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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2017 in all areas

  1. My kids aren't even middle school age yet. I don't know the ones that went down there but I was sitting in the stands and it happened right in front of me. The year escapes me when this happened but I venture to say it was about 10 yrs ago. Also I point out the fact that the students harassing them were weaving in and out of them instead of going around them. GC has 3/4 of the stands and plenty of room to walk around to concessions without having to go through the visitor section... I also would point out that a few years back some students were gathering on the Sullivan Central side (they were visitors) and a crowd of about 20 started marching over to our side with flags. Don't know what they were going to try and start but couldn't have been good. A group of teachers/parents/something came over from their side quite quickly and marched their butts back over to their side. I commend them for that. My experience at Sullivan Central was very pleasant but a bad group can happen anywhere anytime. There is a difference between creating a situation and a a situation just happening. Those elementary/middle school kids down there at GC were trying to create one. Respect should be shown no matter who, what or where. Anybody here can tell you my love for Richlands is about the same as getting a root canal and rectal exam at the same time lol. But last year some boys at Richlands, on their side I might add, asked my boy if he wanted to play football with them even though he was decked out in Bulldog colors. That is the way it should be, respect shown for ALL! Be it players, cheerleaders, band members, or just general fans.
    2 points
  2. Yeah but for every Dillon High School there's an East Dillon High School.. right?
    2 points
  3. There wasn't suppose to be anybody in lowly SWVA that could hold a candle to them. They thought they would come down here and walk all over us. It's called an excuse.
    1 point
  4. Other than the NBA's draft rigging, which I'm fairly convinced was a thing for about 2 decades. There were some WWE-like tactics at play in the Association. Salem fans might have a point if the game were some 24-23 battle of titans. Richlands dominated from the opening kickoff and won with relative ease. 1/8 inch didn't decide that one.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. But the Magic didn't resort to cheating to win either.
    1 point
  7. If Cleatgate had happened to some school who was a perennial loser and caught fire in one magical season, I could see the fans still being angry. But for God's sake, Salem is only the most successful program in this half of Virginia in my lifetime. It'd be like a Chicago Bulls fan forgetting those 6 titles and getting pissy about losing to the Magic in 1995.
    1 point
  8. Don't think you have to go far though. My dad drove a school bus back when they could fresh out of high school. He drove the bus to away games and said the absolute worst anywhere was Big Creek. Beer bottles being thrown at the players and the bus. No surprise it's the one place I wan't allowed to go to an away game when I was in high school.
    1 point
  9. Leatherhead Larry

    Mac McClung

    It's great to see someone from this area gain national attention. Especially someone from Gate City.
    1 point
  10. Texas is full of schools with over 2,000 students and an abundance of oil money. Two key things SWVA is lacking.
    1 point
  11. At least it looks like you guys are admitting it happened now lol
    1 point
  12. The longer we're at Ridgeview the more I hate everything about it. Loved the grass at Ralph's house. The worst fields I've ever played on were St. Paul and Hurley. I hate watching games at Ridgeview 163 feet from the field, I could see about as good from my porch at home. Gate City fans back in the day were the worst I ever saw. They seem better now for whatever reason.
    1 point
  13. Deleted Account

    Rivalry Game(s)

    I married a Hokie. Enough said!
    1 point
  14. Big Creek was the first field to permanently install lights in 1931. Princeton was actually the first to play a night game in WV vs Shady Spring in 1929. They brought in the "portable flood lights" from Concord) Since everyone wanted to have the experience of playing at night Big Creek played a lot of home games in 1931 and 1932. They were originally called the Big Creek Warriors. This was a compromise with the people from Coalwood and Berwind. The people in War wanted to call the new high school War High like the old school in War was called but of course the people of Coalwood and Berwind objected. So the name was taken from the voting district which was the Big Creek district but the nickname was the Warriors. But since Big Creek played so many games at night everyone quickly started calling them the Owls and it stuck.
    1 point
  15. UVA-W beat Concord 30-19 this past season...
    1 point
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