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Why Romney?


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Why is Romney the best the Republicans can produce for this election? Why? DO they not have anyone else who can run?


Polls show Obama is in the lead almost everywhere...that's kinda odd considering all you ever hear is negative stuff about the guy.


All I know is that Democrats and Republicans have both ruined our country...and it doesn't look like its going to get any better any time soon...and thats a shame.


I hope Romney wins because at this point, that's the only hope I think we have...its obvious Obama isn't going to get anything productive done in the next 4 years except fighting with the Republicans about his birth certificate and stuff like that...it's all i've heard the first 4 years, the next 4 will be no different...it's impossible for those 2 groups to work together on anything.


I'm just sick of what this country has become...the leadership is absolutely pathetic and has sold out everything we own to big business and given the rest away to any place other than the USA that would put a hand out to take it...again, Republicans and Democrats are both to blame...until you get rid of both of those political cancers you will continue to see our country and its citizens suffer.

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Don't believe polls...they can be fixed to where you survey a certain sector of people and not get a true reading...




I read somewhere the other day that a lot of these polls consider an extremely large amount of the 18-25 year old population as liberal and include them in their numbers as so, but when it comes to Election Day much of this age group stays home and doesn't cast a vote.


Many studies have shown that this demographic was the key to Obama's landslide victory in '08 because they came out in droves. We'll see if history repeats itself in a few short months.

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This has become a cataclysmic growing trend..........voting for the lesser of two evils.


Thats been the case since 2000, not that Clinton was the greatest president ever but he was voted for because people liked/believed in him, not because he wasnt the other guy.


America wasnt intended to be a 2 party political system, because this is what you get. Washington actually spoke at length against political parties. The founders had that one right for sure. Oh God im starting to sound like bucfan64! ;)

Edited by redtiger
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Why is Romney the best the Republicans can produce for this election? Why? DO they not have anyone else who can run?


Polls show Obama is in the lead almost everywhere...that's kinda odd considering all you ever hear is negative stuff about the guy.


All I know is that Democrats and Republicans have both ruined our country...and it doesn't look like its going to get any better any time soon...and thats a shame.


I hope Romney wins because at this point, that's the only hope I think we have...its obvious Obama isn't going to get anything productive done in the next 4 years except fighting with the Republicans about his birth certificate and stuff like that...it's all i've heard the first 4 years, the next 4 will be no different...it's impossible for those 2 groups to work together on anything.


I'm just sick of what this country has become...the leadership is absolutely pathetic and has sold out everything we own to big business and given the rest away to any place other than the USA that would put a hand out to take it...again, Republicans and Democrats are both to blame...until you get rid of both of those political cancers you will continue to see our country and its citizens suffer.


only true poll to believe is the one at the end of the day on nov 7th election day.

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Why is Romney the best the Republicans can produce for this election? Why? DO they not have anyone else who can run?


Polls show Obama is in the lead almost everywhere...that's kinda odd considering all you ever hear is negative stuff about the guy.


All I know is that Democrats and Republicans have both ruined our country...and it doesn't look like its going to get any better any time soon...and thats a shame.


I hope Romney wins because at this point, that's the only hope I think we have...its obvious Obama isn't going to get anything productive done in the next 4 years except fighting with the Republicans about his birth certificate and stuff like that...it's all i've heard the first 4 years, the next 4 will be no different...it's impossible for those 2 groups to work together on anything.


I'm just sick of what this country has become...the leadership is absolutely pathetic and has sold out everything we own to big business and given the rest away to any place other than the USA that would put a hand out to take it...again, Republicans and Democrats are both to blame...until you get rid of both of those political cancers you will continue to see our country and its citizens suffer.


Gallop poll had Carter leading Ronald Reagon in late October by 7 points .. yet Reagan won handily.. I choose Romney over Pres .Obama... Too bad Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is not on the ballot!

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According to Karl Rove


CNN POll - showed Obama in the lead, this poll questioned 13% more Democrats than Repub


ABC Poll - Shows Obama in the lead, this poll questioned 11% more Democrats than Repub.


NBC POll - Shows Obama in the lead, this poll questioned 14% more Democrats than Repub.


Rasmussen Shows Romney 47, Obama 46, according to Rasmussen they polled an equal number of Dems, Repubs and Independents.


Not sure which Polls are best, nothing beats the Election Poll in Nov, but it is rather obvious that the first three conveniently select who they poll in order to construe the information in favor of a particular candidate. By doing so, they then can sen out a message that they hope will discourage supporters of Romney from going to the Poll, by making their vote seem like a LOST CAUSE.


Media Bias........I think YES!



Lance is spot on with his analysis. We have no real choice in America.


