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    Deleted Account reacted to SwvaOG in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I can share our experiences with this subject since we dealt with it as players and as parents.  My brother and I grew up as the "last house in Bandy" a coal mining camp that was zoned for Richlands.  Literally, the next house (2 miles away) was in the Amanote mining camp and zoned for Tazewell.  My dad remodeled houses and did a lot of work around Tazewell and he was approached frequently about getting his boys to play for Tazewell.  Jokes about "getting his boys some spending money" were mentioned and I'm sure some were serious.  But, nothing serious came of it and I think that was because of my brother's burning hatred for the Bulldogs. Lol.  Ironically, he told me recently that he wished he went to Tazewell because they would have utilized him better.  To be honest, they probably would have utilized me better as well.  
    Now, with my son, we were approached by five separate programs the summer before his senior year once RV ran off the head coach and was in turmoil again.  I personally fielded calls from four different coaches gauging our interest.  Housing was mentioned but never money...but I never pressed that issue so who's to say if it wouldn't have happened.  So, it happens and is still happening; however, each coach stated that a parent/parents would have to relocate....which, makes it perfectly legal in my eyes. I work remotely so "getting you a job" never came up. 
    Ironically, since we are spilling tea, we reached out to my alma mater as soon as we moved back to the area in 2018 asking about having my boys play at Ernie Hicks.  Coach Mance never returned my texts/calls nor anyone else.  I had some of my former teammates ask me after the RIchlands/Ridgeview playoff game in 2021 why my kid always balled out so hard against RIchlands and if that was weird for me.   I told them not at all and that for three years I fed the chip on his shoulder that Richlands didn't want him and didn't think he was good enough to play for them and they thought he wasn't as good as Sage Webb. Once he found out that Richlands was on the schedule his junior year and he would be playing at Ernie Hicks....he was over the moon excited, so I watched that game and the playoff game in the visitor's section for the first time ever. 
    Life is weird, man.  I will say that if we had it to do over, we would have definitely left for a better opportunity.  I didn't used to be, but I'm now firmly in the camp of "you have to do what is best for your kid." However, you HAVE to be realistic about their abilities and talent...which about 80% of parents simply aren't.  You also need to have legit reasons and not enough playing time isn't one of them.  For us, it was a lack of competitive professionalism/passion with the football program, constant turn-over and chaos, extreme nepotism and no effort to promote kids in the recruiting process (with the exception of a couple of positional coaches).  To be perfectly blunt, loyalty to the program and team absolutely cost us next level/recruiting opportunities.  
  2. Haha
    Deleted Account reacted to Mountain Football in Turf approved for all 3 Tazewell County Schools.   
    Play one game a year at Mitchell. After that there would be plenty of seating and parking for the rest of their home games with the exception of the Union game. For that game the excess Union fans could bring their own chairs to put around the field. The 25 Graham fans should still have plenty of seating available on the home side. 
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    Deleted Account reacted to tornado99 in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    This post blew up! For my take, I strongly echo the sentiments UVAObserver and stu_bean. Maybe it’s an age thing. A couple of points I would like to refute somewhat, but for comparison’s sake, I will share my thoughts and experience as a Richlands fan. 
    From 1997-2008, I am not aware of any active recruiting by the Blues. The 3 finals appearances 2005, 2006, and 2007, with the title in 2006 to my knowledge consisted of mostly hard-working, homegrown Richlands kids. I maybe naive, but I take a lot of pride in the accomplishments of those kids, and coaches alike. While the 2008 team was comparably short on talent, that was one of the best coaching jobs In winning the Region, beating a much more talented Tazewell team twice, and eventually losing big to a much more talented Logan Thomas-led Brookeville team. 
    In 2009, that all began to change with the perceived recruiting. I can’t speak to parents doing what is best for their kids, which is honorable in the intention, but I personally felt an undercurrent of disappointment. I realize that there are important values of competing, but I couldn’t help but feel compassion for some of the kids, essentially replaced by what felt like mercenaries. While often results on the field reflected success, I felt and witnessed a perceived decline in discipline and work in favor of seeking talent. I have no idea if the long-term ramifications explain what Richlands is experiencing now or this is just a reflection of the current talent and return to normalcy. 
    As most players are concerned, I imagine some of the harder working glue guys (a term from Never Settle by Marty Smith-excellent read) would become discouraged by this pattern. Personally, I would feel a sense of resentment if the opportunity I had worked so hard for, was taken away all of a sudden by someone brought in and I observed to be lazy, but talented. I was blessed to be a part of the era where hard work and dedication seemingly was rewarded by playing time. In fact, I carry that and other lessons from my football experience. 
    The taint of recruiting for me carries a stigma of manipulating a system to tilt the playing field for instant results. It seems contradictory to playing, working, and sacrificing together as a team or community to achieve a common goal.
    As stated, by UVA, it’s here. If you hope to compete you have to embrace or begrudgingly accept it.
    Thank goodness simply for the game of football and those players and coaches that work so hard to teach those lessons and virtues that apply to life outside of football. 
    This post isn’t meant as a criticism, but primarily an opinion, perspective, and analysis of a practice that is now more widespread. 
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Jags52 in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
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    Deleted Account reacted to stu_bean in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    They say money is the root of all evil and corruption.  I lose more and more interest in college football because money allows the bigger schools to get bigger and widen the gap.  Money wise VT can never ever come close to Michigan, Alabama or USC (CA) and it disgusts me the whole greedy realignment going on right now.
    High school should never ever have money involved for players.  Grow up with a bunch of kids that you have been playing backyard, peewee, little league, etc football with for years and oh the grass is a bit greener over there.  I'll just go over to a supposed to be hated rival so maybe I can get more attention on me and make it all about me instead of the team.
    Recruiting has always been a thorn to me.  Yes Richlands did it and I have proof on two occasions there, Graham is doing it and know of a specific one there as well and a previous few.  Now I won't shy away and say that Tazewell hasn't done the same thing currently and in the past but I still hate it just as much. 
    Preseason rant done now lets get to next week and start some real football!
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from redtiger in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
  7. Haha
    Deleted Account reacted to Account Deleted in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Account Deleted in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from stu_bean in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Ryan4VT in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    He left it because he was disenchanted with the level of corruption in amateur (high school and collegiate) athletics.  Recruiting of high school athletes was a large piece of it.  The death knell for him was the Virginia General Assembly essentially enacting law that allows people and businesses to buy high school athletes effective July 1, 2023.  
    I’ve spoken with him about it IRL and I’m comfortable sharing it.  I don’t reckon he would mind.
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Mountain Football in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    He left it because he was disenchanted with the level of corruption in amateur (high school and collegiate) athletics.  Recruiting of high school athletes was a large piece of it.  The death knell for him was the Virginia General Assembly essentially enacting law that allows people and businesses to buy high school athletes effective July 1, 2023.  
    I’ve spoken with him about it IRL and I’m comfortable sharing it.  I don’t reckon he would mind.
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    Deleted Account reacted to Gridiron60 in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Thanks for clarifying what you meant. 
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Ryan4VT in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
  14. Haha
    Deleted Account reacted to EH31 in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I heard they canceled it since most of their players had already scrimmaged Greenbrier East that day….


