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GC vs. Tennessee High (embarrassing)


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Coming off a big game and big win last night.....this was quite possibly the worst game I've ever seen played by GC and probably the worst GC has ever been beat. I know the starting 5 was in the game probably less than half of the time but still. At the end of the first period the score was 11-5 with THS leading.....that pretty much sums up GCs night as far as scoring goes.


GC put in several backups early in the 2nd period and it very quickly turned into a 25-30 pt deficit. THS made almost every 3 point shot they took....which was probably around 25 or 30. Could be off on my numbers but not by a whole lot I don't think.


THS played a zone defense and GC couldn't have thrown a beach ball into the ocean. GC scored single digits in each period except for the last and barely broke the 30 pt mark.


FINAL SCORE: 90-31 Tenn. High


Is it possible to be 70 pts worse than you were both the previous times you played and beat them? Haha I didn't think it was but I have been wrong many a time before.

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I agree I seen a letdown coming.... But it seemed like he just wanted everyone to play a little bit and that the game didn't matter that much. Which I mean in the grand scheme of things it may not be a huge deal......but good golly. At least show up to play your players and compete. It was absolutely painful to watch.....and on top of GC not showing up to play THS made almost everything they put up. It was almost comical..... Video game abilities from the 3 pt line

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I've not heard anyone mention anything about GC being Gods Gift to SWVA basketball on here. Sounds like sour grapes to me. Saying they are one of the best teams in SWVA this year is just making a fair assessment.....I would agree that it's true and most other fans of other teams that ive spoke with would agree also.

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Apparently the Gate City fans can't read their own writing...

Went back and re-read all of these threads. I believe the only person that said that GC is currently the best in SWVA was swva_havoc_fan, who is a fan of Ridgeview. In fact, myself and RiverRat have been pretty critical of GC's play this year. If you don't like us that's fine. If you don't want us to discuss our school's basketball team on this forum, that's fine too. But putting words in people's mouths is pretty sad. Most of the back and forth regarding GC on here was over Coach Vermillion's body of work, which is ridiculous.


I get that you all are upset that people are overlooking Graham. You should be upset, because you guys have a heck of a program. You all had a young team that nearly knocked us off in Wise a few years ago, and then beat us down pretty bad last March. Trust me, every GC fan respects Graham's athletic programs.


This is the reason why I hate individuals releasing their own rankings. It always ends up offending someone.

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Being shocked to see a 70 point swing from a team that you've beat twice isn't proclaiming to be anything. Just reason for some concern I would believe which was pretty much the driving force behind my post.


And GC_Devil is right. Myself, I try to call it how I see it as bad as I hate to be negative about my team. But if they are playing great then I'm ecstatic and wish them the best....if they are sucking then work on getting better and get ready for soccer. It is what it is. I give respect where it is due to every team out there and ultimately hope that GC beats all of them that they play. Pretty cut and dry.....no himhawing around.

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That's what I'm interested in seeing as well. They have almost a full week off to get prepared....just wondering if they bounce back and play like they had been or if they come out flat like they did against the Vikings. I'm thinking more teams are gonna start playing the zone against GC....especially if they watch film of GC vs. THS.

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I get that but...seems (maybe it is just a perception) that most of the GC folks only talk about GC.  Nothing wrong with that but most of the posters on here contribute to most any topic, regardless of school affiliation.  That kind of input adds to the conversation, regardless of the topic. Even some of you Richlanders branch out every now and then.


And there is so much more to talk about than just one topic/school.  Just my 2.5 cents. 

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Does the GC crew ever offer anything that is not directly related to GC?


Personally, I don't want to comment unless I have at least seen the team that I'm talking about play. That's the only way I feel like I can fairly make a comment. I have seen every team in the MD, and a lot in NETN. Unfortunately, there's not a ton of comments on here from other fans from schools in the MD. 

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Unless its asking one of you guys a question about one of the teams mentioned in the thread....There's not much info that can be put forth if you've not seen either of the teams play. I'm perfectly fine with that as long as you guys are willing to answer questions about your teams. I've not seen Richlands or Graham either one play and I think you guys would agree that a majority of the topics on here are about Richlands or Graham or teams in the Southwest District. So that pretty much keeps me out of about 80-90% of the conversations on this board...with exceptions to Abingdon and Lebanon. Normally I could chime in on VHS a little bit too but the cats and GC don't play this year. I like to talk about all the teams, BUT as much heckling that goes on here on this board... I think it would make zero sense to start spouting off info about someone you haven't even seen play. And let's be realistic here, I hardly ever see a non-GC fan on this board going out of its way to post a thread about GC or a GC game if their team isn't the one facing them in an upcoming matchup.


I manage to have a little more info during football season than I do any other sport. I usually try to get out and watch a few games that doesn't include GC or teams in the MD. But this year my work schedule has barely allowed me to slip into GC and watch 3 or 4 games.

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Dude...you have a huge chip on your shoulder.  Relax, you might live longer and actually enjoy the ride a little more.  It is apparent that you are not familiar with the concept of introspection. 


By the way, I tend to go wherever I want to go.  I am tempted to play the "one-upmanship" game with you but that would be boring.  As Gunny Highway said, "Sir, you are starting to bore the hell out of me".   

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I went to every Ridgeview football game this past season, but once Giles eliminated us, I found somewhere else to go every week up through the championship games.


I went to Richlands - Buckingham County, Union - Glenvar, George Wythe - Riverheads and the two title games in Salem.  I wished I could do the same for basketball, but working in Abingdon and trying to make it back to Dickenson County mid week is kinda difficult.

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