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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2017 in Posts

  1. GC_Quincy

    Rivalry Game(s)

    It's not "running the score up" when it's the 3rd team. If you can't stop them then that's on you.
    3 points
  2. Ryan4VT

    Rivalry Game(s)

    It's the same in Richlands. We (as the knowledgeable fan base) have so much respect for Union and GC. Those series are fun (GC will be back eventually and the series will be fun again).
    2 points
  3. Last game in the RHS-Big Creek series was in 1982 at War. Owls had no answer for Sandy Rogers and Blues won 24-12. My then 11 year old self was happy to leave without experiencing physical harm and/or damage to our family's property. Rough, rough place to play. Couldn't tell you what the field conditions were like, but it was rough in the stands and in the parking lot.
    2 points
  4. They also call them, "state champions". The VHSL didn't make them forfeit because common sense was used. There are concrete rules that must be followed, but concrete thinking in the face of common sense shouldn't always be the case. What I am getting at is........1/8th of a difference would not have made a difference in the way Richlands dominated the game after the first quarter, and the VHSL knew that. Additionally, one must realize that if Richlands were to win that game (and they did) there was going to be an excuse REGARDLESS of whether there were cleats involved and that's exactly happened. Before Richlands was found out regarding the cleats, the talks of "a needed investigation" into the Richlands fire department and watering down the field was already the first thing to come out of Salem. It would NOT have ended whether cleats were involved or not. There was going to be an excuse if Salem lost. Now certainly, the clear-cut cheating made the scandal bigger and it should have, but you can better believe, there was going to be a scandal regardless, if Salem were to lose that game. Final example, Salem went to Lee High a few years earlier and lost in the state semi's. They petitioned the VHSL to investigate Lee High into "muddying up" their field. If Salem would have traveled to Amherst or Blacksburg and lost, it would have been chalked up as a loss and nothing more, but when losing in far SWVA, they simply couldn't stand it, and yes, there was exactly that, an excuse made for the loss. With all of this written, that no way justifies what Richlands did. That was a boneheaded move, but I don't call every player on Richlands team from 92 a cheater. They had no clue about another 8th of an inch being in violation of cleats. I call them players, state champions. I was at that game and Richlands was clearly better. P.S. A little know fact many forget about is what the VHSL did to Richlands the next season. Richlands was banned from the playoffs. The 93 team in my opinion was equally as good as the 92 team by seasons end. They were 7-3, but all three losses were close and nail bitingly close. By season's end, that team was rolling. Richlands in fact, did receive punishment for their actions, and many fail to bring up the 1993 team and what may have been when discussing the cleats scandal. If that 93 team could have made the playoffs, they could have made some noise and been trouble. They dramatically improved from game 1 through 10.
    2 points
  5. Jason

    Rivalry Game(s)

    There is no visitor side at Gate City. There is a visitor section.
    1 point
  6. stu_bean

    Rivalry Game(s)

    Hasn't been forever ago yet...but look when both teams were good at how many fans packed into the stadiums at Tazewell and Richlands. The year of the regional playoffs was packed at Tazewell and it was cold, wet, and windy on a saturday. Can't remember the year but when Richlands had given up 0 points and the Dogs put a field goal on them the place erupted. That passion is still more than there, it's just in hibernation for now! On the note earlier I feel the same way about sports teams in dark blue as well. Thankfully both of us are Tazewell grads and even though the kids are home schooled they have the passion for Bulldogs instilled in them.
    1 point
  7. Bigrhsfan

    Rivalry Game(s)

