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Carroll County @ Grundy


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Grundy is just not the same without John Kelly...we had turnovers and penalties tonight...played a messy game. You can't give a team like CC anything and expect to win...and that's what we did.


CC has a good team, best we have played...should be a good game next week against Richlands....good luck to you guys in the playoffs.



pics and more later....well, pics later...not much else to say really....still proud of my boys and there is a lot of football left to play this year...so, just pick up and move on.

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Grundy is just not the same without John Kelly...we had turnovers and penalties tonight...played a messy game. You can't give a team like CC anything and expect to win...and that's what we did.


CC has a good team, best we have played...should be a good game next week against Richlands....good luck to you guys in the playoffs.



pics and more later....well, pics later...not much else to say really....still proud of my boys and there is a lot of football left to play this year...so, just pick up and move on.

I guess Carroll County took it "personal" with Grundy leaving the SWD.

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Grundy's passing game has vanished since Kelly got hurt. Last week when Grundy played Abingdon Berglow was our offense getting the ball 28 or 29 times and running for over 200 yards. He didn't get that tonight, Carrol Co. defense did a good job wraping up and seemed like the D-line was beating up Grundy's O-line a lot tonight. If you think about it though the score should been 14-10 Carrol. In the 2nd quarter Grundy had the ball 4th and 7 on the 30 yd line (close to scoring) they run a HB toss pass, Berglow threw the ball right on the money to Justus and him and Oakwind run into each other trying to catch the ball and neither comes up with it. That should been 7pts. Also Grundy had the ball 4th and 5 on about the 23 (close to scoring) and went for it and didn't get it, if we kicked a fg I think we would made it. And Grundy just gave Carrol Co. 7 pts when Grundy had the ball backed up to about there 15 yd line and they fumbled and Carrol took it back to the house. The game was closer then what the scoreboard said, but either way Carrol deserved to win.


Grundy goes to Tazewell next week where they should pull out the W. Carrol goes to Richlands, I think Carrol will give them a good game because of there D but from what I saw tonight there just one dimensional on offense with the run game that only scored 2 tds aganist Grundy so I have a feeling there won't be a lot of offense going for Carrol next week.

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I guess Carroll County took it "personal" with Grundy leaving the SWD.


I doubt it...they had one run and we snapped the ball over the QB's head into the endzone...the last TD came with about 2 min left and the game was over at that point anyway, CC was pretty much running out the clock at the time and Grundy ran everyone up the gut and they had an off tackle run called...was an easy 6.


"personal" is getting your ass whipped 62-14.

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I doubt it...they had one run and we snapped the ball over the QB's head into the endzone...the last TD came with about 2 min left and the game was over at that point anyway, CC was pretty much running out the clock at the time and Grundy ran everyone up the gut and they had an off tackle run called...was an easy 6.


"personal" is getting your ass whipped 62-14.


BTW thevols, “personal” is tonight’s game: Bama @ Tennessee. Roll Tide!!!

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I doubt it...they had one run and we snapped the ball over the QB's head into the endzone...the last TD came with about 2 min left and the game was over at that point anyway, CC was pretty much running out the clock at the time and Grundy ran everyone up the gut and they had an off tackle run called...was an easy 6.


"personal" is getting your ass whipped 62-14.

What's matter ol' buddy little sore in the rectum. You are the same as every other Grundy person, you can dish it out but you can't take the heat. I overheard during the scrimmage at East Ridge how people wanted Ben to be QB instead of Kelly, I guess these mommies and daddies see Kelly was the backbone of Grundy's offense. Bergelowe may be a nifty little back but when you can stack the box with little or no threat of a pass you can be stopped. I guess if Grundy would have worked more on a back-up QB instead of being "personal,or letting the starters play or working on formations etc" they would not be in a funk.


Tell Grundy Thanks for ass-whippin it just made us a better team while you guys didn't learn a damn thing.

Edited by thevols
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What's matter ol' buddy little sore in the rectum. You are the same as every other Grundy person, you can dish it out but you can't take the heat. I overheard during the scrimmage at East Ridge how people wanted Ben to be QB instead of Kelly, I guess these mommies and daddies see Kelly was the backbone of Grundy's offense. Bergelowe may be a nifty little back but when you can stack the box with little or no threat of a pass you can be stopped. I guess if Grundy would have worked more on a back-up QB instead of being "personal,or letting the starters play or working on formations etc" they would not be in a funk.