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    Deleted Account reacted to tbgfan in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I'm sorry you took it this way.  Not my intent.  I want to be gracious with my words when replying to a post, but also be firm in my convictions.  
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Bigrhsfan in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
  17. Thanks
    Deleted Account reacted to tbgfan in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    CPF it seems there has always been an undercurrent of bitterness when Coach Mance is mentioned, not against the Blues program as much, but against Coach Mance.  
    I was on the bandwagon rooting for a return of Coach Carlock football when the Gmen were soundly thrashed by Gate City a few years ago 70-0.   Was happy to see the resurgence of Gmen football.  I won't hold grudges and as a Christian cannot, but your posts at times, makes it hard for my heart to be 100% committed to the Gmen success.  In saying that, I still want the program to do well (and they have).  It seems there's  been a two-tier rating system on here when it came to the success the Blues had,  and now the Gmen.   The Blues recruiting, free housing, when players transferred.  Now that  the scenario seems quite similar, with players transferring in to play for Graham, the portrayal is painted with a different brush.  
    I'm very invested in Coach Mance and his success while at Richlands, and now at Loris.  As others have said he took a program that was in decline.  When  first arriving the players were in the weight room with crocs lifting weights.  His success has come with a strong work ethic and countless hours making his football programs a success.  He has always given credit to his assistants and had the knack to be able to see the abilities of his players and utilize their talents to the maximum.  
    I want all the Tazewell County schools  not just be a showcase of talent, but a brotherhood of communities pulling for each other.   First and foremost always a Blues fan, second a Bulldog fan and I want the Gmen to do well.  
    May the upcoming season be great with each team doing well, no career ending injuries, and sportsmanship for all teams.  
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    Deleted Account got a reaction from Union_Fan in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
  19. Thanks
    Deleted Account got a reaction from SWVAgridiron in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
  20. Like
    Deleted Account got a reaction from Account Deleted in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I'll take any addendum that helps make my point stronger, LOL.  

    As an aside, I vacation at the southern NC beaches, about 35 miles as the crow flies from Myrtle Beach.  The development that's going on, even with price tags of $500K+ for modest homes, is mesmerizing to me.  I wonder where this money's coming from.  I remember as a young child, being awestruck by a $900K price tag on a beachfront 3-story development.  That same home would run $3M+ today.
  21. Like
    Deleted Account got a reaction from Account Deleted in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
  22. Like
    Deleted Account got a reaction from BandanaVTDavis4321 in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I'll take any addendum that helps make my point stronger, LOL.  

    As an aside, I vacation at the southern NC beaches, about 35 miles as the crow flies from Myrtle Beach.  The development that's going on, even with price tags of $500K+ for modest homes, is mesmerizing to me.  I wonder where this money's coming from.  I remember as a young child, being awestruck by a $900K price tag on a beachfront 3-story development.  That same home would run $3M+ today.
  23. Like
    Deleted Account got a reaction from Ryan4VT in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    I'll take any addendum that helps make my point stronger, LOL.  

    As an aside, I vacation at the southern NC beaches, about 35 miles as the crow flies from Myrtle Beach.  The development that's going on, even with price tags of $500K+ for modest homes, is mesmerizing to me.  I wonder where this money's coming from.  I remember as a young child, being awestruck by a $900K price tag on a beachfront 3-story development.  That same home would run $3M+ today.
  24. Thanks
    Deleted Account got a reaction from Ryan4VT in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
  25. Like
    Deleted Account got a reaction from 1inStripes in 2023 scrims/jams/bg's   
    Or maybe…just maybe…he figured out that (1) he could draw full VRS while (2) teaching gut HS classes and coaching football while (3) living 20 minutes from the ocean and (4) being within 30 minutes of several world-renowned golf courses.
    You show me a soul alive that wouldn’t make that trade in a heartbeat, and I’ll show you a liar.  
    Mance wasn’t scared of Palmer.  If he were scared of challenges, he wouldn’t have gone to Loris, which was a doormat before him and now is competitive.  
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