In my opinion we have a ONE PARTY system, with TWO FACTIONS.


This false LEFT/RIGHT paradigm keeps Americans divided and while we argue with one another the elitist crooks play divide and conquer.

Edited by bucfan64
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Although Rove thinks the race is closer than most polls indicate, he still sees things like this.


"George W. Bush’s top political advisor, Karl Rove has been issuing an analysis of the 2012 electoral map since April – consistently showing President Obama as the favorite to win.


In his latest analysis he shows Pres. Obama with 257 of the necessary 270 electoral votes and Mitt Romney with only 182 electoral votes and 99 votes up for grabs. That means for Romney to be able to win, he would need to capture nearly 88% of the remaining votes up for grabs to Obama’s need of only 13 votes."



Although I personally would like to see Obama lose, I don't expect it to happen. There must be a major turning point in the next few weeks to change things.

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Why is Romney the best the Republicans can produce for this election? Why? DO they not have anyone else who can run?


Polls show Obama is in the lead almost everywhere...that's kinda odd considering all you ever hear is negative stuff about the guy.


All I know is that Democrats and Republicans have both ruined our country...and it doesn't look like its going to get any better any time soon...and thats a shame.


I hope Romney wins because at this point, that's the only hope I think we have...its obvious Obama isn't going to get anything productive done in the next 4 years except fighting with the Republicans about his birth certificate and stuff like that...it's all i've heard the first 4 years, the next 4 will be no different...it's impossible for those 2 groups to work together on anything.


I'm just sick of what this country has become...the leadership is absolutely pathetic and has sold out everything we own to big business and given the rest away to any place other than the USA that would put a hand out to take it...again, Republicans and Democrats are both to blame...until you get rid of both of those political cancers you will continue to see our country and its citizens suffer.


Two things, Lance.


Those "polls" do not take samples of "likely voters". Just "registered voters", or in some instances, a snapshot of the electorate at large. I know it's hard to believe, but those polls are skewed left about 5-7%. If you want a poll that uses a semblance of statistical accuracy, use Rasmussen. It is by and large the most accurate out there. Not surprisingly, it shows Romney up on Obama by a constant 2-5%. A little aside, it was the only one to predict Griffith over Boucher in 2010, as an example. Not even Larry Sabato did that.


Obama is far too progressive and far too willing to break constitutional muster to achieve his objectives. It's a referendum election, though I happen to see eye-to-eye with a great deal of Romney's views.

Edited by UVAObserver
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It also helps that the media is rarely critical of the President Obama.


Also this. If Obama was a Republican, the media would have a Thanksgiving feast of the scandals and gaffes. Like how the media glossed over "Fast and Furious". Like how the media isn't taking the executive to task for the failed security in Libya. Like how the secretary of the treasury is fighting FOIA requests based upon improper dealings of the stimulus monies. Bet most of you hadn't even heard of that last one.

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Although Rove thinks the race is closer than most polls indicate, he still sees things like this.


"George W. Bush’s top political advisor, Karl Rove has been issuing an analysis of the 2012 electoral map since April – consistently showing President Obama as the favorite to win.


In his latest analysis he shows Pres. Obama with 257 of the necessary 270 electoral votes and Mitt Romney with only 182 electoral votes and 99 votes up for grabs. That means for Romney to be able to win, he would need to capture nearly 88% of the remaining votes up for grabs to Obama’s need of only 13 votes."



Although I personally would like to see Obama lose, I don't expect it to happen. There must be a major turning point in the next few weeks to change things.

It can happen !

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My two cents....


Like a lot of other voters, I suppose, I'm not terribly excited about the prospect of voting for Mitt Romney. On the "warm and fuzzy" scale, the guy just doesn't register.


However, for me personally, that doesn't matter. We're electing a President of the United States, not a prom king.


Ultimately, I find his corporate background and experience in resolving some pretty complicated organizational issues very impressive. While I don't think he'll be a particularly inspiring leader, I do think he'll be a very competent executive. And my personal opinion is that the latter is much more important.


If he had a more engaging personality (or any discernible personality at all), I think he'd be blowing the doors off of Obama in the polls. But given the other realities of this election (described eloquently by other posters), this has been shaping up to be a very close referendum on the future political direction of this country regardless of whom the GOP would've nominated.

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only true poll to believe is the one at the end of the day on nov 7th election day.













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Not only did Hitler win it once, but Stalin, who killed nearly 5 times the number Hitler did, won it TWICE.


Reminds me of Kissinger and Le Duc Tho winning Nobel Peace Prizes.


This. And even on a lesser but terrible note, Al Gore winning a NPP.

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