its common descency. When a man is accused of what some on here are accusing him of it sticks with him for life, guilty or not. I dont know the guy from Adam and probably will never meet him but lets try to hold off on the accusations.


And if he did do something wrong OK, but wait until its made public

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This has nothing to do with me but it is WRONG to attack a mans character unless you know for sure(i.e. saw it yourself or formal charges have been brought), if you dont then dont mention it. It has nothing to do with the rule of law, its common descency. When a man is accused of what some on here are accusing him of it sticks with him for life, guilty or not. I dont know the guy from Adam and probably will never meet him but lets try to hold off on the accusations.


And if he did do something wrong OK, but wait until its made public


Exactly......Couldnt be said any better than that. I've sent messages to the mod's and asked that this thread be removed until actual facts are known and made public.

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Look not trying to make anyone mad I know facts from the horses mouth. I have said nothing wrong. Ok fine have it your way but he won't be back.


You know nothing, but keep pretending if it makes you feel any better.

I'm sitting inside the H.S right now.....Which horse should I go ask? Considering I've already talked to em all this morning, I suggest that you let this topic die down.

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Guys I have no horse in this battle, but it seems to me to be in bad taste to be talking about this until it is made public with charges. Until then it is rumors, even if proven true in the future, until that point it is hearsay and some pretty serious hearsay that can ruin a mans life.

Maybe we should use a little common sense until more Facts come out in public.

Just my opinion !

Edited by Bigrhsfan
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Guys I have horse in this battle, but it seems to me to be in bad taste to be talking about this until it is made public with charges. Until then it is rumors, even if proven true in the future, until that point it is hearsay and some pretty serious hearsay that can ruin a mans life.

Maybe we should use a little common sense until more Facts come out in public.

Just my opinion !


Exactly. Hopefully this thread will be removed shortly.

No one on here, me included, has a horse in this race. This is not the time or place to discuss it either. The Ryan Witten that I know is a great man who cares about his players, friends, and family. He hasnt been charged, let alone proven guilty of anything. He surely doesnt deserve to have his name ruined on a message board.

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Exactly. Hopefully this thread will be removed shortly.

No one on here, me included, has a horse in this race. This is not the time or place to discuss it either. The Ryan Witten that I know is a great man who cares about his players, friends, and family. He hasnt been charged, let alone proven guilty of anything. He surely doesnt deserve to have his name ruined on a message board.


This is what you morons live for on here isn't it? (hearsay) You guys all post on here your idiot opinions and now that it hits home you have an attack of morality. In this country your guilty until proven innocent.

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This is what you morons live for on here isn't it? (hearsay) You guys all post on here your idiot opinions and now that it hits home you have an attack of morality. In this country your guilty until proven innocent.


Why do you label everyone as the same. Not all on this board are morons, maybe half,lol

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