    Yea I agree, most of my friends don't have any ill will toward Union or Gate City, they have a lot respect and look so forward to the games each year ! Matter of fact, most of us pull for Union and Gate City in the playoffs with the exception of course of when we play them. Also have respect for Graham, but there maybe a "little" more animosity ( maybe a little hate with some ) with the Gmen though. I know when I played ball for the blues, many of the guys hated Graham about as much as Tazewell..........maybe hated Tazewell a little more, but it was close......may have had something to do with the fact that Carlock dominated us for a while back then. Most use to, and many still hate Tazewell but the series hasn't been as competitive over the last several years, but if / when the dogs come back to where they belong that will probably be about as close to a hated rival again as the blues have.
    1 point
  8. BlackWolf5

    Rivalry Game(s)

    Hey local_insight There's a new kid transferred in from Pikeview other than him it's Trey Booker that's competing for RB! I hear if Richlands goes to the Power I formation that they'll probably have the Griffin & Johnson kid at RB's what a backfield that'll be!! Can't wait for the season to start!!
    1 point
  9. Was you there? The cleats didn't make a difference.
    1 point
  10. Yes, they make a difference. That is why the rule is in place. And even if for some reason it didn't that is not the point anyway. It was premeditated cheating. It wasn't an accident. There are three things to this day that bother me about it. 1) The coach was rehired two years later. 2) The Richlands' players very well could have been the best and very well could have won but now THEY are the ones that have to hear people calling THEM cheaters when THEY themselves were just as much victims of the crime as Salem. 3) The gutless VHSL didn't make them forfeit. You can rationalize cheating all you want but it is still cheating.
    1 point
  11. Oddly enough, my family has had their R stickers and Richlands car flags stolen/ripped off/broken at Graham multiple times. Not sure why. This was back mostly in the last few years of the 2000s and first few seasons of this decade. It wasn't really a competitive rivalry.
    1 point
  12. Other than the NBA's draft rigging, which I'm fairly convinced was a thing for about 2 decades. There were some WWE-like tactics at play in the Association. Salem fans might have a point if the game were some 24-23 battle of titans. Richlands dominated from the opening kickoff and won with relative ease. 1/8 inch didn't decide that one.
    1 point
  13. Union_Fan

    Rivalry Game(s)

    Can't speak for every BSG/Appy citizen, but I have never heard anyone mentioning a hatred for GC. Rivaly? Yes! Want to beat them? YES! Hatred? Don't see it. Even though it's not really a rivalry, Central would come far closer to hatred than GC. After last year's issues, Letcher Central may be creeping up on that hatred scale as well. GC and Richlands are definitely Union's biggest rivalry games. Without a doubt, but I think it's more about respect than hate. I'll buy you a hot dog to prove it. :)
    1 point
  14. My kids aren't even middle school age yet. I don't know the ones that went down there but I was sitting in the stands and it happened right in front of me. The year escapes me when this happened but I venture to say it was about 10 yrs ago. Also I point out the fact that the students harassing them were weaving in and out of them instead of going around them. GC has 3/4 of the stands and plenty of room to walk around to concessions without having to go through the visitor section... I also would point out that a few years back some students were gathering on the Sullivan Central side (they were visitors) and a crowd of about 20 started marching over to our side with flags. Don't know what they were going to try and start but couldn't have been good. A group of teachers/parents/something came over from their side quite quickly and marched their butts back over to their side. I commend them for that. My experience at Sullivan Central was very pleasant but a bad group can happen anywhere anytime. There is a difference between creating a situation and a a situation just happening. Those elementary/middle school kids down there at GC were trying to create one. Respect should be shown no matter who, what or where. Anybody here can tell you my love for Richlands is about the same as getting a root canal and rectal exam at the same time lol. But last year some boys at Richlands, on their side I might add, asked my boy if he wanted to play football with them even though he was decked out in Bulldog colors. That is the way it should be, respect shown for ALL! Be it players, cheerleaders, band members, or just general fans.
    1 point
  15. Deleted Account

    Rivalry Game(s)

    I married a Hokie. Enough said!
    1 point
  16. I agree, Richlands special teams are dangerous. I think Richlands offense has multiple weapons, and with the front seven on Defense I predict Richlands by 10.
    1 point
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