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Folks pass this on to your contacts, please.

I know some of you have already seen the movie but you may want to forward this information on to those you who have not seen "2016". This is not made "up-stuff" a documentary has documents to back up everything they say.








This Coming Sunday --

Set Your DVR for the Fox News channel at 9:00 PM Eastern. Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.

Sounds like this could be history in the making someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News. It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. This Sunday, Fox News is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9P.M. Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, i.e., how he was participating with this man and not for the reasons he stated.

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET.

Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you





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Guest king kone
Folks pass this on to your contacts, please.

I know some of you have already seen the movie but you may want to forward this information on to those you who have not seen "2016". This is not made "up-stuff" a documentary has documents to back up everything they say.








This Coming Sunday --

Set Your DVR for the Fox News channel at 9:00 PM Eastern. Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.

Sounds like this could be history in the making someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News. It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. This Sunday, Fox News is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9P.M. Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, i.e., how he was participating with this man and not for the reasons he stated.

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET.

Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you





Not here....Please....not here.....
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From what I read....Fox New will not be airing this..its a rumor...


No, Fox News Will Not Air 2016: Obama’s America Documentary

by Andrew Kirell | 10:15 am, September 28th, 2012


After racking up enough ticket sales to make it the second-highest grossing political documentary in U.S. box-office history, 2016: Obama’s America experienced a steep decline in ticket sales, dropping 53-percent in the most recent weekend compared with the previous one.


Aside from the normal rise-and-fall of box office figures over time, the filmmakers lay at least partial blame on what they see as a possible coordinated effort to decrease the movie’s box-office intake by spreading disinformation about its availability for free on YouTube and on the Fox News Channel.


The YouTube edition of the movie was a pirated one (and has been taken down); and the reports that the documentary would air on Fox News… are patently false.


That particular rumor seems to have originated with a post on a conservative women’s website called SmartGirlPolitics.com, who have since removed the post and apologized for the erroneous claims.


“Last night we were made aware that someone posted an erroneous blog post on our user blogs regarding the movie 2016 being shown on Fox News,” the website’s president wrote, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “It was immediately taken down, but unfortunately, a handful of people had already responded to it through Twitter. This was not, in any way, something posted by Smart Girl Politics or any member of our team.”


THR also points out that mass e-mails went out this weekend, claiming that the cable channel was going to air the documentary in its entirety:


“Fox News is going to air the documentary Obama 2016. To all Americans, Democrat, Independents, right or left, heads up for this Sunday night,” one email reads.

“Important. Looks that Fox News is going to air the documentary Obama 2016. Heads up for this Sunday night 9:00 p.m.,” reads another.

We reached out to Fox News and they confirmed that they have no plans to air the movie on the cable channel.


There is no clear evidence whether the false Fox rumors and the pirated YouTube version were the result of overzealous fans or, as the filmmakers believe, an intentionally misleading campaign to halt the movie’s success.


But the film’s director Dinesh D’Souza maintains it was, indeed, a misinformation campaign. He told the THR: “The reports of the movie appearing on Fox before the election are completely untrue, and we strongly suspect that they are the result of dirty tricks by our opponents who spread this rumor in order to confuse the general public and keep them from going to their local theaters.”


– –

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Folks pass this on to your contacts, please.

I know some of you have already seen the movie but you may want to forward this information on to those you who have not seen "2016". This is not made "up-stuff" a documentary has documents to back up everything they say.








This Coming Sunday --

Set Your DVR for the Fox News channel at 9:00 PM Eastern. Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.

Sounds like this could be history in the making someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News. It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. This Sunday, Fox News is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9P.M. Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, i.e., how he was participating with this man and not for the reasons he stated.

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET.

Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you






They're actually playing this in movie theaters right now (at least in the Bristol Tinseltown and Abingdon Cinemall). I didn't know if it was a pro-Obama movie or anti-Obama movie.

If this is the original post, I'd assume it's some ridiculous right wing propaganda. Stay away from it.

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They're actually playing this in movie theaters right now (at least in the Bristol Tinseltown and Abingdon Cinemall). I didn't know if it was a pro-Obama movie or anti-Obama movie.


It's anti... You would think FauxNews would air it because it's typical scare tactic fodder just like you'd see on there...written by an ultra conservative author


Current GOP outlets amuse me...the Governor touts a power plant that burns little to no Virginia mined coal, they try to blame Obama for the lack of coal jobs while ignoring the fact the regulations on the industry are due to Nixon and Bush I's Clean Air Acts, have no clue that Bush II's Clear Skies Act set up Haliburton to defeat Coal with little regulation on natural gas, and have their front runner show up on Univision with his face covered in self tanner to look more Latino......and have elected officials that think a woman's body has a self defense mechanism that prevents pregnancy if she's unfortunate enough to be raped... Gimme a break. No wonder these guys aren't electable anymore.

