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Presidential Debate oct. 7


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Yep. And the other will be exactly like it. Obama's not as good an orator as he'd have us believe, and it's never been one of McCain's strong points.


Obama's a GREAT speaker...as long as his teleprompter is working...

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must have been something going on last night because McCain was also stuttering a lot...and at times it seemed like there was a lag between what was being said and them talking...like they were hearing an echo or something? I dunno...but it was wierd...I noticed it a couple of times.

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must have been something going on last night because McCain was also stuttering a lot...and at times it seemed like there was a lag between what was being said and them talking...like they were hearing an echo or something? I dunno...but it was wierd...I noticed it a couple of times.

True, but McCain's persona isn't completely built on how good of an orator he is. Either way, these debates are doing nothing for me. It is just the same 'ole rhetoric time and time again. Obama talks about his health-care plan, McCain says he's not associated with, and has disagreed with the Bush Administration. Politics at its finest I guess.


After seeing these two talk (and say practically nothing) I feel like there are two things that will decide this election. 1. Fundamental differences between what liberals believe and what conservatives believe. Are there more people who take fundamentally liberal stances on issues or fundamentally conservative stances on issues? 2. Seeing the label "Republican" tagged to the current administration and giving that same tag to McCain, no matter how hard he tries to deny that he is anything like the current administration. Yes, it is wrong. People need to see the candidate as who he (and she) is and not generalize based on each label.

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Obama believes in the 2nd amendment, so his and McCains stance are the same. The NRA would beg to differ, but they lobby to the Republican ticket, so their job is to smear the Democrat in races. Obama has had issue with assault weapons, which NRA and the radicals connected to the NRA opposed, but as far as hand guns, and hunting weapons, there are no differences in the 2 candidates.

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Obama believes in the 2nd amendment, so his and McCains stance are the same. The NRA would beg to differ, but they lobby to the Republican ticket, so their job is to smear the Democrat in races. Obama has had issue with assault weapons, which NRA and the radicals connected to the NRA opposed, but as far as hand guns, and hunting weapons, there are no differences in the 2 candidates.



they are basically the same on most issues really...just a few things that they try to make a big deal out of towards the other person on most things...not much difference in either on 80% of stuff I'd say.

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I missed it, had to work. Does anyone know what Obama's gun policy is?


The way I understand it is that Obama wants mandatory back ground checks on gun purchasers, the same as McCain. However, Obama also wants to instate a waiting period for gun purchases and he has also said he would like to ban assault rifles. As far as your hunting rifle, I dont think you have anything to worry about...unless you hunt with an AK-47.


Here is a link explaining the differences between the two:


Edited by BigBlueAlum
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Obama does state that he wants to keep the rights of the 2nd Amendment, and I believe he will to an extent. As an avid hunter, I am not worried about getting my guns taken away. However, the only thing I am scared of is taking handguns out of America. And with his shaky record on guns, which IMHO is more than what a man says in todays world I have reason to worry. I feel that America deserves the right to protect themselves, and I agree with Ted Nugent when he says, "There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period." However, I believe there should be more stringent policies in purchasing handguns and automatic weapons which falls more into Obama's plan, but NEVER NEVER keep them out of the people's hands, including the police.


Here is what I posted a few months earlier... http://swvasports.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11676&highlight=obama+guns


This is an excerpt from Glenn Beck, a CNN reporter, (not fox) on what Barack Obama says or really stands on guns...Interesting in my opinion...


BECK: Hello, America.


It`s primary day in West Virginia. Want to know the results, check the bottom of the screen. They`re there. I don`t think this is much of a story, because everybody said Hillary Clinton`s going to win, including Barack Obama. The real story here is why won`t the good people of West Virginia pull the lever for Obama? I say a big part of that reason is guns. And all this week, I`m taking a look at how your Second Amendment gun rights are under fire.


So, here`s "The Point" tonight. Barack Obama says he doesn`t want to take away your guns, no, no, no, no. But his actions tell a very different story, and here`s how I got there.


Sometimes the only way we, the people, can know what a politician`s going to do in the future is look what they`ve done in the past. I know, crazy concept. Back in 1996, when Obama was running for state senate in Illinois, he filled out a questionnaire that said he favored a ban on the, quote, "manufacture, sale, and possession of handguns."


