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Anyone watching the price of oil???


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Yeah...it's about time...


It'll be a few weeks before it's reflected at the pump however. Believe me, with an hour commute each way to work, I need it.


Hopefully the housing market will pick back up and I can get my house sold.

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$2.70 gas? Are the Clinton's back in the White House?


But that is the pre-tax/pre-profit price...add about $.50 to that to get an idea of what the pump price might be in about 30 days...

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WOW, what a bargin!!! I just don't see how those poor oil companies and Saudis are gonna make ends meet. Surely, it would'nt be a political ploy, would it? Maybe gas could go down to around $2.50 a gallon til say the first tuesday in November. It's unbelieveable how easily manipulated people are. Do you honestly think crude oil was going to stay at $140 a barrel and risk losing their bead and butter party? Nope! Gas was $1.46 a gallon when Bush took office, now we think $2.96 (double) a gallon is a sweet deal. Unreal!!

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WOW, what a bargin!!! I just don't see how those poor oil companies and Saudis are gonna make ends meet. Surely, it would'nt be a political ploy, would it? Maybe gas could go down to around $2.50 a gallon til say the first tuesday in November. It's unbelieveable how easily manipulated people are. Do you honestly think crude oil was going to stay at $140 a barrel and risk losing their bead and butter party? Nope! Gas was $1.46 a gallon when Bush took office, now we think $2.96 (double) a gallon is a sweet deal. Unreal!!


Amazing how you think everything is a conspiracy... Oliver Stone is that you???



If Bush opened the Reserve, opened some off shore drilling, and wants to start drilling more in the United States, how does that bode well for the Saudis? Isnt it the democrats, namely Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Rockefeller, and Ted Kennedy who are adamantly not letting drilling happen?

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Amazing how you think everything is a conspiracy... Oliver Stone is that you???



If Bush opened the Reserve, opened some off shore drilling, and wants to start drilling more in the United States, how does that bode well for the Saudis? Isnt it the democrats, namely Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Rockefeller, and Ted Kennedy who are adamantly not letting drilling happen?


Liberal environmentalists have done as much as anyone else to make the U.S. oil situation what it is.

I'm as much for the envionment as can be, but I realize you can't have it each way, so I just recognize the oil situation for what it is.

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Amazing how you think everything is a conspiracy... Oliver Stone is that you???



If Bush opened the Reserve, opened some off shore drilling, and wants to start drilling more in the United States, how does that bode well for the Saudis? Isnt it the democrats, namely Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Rockefeller, and Ted Kennedy who are adamantly not letting drilling happen?


With this administration everything IS a conspiracy!! Bush+Chaney+James Baker+Rice+Rove= Conspiracy


Of course, as usual, republicans have to blame somebody else for their screwups. The trouble with your reasoning is that there is NO oil shortage, there's plenty of oil. Now, you can start drilling on every acre in this country and it won't change oil prices one bit. Why? because the oil companies won't agree to refine the crude in this country exclusivley, they want it on the world market, they'll make their usual killing in selling crude AND refined petroleum to China and India, it won't help the american consumer at all. The Saudis would LOVE for our producers to put more oil on the world market, that would be less they would have to extract (aka. cut back production) and still make the same money plus we would be depleting our reserves til we'll be forced to buy theirs at whatever price they want. IF, the oil companies would agree to refine and sell crude in this country only, I'd let them drill through my house but they're not going to do that. The oil companies already have 68 million acres of leased federal land that they have'nt sank a drill bit in yet because there's no oil shortage. When the oil executives hear "drill baby drill" you can see the dollar signs roll in their eyes.


All of us need to wake up and quit being used by these two political partys, neither have our best interest at heart. We've been used long enough for the purpose of power and greed. What happened to a fair profit at a fair price, the american way? It's over! Greed and power will be the destruction of this empire like all the others down through history if we don't change our direction somehow.

Edited by clodhopper
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I think you need to wake up. Everyone in politics is not against you and me, the citizens.


And I dont understand your logics, because there was a definite drop in oil prices after the announcement of more oil would be drilled in the United States, was the 70 cent drop of gas prices due to just that? No. But it was a major factor.


Gas is sold on a global market. Well nowadays, what isnt? And yes, there hasnt been any refineries built in the US in over 25+ years, and that is no ones fault but our own, and not just Bush's. Its ludacris to think he caused all this. We had it coming with high gas prices since the Carter admin, it was just a waiting game and then you add in the war and we knew it was going to happen.


And you are right there is no oil shortage, but like any other market, from beanie babies to porshes, its all about supply and demand. By drilling the US increases the supply, reducing the demand for Saudi Oil. They know that in time they will lose a lot of their customers, so they reduce the price to sell now...

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The oil companies already have 68 million acres of leased federal land that they have'nt sank a drill bit in yet because there's no oil shortage. When the oil executives hear "drill baby drill" you can see the dollar signs roll in their eyes.



a fact that is seldom mentioned to the public.......

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I'm still trying to figure out why congress or someone doesn't force the oil companies to open up a few new refineries...they keep whining about it costing a billion dollars to make a new one, well they made 40 billion last quarter...whats the hold up?


Oh...thats right...the oil companies own our government.

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I wont go as far as to say oil companies own our goverment, but as with anyone with money they have power.


And it goes both ways for both parties and candidates, of course McCain recieves more because of his viewpoints but Obama has recieved a lot including a lump sum from your good friend ExxonMobil...

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I feel bad for McCain in a way...he has to overcome the shadow of doom that Bush has cast over him...it's not really fair to just say "well he's just like Bush" because he's really not, but as party lines go, he's in the hole on that one.

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I'm wide awake, you just don't want to face the fact that after 8 years of Texas oil men and with the help of 6 years of a republican House of Representatives, we got screwed. That's exactly what happened. You can keep believing Limbaugh, Hannity and that posse of liars if you want but I believe you're really smarter than that. Why do you think we're in Iraq? Iraq was about to open the floodgates, they were gonna open the spigots and flood the market with crude, it would have went to less that $5.00 a barrel. What do you think was discussed and planned in the "secret" energy meeting with Chaney in 2001? They HAD to do something before this happened.......and they did. They did'nt bother to plan the war, they just had to have one, and quick. September 11th, 2001 gave them the opening they needed (mind you, I don't believe in any way that our country was involved in the 9/11 attacks) and they took full advantage. Our bravest and finest have paid the price for record profits and Bin Laden is still on the loose. Bad administration? the very worst.


Before Bush I wasn't very interested in politics, I figured them all to be liars and crooks. I still believe them mostly to be liars and crooks but this administration has made it painfully obvious.

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This is hilarious. I mean, i love a good conspiracy theory every now and again but jeez...You can say Bush has ties with Oil, just like Obama has ties with terrorists. thats true. But to believe oil was going below 5.00 a gallon? ha. This is ludacris honestly.


And you are completely wrong because of this, if they needed a quick fix, and 9/11 was it, why did it take them till 2003, 2 years later to invade Iraq? Doesnt sound quick to me.


Why is Bin Laden on the loose? well let me first start with Sadam Hussien. How did we catch him? By using sociology and networking with people around him. Because he was a dictator people gave them info. However, we tried this with Bin Laden, but it didnt work. Why? he is a martyr. The highest thing anyone could do in his religion. So why would people give up information? they wont. thats why it has been so hard to track him. it isnt the movies you know.


And no, all the republican journalists arent liars they just say what you dont want to hear. Same with the 90% of the liberal journalists. They say what i dont want to hear. Does that make them liars? No. But they sure as hell arent unbiased.

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