Edited by sup_rbeast
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It's anti... You would think FauxNews would air it because it's typical scare tactic fodder just like you'd see on there...written by an ultra conservative author


Current GOP outlets amuse me...the Governor touts a power plant that burns little to no Virginia mined coal, they try to blame Obama for the lack of coal jobs while ignoring the fact the regulations on the industry are due to Nixon and Bush I's Clean Air Acts, have no clue that Bush II's Clear Skies Act set up Haliburton to defeat Coal with little regulation on natural gas, and have their front runner show up on Univision with his face covered in self tanner to look more Laino......and have elected officials that think a woman's body has a self defense mechanism that prevents pregnancy if she's unfortunate enough to be raped... Gimme a break. No wonder these guys aren't electable anymore.


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The movie, from what I understand, tells us what we already know about Obama.


that he believes the US should step back from its place as a major world player, quit trying to police the world and keep our nose in our own business. That the US should give more help to those nations the US has taken advantage of in the past. And that Obama doesent view the US in the "ultra patriotic we can do no wrong because by God were America and we can do no wrong" way that we all apparently view(or should view) the US. And finally that he hates the country that the US has become. Also to show us who Obama really is amd where he got his radical unamerican views.


I dont think any of that is new information. Basically its a movie for people who are anti Obama to go see and afterwards say "see, I told you so". Nothing new, nothing groundbreaking. Some people view that as weakening the US, given our current world popularity and our current economic issues I would say its more of a realistic approach.


Basically the movie says that Obama wants to tear down the current US and build it anew.(alot of groups both right and left have this notion)


There you go folks, a movie review by redtiger(even though I have never watched the movie and will never because I consider it a waste of time). I would encourage everyone to do a little research, learn something for themselves and dont just accept another persons take on "the truth". Much like Michael Moore, this guy is not to be completly believed

Edited by redtiger
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Once upon a time, a lone little red salmon swam upstream against all the debris flow swirling about, struggling to survive in the torrents of "misdirection" cascading so fervently around .


Watch out for the little red salmon...it's really not good for you...there's more of us and we solely distribute the truth of wellbeing for ALL. Beware of the red salmon...nothing good can possibly come from only one source. Again,we, being collectively more united, have the source of wellbeing for you... just believe and everything will eventually heal and be okay.


However, this lonely salmon keeps steadily "plugging up the river"...fighting the upstream struggle against the mighty forces that seek to negate the benefits of a more independent political environment that is proven to be a healthier, socially responsible, sensible, accountable lifestyle for all.


Long live the little red salmon ....:D

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Folks pass this on to your contacts, please.

I know some of you have already seen the movie but you may want to forward this information on to those you who have not seen "2016". This is not made "up-stuff" a documentary has documents to back up everything they say.








This Coming Sunday --

Set Your DVR for the Fox News channel at 9:00 PM Eastern. Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX.

Sounds like this could be history in the making someone may go down - either Obama or Fox News. It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy. But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past. This Sunday, Fox News is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night at 9P.M. Eastern.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors, friends, spiritual advisers, etc. It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for 20+ years, i.e., how he was participating with this man and not for the reasons he stated.

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know: Sunday night, 8 PM CT; 9 PM ET.

Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to Totalitarian Socialism. If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you






Please stop posting your chain emails here.

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I find it astonishing that so many people refuse to acknowledge the unbiased facts about this President. They use common progressive rhetoric and simply dismiss everything as "FauxNews," "Right Wing Propaganda," "Hatemongering," or "racism," even when the evidence is irrefutable.


Why is it that we can't just take the President at his word when he says that he "will bankrupt them," when referencing Coal Fired Power Plants, why can't we just take him at his word when he says that "energy prices will necessarily sky rocket?" Why is there no room for truth? Why can't we just take the guys word for it?


This rank and file B.S. of re-directing the argument toward Bush or whoever does not change the fact that this president has publicly stated his desire to "fundamentally transform the United States of America." It does not change the fact that he commonly, practically in every speech lately, references wealth re-distribution, which is reasonably understood as code language for Socialism. Furthermore, if Bush and Republicans are responsible for all of these measures concerning environmental regulation, how does blaming them justify the actions of this president? Since when did two wrongs make a right?


I personally will not go watch the film, I too think that it is probably influenced by partisan politics. However this notion that only Fox News is biased or that obvious information about this president cannot possibly be true, because of the source of it's reporting, this is naive, childish and foolish!


How naive does one have to be to actually think that ALL of this information is untrue? The fact is a large portion of the information provided in several videos and documentaries are in his own words or in the words of his appointees. Why can't we just take their word for it?


