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Coach Witten resigns...


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It's official, Coach Witten has resigned today. I wish him luck wherever he goes and in whatever he does. Hopefully now the school board and principal can get the ball rolling on hiring a new head coach and HOPEFULLY it will be someone who is just as enthusiastic and hard working as Witten is and not just someone they can control. The team needs someone to keep on building the program and get it moving in the right direction, not someone who will only go through the motions. I've been hearing that a lot of kids can't make it to workouts because the weight room is only open at one time of the day and no one will open it at any other time (don't know if that's the real reason or if they just can't open it at other times). If they don't make a decision fast, this program will suffer even more than it already has. Coach Witten brought in so much hope and pride into the program, even despite our W/L record. I would very much hate for all of that to go away because the program was stuck in neutral over the summer or because they hire someone who isn't willing to give the program as much as Witten has.

Edited by ThomasDenton
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Do you think he would go somewhere locally or look to go abroad to put this behind him? So many openings around the area that I know of... PH, NW, Marion.. several schools that could use him. I just think, unfortunately, his reputation around here has been tarnished. I'd like to see him stick around and redeem himself..

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Thomas, not sure what you've heard but our weight room is open Monday-Tuesday-Thursday right now with an optional conditioning day on Wednesday. No school has multiple workout times during the school year it's kind of hard. You either make it to lifting or you're left behind. When summer gets here we'll have mutiple lifting times for the kids who have jobs. The kids who want to play football at JSB are in the weightroom working hard...the kid's who dont want to invest will be left behind. So far our weightroom attendence hasnt suffered and that is a credit to the kids here. I said I wouldnt post on here again, and this will be my last. This is me giving credit to the kids here. We havent lost ground in the offseason. It was a very emotional day up here today and everyone has been through alot....but through pain and tears we'll still have 40 kids working out today. We'll get through this as a family. These kids have great character and know that their progress isnt because of any 1 coach...it's a result of them buying into a program and dedicating theirselves in the offseason the past few years. Because of that dedication, I know that we'll keep building. This isnt a dead end....only a bump in the road. Now isnt the time for student body, faculty, and community to jump ship...now's the time to come together more so than ever before. Let's work together to keep this thing going in the right direction.


I'll also say this with complete confidence...You've not heard the last of Ryan Witten. He'll bounce back and make someone a great football coach.

Edited by battleftbl
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Do you think he would go somewhere locally or look to go abroad to put this behind him? So many openings around the area that I know of... PH, NW, Marion.. several schools that could use him. I just think, unfortunately, his reputation around here has been tarnished. I'd like to see him stick around and redeem himself..


Did I miss something? When did the NW job become open?

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It's official, Coach Witten has resigned today. I wish him luck wherever he goes and in whatever he does. Hopefully now the school board and principal can get the ball rolling on hiring a new head coach and HOPEFULLY it will be someone who is just as enthusiastic and hard working as Witten is and not just someone they can control. The team needs someone to keep on building the program and get it moving in the right direction, not someone who will only go through the motions. I know that right now a lot of kids can't make it to workouts because the weight room is only open at one time of the day and none of the other coaches or anyone else is willing to open it any other time. If they don't make a decision fast, this program will suffer even more than it already has. Coach Witten brought in so much hope and pride into the program, even despite our W/L record. I would very much hate for all of that to go away because the program was stuck in neutral over the summer or because they hire someone who isn't willing to give the program as much as Witten has.


it might be a long shot, but you could talk to coach colobro, GC's old coach, he is looking at going to DB to be an assistant coach. But you could try, I wish for John Battle and all of their fans the best in the future

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it might be a long shot, but you could talk to coach colobro, GC's old coach, he is looking at going to DB to be an assistant coach. But you could try, I wish for John Battle and all of their fans the best in the future


I've been hearing a rumor that Colobro was interested in the job at Battle, but whether he is or not, I think he'll just go to DB. I don't know if I'd want him or not. Some people on the CMD forum have said that he's good with a steady program, but no good with building downed programs.

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Do you think he would go somewhere locally or look to go abroad to put this behind him? So many openings around the area that I know of... PH, NW, Marion.. several schools that could use him. I just think, unfortunately, his reputation around here has been tarnished. I'd like to see him stick around and redeem himself..


I don't know where he'll go. Personally, I think he'll go somewhere not in this area (VA I mean) but go somewhere maybe in TN instead. I just hate that his reputation is tarnished now. He really is a good coach.

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Do you think he would go somewhere locally or look to go abroad to put this behind him? So many openings around the area that I know of... PH, NW, Marion.. several schools that could use him. I just think, unfortunately, his reputation around here has been tarnished. I'd like to see him stick around and redeem himself..
I am hearing the Hurley and Grundy job may be open too. I heard Tester and Rowe is hanging it up. Hearing this form a good source in Buch CO.
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Lets hope Rowe and Tester don't hang it up.....


Why would anyone go to Washington County to take a job, unless they were running for political office.


PH, Battle, Abingdon, VA High unrealistic expectations, and nothing you ever do is going to satisfy the critics. If you don't play the Dr, Lawyer, Indian Chiefs sons, they have a golf partner at the Country Club who is a friend of a friend on the school board. It's a coaching grave yard over there just tarnishing people's reputations and records man.....


Smart $ would be one of those schools with athletes get Matlock from Holston.

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Hmmmm, hope this doesn`t mean he got the job at Marion.


I'm not so sure he is done at NW. I have talked to a couple of the parents that I was in the booster club with last year and they have heard nothing. Lord, stories of Billy resigning have been flying around for 2 years and it never happens. I do know that he wanted the AD job at NW but they gave it to the AP and that was a sore subject with him.

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I'm not so sure he is done at NW. I have talked to a couple of the parents that I was in the booster club with last year and they have heard nothing. Lord, stories of Billy resigning have been flying around for 2 years and it never happens. I do know that he wanted the AD job at NW but they gave it to the AP and that was a sore subject with him.


God Bless the good Billy Wyatt but Poston is a great fit as their AD.

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God Bless the good Billy Wyatt but Poston is a great fit as their AD.


Well I was just informed by a reliable source that Billy did in fact resign on Monday. I hate it for Billy he's a great guy he just had the wrong cast of support staff around him. He sure as heck knows how to run an offense and is so good to the boys that play. But I think his downfall was the parents and he tried to please all of them and you know that you can't do that. I wish him nothing but the best.

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I've been hearing a rumor that Colobro was interested in the job at Battle, but whether he is or not, I think he'll just go to DB. I don't know if I'd want him or not. Some people on the CMD forum have said that he's good with a steady program, but no good with building downed programs.


This is true, we were kinda down when he came in with us a long time ago, but he didn't do anything at Sullivan East in his 1 year there.

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Lets hope Rowe and Tester don't hang it up.....


Why would anyone go to Washington County to take a job, unless they were running for political office.


Teachers salaries in WC are near the highest in the region, not to mention the possibilities if a coach were to get either Abingdon meating their potential(they did this past season) or PH turned around. Big enrollments to draw from and WC is a nice place to live.

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