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The 2024 Presidential Election Cycle

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/8/2024 at 7:04 PM, cavalieratmosphere said:

Next week is the Iowa caucus, and thus the start of the 2024 election cycle.


Looks like it's gonna be Trump vs Biden again.

Someone needs to convince Nikki Haley she doesn’t have a chance of winning the Republican nomination. I‘m not sure why she’s insists on hanging about. 

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On 2/1/2024 at 8:58 PM, Gridiron60 said:

Someone needs to convince Nikki Haley she doesn’t have a chance of winning the Republican nomination. I‘m not sure why she’s insists on hanging about. 

Just start referring to her by her given name at birth. 

Nimarata Randhawa makes her wholly unelectable in this country. 

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Nevada has a "None Of These Candidates" option on primary ballots. Nikki Haley lost to "None Of These Candidates" making her the first candidate to lose to nobody since that option was added to the ballot in Nevada in 1975. It's getting harder and harder to tell actual politics from satire these days. 


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Well this Supreme Court case will be interesting. Would this ruling only apply to the primary ballots or would it also include the ballot in November?

Regardless this will be a very interesting decision. If the Supreme Court rules against him I wonder what will happen across the country. I'm sure many many riots will take place all over the nation.

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5 hours ago, -oo- said:

Well this Supreme Court case will be interesting. Would this ruling only apply to the primary ballots or would it also include the ballot in November?

Regardless this will be a very interesting decision. If the Supreme Court rules against him I wonder what will happen across the country. I'm sure many many riots will take place all over the nation.

I highly doubt it. 6 of the 9 Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republicans. Also, it appears like they're signaling that Trump can stay on the ballot.

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On 2/8/2024 at 12:20 PM, -oo- said:

Well this Supreme Court case will be interesting. Would this ruling only apply to the primary ballots or would it also include the ballot in November?

Regardless this will be a very interesting decision. If the Supreme Court rules against him I wonder what will happen across the country. I'm sure many many riots will take place all over the nation.

this ruling will be 9-0 in DJT's favor


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Israel is a corrupt piece of shi$. It's a country where it identifies by it's religion to the west as a front and the conservative right wing Republicans eat it up. In truth, Israel identifies as a country by its Blood Line and only that. It's a country where some estimates put the number of atheists in the population as high as 30 percent. They are committing genocide against the Palestinians and they get away with it because of the lobby and power they hold in western governments. They see the Palestinians as an inferior race. Say what you want, there is ZERO argument as to why the Palestinians shouldn't have their own country.....Zero. Don't give me the excuse of they will build an Army and attack Israel. They attacked Israel in Oct because they've literally been enslaved and have basically been in a concentration camp for over 1/2 of a century. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi, they aren't at war with Egypt and have their own country and there has been peace for over 50 years. 

If Palestine had it's own country, the Oct attack would not have happened. The UN voted decades ago for Palestine to have it's own country and guess who has basically defied international law all these years preventing it? You guessed it. Washington DC and London, the two most evil cities on earth outside of Tel Aviv, Pyong Yang, and Mogadishu.

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I will say this as a Christian and unfortunately, 95 plus percent of Christians don't understand one concept because they've been fooled. When Israel causes trouble BECAUSE of its racism/seeing others as inferior due to its Bloodline, Israel plays the religious/we are the chosen people card and the conservatives buy it every time.

I personally DO believe the Jews are God's chosen people from the Old Testament. But here is the concept that needs understood. Because you are God's chosen people doesn't mean you are flawless and that every action you take is permitted by God. This is the concept modern day Christians just don't understand about Israel. They think that if Israel takes an action, then it has to be OK because they are God's chosen people so we must be on Israel's side. Well, that is insanity and illogical reasoning. Like all other humans, Israel/the Jewish people have Free Will given by God. We all know the history of human beings and free will and the choices we make (see Adam and Eve) in Chapter 1.

If you study the Old Testament, you quickly see that the Jews (and Gentiles) have been rebelling against God since creation and the Jews are in a cycle now where they are seriously rebelling, even in the form of no longer believing in God. It's amazing how many Jews on the this earth are actually devout atheists. How can you be an atheist and be religious? Jews identify mostly by bloodline, NOT religion. They quickly identify by religion when they need help from the west.

P.S. we now live in a world that would quickly label ME as an antisemite simply because I called out Israel for what it currently is.......racist. In today's world, when u call out the racist if you are a white Christian, then quickly....somehow....someway..youbecome and get labeled the racist.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/28/2024 at 12:06 AM, Wolf1207 said:

Is it a fair question to ask who is making Presidential decisions right now?

It is a fair question. I would like to know the answer. I don't think it's Joe Biden, Dr Jill maybe. 

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