I have never accused President Obama of being secretive about his ideology, in fact he openly expresses his views about his position on wealth and redistribution, he is forward enough to say it, why can't others believe it? After all, they believe in everything that the man says and does, but when he uses socialist rhetoric they pretend that it is not what it is? Why? I contend that they too are somewhat upset with themselves or at least ashamed to admit that they like what the guys has to say, they like his policies, they support wealth re-distribution, they are just a bit taken back when they realize that they too might be socialist at heart. Why? Because they know that it is not socially acceptable in America to be called a Socialist. By the looks of things, maybe it is o.k., after all it seems to be what most Americans want. Why be ashamed of it?


Before someone responds and accuses me of being a Romney lover, or a Fox News minion, sorry, hate to burst your bubble, I'm not! I do not support Romney and I see the bias of Fox News as well, but at least I am not so blind to actually think that the puppets at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and HLN are straight laced, objective reporters.


There is nothing wrong with principled ideology, and this film is attempting to show the source of President Obamas ideology, he is strong in it, and he is principled in what he believes. Is it wrong for the people who will vote in November if they have a greater understanding of where the man is coming from and where he hopes to take America? I don't think so...........

Edited by bucfan64
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Is it wrong for the people who will vote in November if they have a greater understanding of where the man is coming from and where he hopes to take America? I don't think so...........


Nothing wrong with being knowledgeable about our candidates, in fact voters not being knowledgeable imo is what got Obama elected in the 1st place. I know alot of people who voted for him that half way through his term said "I didnt know he was going to do these things". They just heard the hope and change, and fell in line.


But getting information for who you are going to vote for or against from a movie made to, in large part, make $$$ is ignorant, same as watching Fahrenheit 9/11 and deciding that Republicans are evil and you should vote against them no matter who it is(what happened in the last election).

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I find it astonishing that so many people refuse to acknowledge the unbiased facts about this President. They use common progressive rhetoric and simply dismiss everything as "FauxNews," "Right Wing Propaganda," "Hatemongering," or "racism," even when the evidence is irrefutable.


Why is it that we can't just take the President at his word when he says that he "will bankrupt them," when referencing Coal Fired Power Plants, why can't we just take him at his word when he says that "energy prices will necessarily sky rocket?" Why is there no room for truth? Why can't we just take the guys word for it?


This rank and file B.S. of re-directing the argument toward Bush or whoever does not change the fact that this president has publicly stated his desire to "fundamentally transform the United States of America." It does not change the fact that he commonly, practically in every speech lately, references wealth re-distribution, which is reasonably understood as code language for Socialism. Furthermore, if Bush and Republicans are responsible for all of these measures concerning environmental regulation, how does blaming them justify the actions of this president? Since when did two wrongs make a right?


I personally will not go watch the film, I too think that it is probably influenced by partisan politics. However this notion that only Fox News is biased or that obvious information about this president cannot possibly be true, because of the source of it's reporting, this is naive, childish and foolish!


How naive does one have to be to actually think that ALL of this information is untrue? The fact is a large portion of the information provided in several videos and documentaries are in his own words or in the words of his appointees. Why can't we just take their word for it?


I have never accused President Obama of being secretive about his ideology, in fact he openly expresses his views about his position on wealth and redistribution, he is forward enough to say it, why can't others believe it? After all, they believe in everything that the man says and does, but when he uses socialist rhetoric they pretend that it is not what it is? Why? I contend that they too are somewhat upset with themselves or at least ashamed to admit that they like what the guys has to say, they like his policies, they support wealth re-distribution, they are just a bit taken back when they realize that they too might be socialist at heart. Why? Because they know that it is not socially acceptable in America to be called a Socialist. By the looks of things, maybe it is o.k., after all it seems to be what most Americans want. Why be ashamed of it?


Before someone responds and accuses me of being a Romney lover, or a Fox News minion, sorry, hate to burst your bubble, I'm not! I do not support Romney and I see the bias of Fox News as well, but at least I am not so blind to actually think that the puppets at MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and HLN are straight laced, objective reporters.


There is nothing wrong with principled ideology, and this film is attempting to show the source of President Obamas ideology, he is strong in it, and he is principled in what he believes. Is it wrong for the people who will vote in November if they have a greater understanding of where the man is coming from and where he hopes to take America? I don't think so...........


I think most of the people that have a bad opinion of this haven't been in the real world long enough to earn a comment either way. Those who thinks this is all hog wash if he's elected again will awake soon to a day of recconing caused by this ass wipe we have leading this Nation.

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I find it astonishing that so many people refuse to acknowledge the unbiased facts about this President. They use common progressive rhetoric and simply dismiss everything as "FauxNews," "Right Wing Propaganda," "Hatemongering," or "racism," even when the evidence is irrefutable.


Why is it that we can't just take the President at his word when he says that he "will bankrupt them," when referencing Coal Fired Power Plants, why can't we just take him at his word when he says that "energy prices will necessarily sky rocket?" Why is there no room for truth? Why can't we just take the guys word for it?