Now he claims that was a misrepresentation of his views. But Barack can`t deny that his handwriting is right there on the questionnaire. And when it comes to his stance on guns, handwriting really is on the wall, as well.


Back in his Chicago days, Obama sat on a board called the Joyce Foundation. This is an organization that handed out nearly $3 million to anti-gun groups. They actually paid to support a book called "Every Handgun is Aimed at You: The Case for Banning Handguns." Wow.


Based just on those two undeniable facts, Barack Obama is obviously anti-gun. And you know what? That`s fine. That`s cool. If that`s who you are, that`s fine. Not everybody likes guns. And if that`s how Obama feels, you know what, Obama? Grow a set. You`re entitled to your opinion. This is America.


Here`s the thing. When you`re running for president, you`ve got to own your past. Standing behind your decisions is what being a man and president of the United States is all about. Whether it`s your 20-year history with Reverend Jeremiah Wright or your position as an anti-gun advocate, Barack, it is your record. It`s clear. Stand up and tell us the truth.


Now you can take what Obama says or the way he votes. He, himself will not remove guns. But if the congress acts on banning handguns you have to wonder what way he will sway. Secondly, you have to ask yourself if he would appoint anti-gun members of the Supreme Court who would ultimately sway the decision.

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I cannot stand how McCain relates everything to his service in the military. I am a huge fan of the fact that he has served his country, don't get me wrong, and I have enormous respect for those who have served, however, it gets annoying when every question has to have an answer reverted back to military service. I recognize that the military has been a huge part of his life, but when a question is asked that has nothing to do with military experience or something of the sort, he shouldn't always refer to his service. It seems like a cover to me.


Anyway, I thought both candidates did a good job last night. Nothing special as with any debate, but they both seemed to be very aware of addressing the audience and getting to the point, other than McCain's rants on military service.

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thats just a tactics thing...he does that so Obama has a hard time attacking anything he says...lol...Obama has to be very careful or he'll produce a sound byte that looks like he is questioning his military service and that would be blown way out of proportion should it occur.

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Debates remind me of junior high school and student council elections. Invariably, some candidate says that they are PROPOSING soda and snack machines in the cafeteria, blah blah blah. Everyone votes for them, and nothing happens. The presidential candidates can say all the right things, and nothing ever happens. One says I will propose this..... The other says, " but his voting record was this." Then the other one rebuts and says, "that's not true, my record says this....." Same old stuff every time. All I have to say is that whoever gets elected better have their presidential portrait done quickly before they look too bad to have it done! It's a long hard road ahead. I wouldn't promise too much. Promises will be hard too keep, I'm afraid.

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Obama is very anti gun, socialist are, any pro gun obama ad is nothing more than an attempt to not isolate a lot of people because of the 2nd admendment, "pre election" when it's all talk.

The old hardline soviet union for example even had some gun rights, which many people don't realize. Many families, depending on where they lived ,could have a hunting rifle, of course it was for hunting food, and a family with a rifle was issued but so many bullets per year by the government, (so they had to make every shot count). There's much more to the 2nd than people on the frontier needing a rifle to provide for their family. The latter only is what obama is saying he won't touch regarding the 2nd. Has there ever been a far left liberal individual or agenda that wasn't for as much gun legislation as possible? Their side simply can't seem as anti gun in this election as they really are without it reflecting bad on their campaign.

It likely wouldn't be something they'd immediately go after either if elected though, they have bigger agendas.

There's a big difference between the candidates on the 2nd amendment.

Edited by buzzsawBeaver
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at least he shut up on the Maverick crap...or did he mention that and I missed it?

nope no maverick thing i watched the whole thing and i would have noticed it, i don't care if your a mccain supporter or not that has got to get on people's nerves.

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nope no maverick thing i watched the whole thing and i would have noticed it, i don't care if your a mccain supporter or not that has got to get on people's nerves.


My grades on each candidate's oratory skills:

McCain: C

Obama: B-

Palin: B-

Biden: D+


No Clinton, Reagan, or Nixon here. Yes, I said Nixon; he was a better public speaker than most give him credit for. The point is, I can't watch these debates. Such poor public speaking skills for each one of them.

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