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18 minutes ago, land_rider said:

Just heard that Jeff Tarter is coaching his last game tonight and will retire after it’s over ! 

Good for Tarter who is a class act and that man has put in incredible work for his school and community for decades. The school and town of Richlands was lucky to have him teaching, leading, and mentoring kids for decades.  Enjoy retirement coach. 

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Had to copy and paste from another thread.

There’s no way a sane person would stick around after this year. All you torches and pitch fork fans are getting your wish. I appreciate Jeff Tarter for stepping up and standing by these kids, his only payment has been hate and he didn’t deserve it. 

Little note to whoever is crazy enough to pick up the reigns, remember how fair weather Richlands fans are and good luck. Go blues! 

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Tarter is a good guy and has his heart in the right place.  He was handed a complete shit-show.  He stayed one season too long and is getting crucified for it.  It is time for him to retire, enjoy visiting his sons and tend to his beloved garden.  I wish him a peaceful retirement.  

Next coach needs to have some piss and vinegar to him and a nice chip on his shoulder.  Hopefully the fans will give them some space….gonna take 2-3 years to get good results.

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