Well, for starters, Fox is not unbiased..it's about as biased as you can get. They spread misinformation as fact. And that's not my opinion, it's well documented. Second, energy isn't going to "skyrocket" because of less coal burned for domestic electricity...since the 1990's coal has accounted for less electricity production in nearly every subsequent year. But, to blame Obama for legislation that was put in place in 1970, 1990, (Clean Air Acts of Nixon and Bush I), and 2003 (Clear Skies Act of Bush II) and is now being enforced is just plain silly. Actually, the laws Obama pushed for (Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)) has not even been fully implemented yet because they are tied up in the courts ( http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-21/u-s-appeals-court-overturns-cross-state-air-pollution-rule.html ). We should have been raising hell in the 80's (the decade that saw nothing but GOP presidents) when the steel mills were being shut down and the jobs sent over seas, because if they were still here, there would be a higher demand for coal which in turn would drive the price up and make it more profitable for the company (which makes it more likely the company stays in business without having to prey on its workers).


My family on both sides has been mostly miners. My papaws, great grand-daddies, uncles, and my dad were all miners. The problem with coal is that most of the local miners in this day and age are not unionized and are at the mercy of coal companies run amok. They have basically given up EVERYTHING that was fought for nearly a century ago in places like Matewan WV and Harlan KY. And now, they (and our communities) are reaping what has been sown. Mountain Top Removal is nothing but a scar and a stain on our landscape, but the companies do it anyways, backed by the laws and court rulings during the last GOP Administration. In Appalachia, a little boy was crushed while sleeping in his bed by a rock shoved off a strip mine located on the mountain above his house, and the company has fought to deny responsibility....News flash: When the company decides it can't make "enough" profit (not money...PROFIT) they will pack up and leave, and all that our area will have to show for it is a broken down workforce and a landscape that has been raped and pillaged. If companies want to go back to mining coal responsibility and predominately underground, I'm all for it. But, if they are just going to destroy our people and our home, I don't care if they leave and never come back. The people of our area are a hardy bunch, and even though over the decades we have had to adapt from time to time, WE HAVE SURVIVED..and will this time as well. The GOP isn't for the miner, it is for the Coal Company...always has been and always will be.

Edited by sup_rbeast
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Well, for starters, Fox is not unbiased..it's about as biased as you can get. They spread misinformation as fact. And that's not my opinion, it's well documented. Second, energy isn't going to "skyrocket" because of less coal burned for domestic electricity...since the 1990's coal has accounted for less electricity production in nearly every subsequent year. But, to blame Obama for legislation that was put in place in 1970, 1990, (Clean Air Acts of Nixon and Bush I), and 2003 (Clear Skies Act of Bush II) and is now being enforced is just plain silly. Actually, the laws Obama pushed for (Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR)) has not even been fully implemented yet because they are tied up in the courts ( http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-08-21/u-s-appeals-court-overturns-cross-state-air-pollution-rule.html ).


My family on both sides has been mostly miners. My papaws, great grand-daddies, uncles, and my dad were all miners. The problem with coal is that most of the local miners in this day and age are not unionized and are at the mercy of coal companies run amok. They have basically given up EVERYTHING that was fought for nearly a century ago in places like Matewan WV and Harlan KY. And now, they (and our communities) are reaping what has been sown. Mountain Top Removal is nothing but a scar and a stain on our landscape, but the companies do it anyways, backed by the laws of the last GOP Administration. In Appalachia, a little boy was crushed while sleeping in his bed by a rock shoved off a strip mine located on the mountain above his house, and the company has fought to deny responsibility....News flash: When the company decides it can't make "enough" profit (not money...PROFIT) they will pack up and leave, and all that our area will have to show for it is a broken down workforce and a landscape that has been raped and pillaged. If companies want to go back to mining coal responsibility and predominately underground, I'm all for it. But, if they are just going to destroy our people and our home, I don't care if they leave and never come back. The people of our area are a hardy bunch, and even though over the decades we have had to adapt from time to time, WE HAVE SURVIVED..and will this time as well. The GOP isn't for the miner, it is for the Coal Company...always has been and always will be.


Very little in this post is correct, but let me hit the big highlight:


If you haven't seen the Obama-driven EPA regulations that regulate fossil fuel emissions to a point that coal power becomes unsustainable, then I IMPLORE you to do some research. This isn't on Bush, or Clinton, or Nixon. It's on Barack "Make Energy Prices Necessarily Skyrocket" Obama. And if you have any interest in coal whatsoever, and you vote for Barack Obama, you are committing economic suicide. It's that simple.


You know something's wrong when the UMWA, one of the biggest puppets and cash cows for the Democrat Party in its history, refuses to support a candidate for this presidential race. http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/coal-miners-union-sits-out-presidential-race-20120809. That's HUGE.


Do read the link from U.S. News that I provided in the other thread.

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