Tell Grundy Thanks for ass-whippin it just made us a better team while you guys didn't learn a damn thing. So "lay down and lick your bag."



only one that sounds sore here is you...guess all that trash talk about how you were going to whip Grundy and all that didn't work out and you got your ass whipped so you figure you will try to thump your chest when someone elses team does something your team couldn't...typical.


as for Ben...I think he will do fine if they let him throw the ball, I would just put him in the shotgun so he's set and let him go. They finally let him throw the ball in the 4th and he completed a couple...Grundy had it in their heads they could run the ball on CC and that's what they stuck with until the ship sank.


Kelly was a big loss, no doubt...it changed the way the coaches are calling the game...if they go back to the way it was, I think we get better results. There are other things as well that I won't go in to here, but the big picture is that we are headed to the playoffs and you can't lose people now you will need later...regardless of what you or anyone thinks of Grundy's chances once the playoffs start, they have to play to win at that point...so things will be a bit different. Ben is a more mobile QB than Kelly and he opens up a lot more options than Kelly would running the O...but, it's hard for a kid who plays WR and only gets snaps with the 2nd team line to step in and run an offense like Grundy's at the drop of a hat...he needs time to settle and thats what you are seeing now...how long that takes is the unknown...they didn't have to pass much against Abingdon, and they didn't plan on passing much against CC...so...that's where it's at. There was talk before the season started of moving Kelly to TE some and using him in different ways...Kelly was productive in every game so i dont think there was much crying going on about making a change, I just think people wanted to see what Ben could do with Kelly in there as well and mix them up a little...which would probably be paying off about right now to be honest. The reason people were saying that at the ER scrimmage in particular was because Ben looked really good the week before at Clintwood...I dont think anyone ever wanted Kelly OUT though, that I know of...if so that would just be silly.


as for not being able to take it, not sure where you get that from...I take as much crap on here as anyone lol...you say something, I say something back...then you cry "you can't take it just like every other Grundy person...blah blah blah"....sounds like 3rd grade stuff from someone who got the old ass whipped by Grundy to me.

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it will take him a few posts to get to wound up to that point lol.

You can look back at all my post during the week of Hurley /Grundy and you can see I didn't predict Hurley to win. I said they wouldn't get blowed out but I was proven wrong. I said congrats on this board to Grundy and even called Hurley out about being a bunch of quitters.


I think, but I maybe wrong, you agreed with everything I posted about working your back-ups even if they start at WR. Hurley's back-up QB is Waynick and he gets snaps every week and usually during some point of the game. Hell, we even have a 3rd-string QB, but he hasn't had too many snaps during "live" actions.


The reason for disliking Grundy isn't football related but it's the way my wife and kids was treated during the game that night. The night of the game, my wife, (who is born and raised in Grundy) was talking to some people from Grundy(people she went to Vansant Church of Christ with) and my kids walked up with Hurley shirts on, and the people just looked at them and walked off in mid-sentence. I think it's first time my wife had to experience anything like that and I told her it"wasn't my first rodeo".


Damn right, I got a sore ass, you treat my wife and kids as second-class citizens, it pisses me off.

So, go ahead, jerk out the "banhammer" see if I give a damn. I think it will just show that what I said was right. The simple fact is when it comes to Grundy sports fans, they can dish it out but they can't take it.

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You can look back at all my post during the week of Hurley /Grundy and you can see I didn't predict Hurley to win. I said they wouldn't get blowed out but I was proven wrong. I said congrats on this board to Grundy and even called Hurley out about being a bunch of quitters.


I think, but I maybe wrong, you agreed with everything I posted about working your back-ups even if they start at WR. Hurley's back-up QB is Waynick and he gets snaps every week and usually during some point of the game. Hell, we even have a 3rd-string QB, but he hasn't had too many snaps during "live" actions.


The reason for disliking Grundy isn't football related but it's the way my wife and kids was treated during the game that night. The night of the game, my wife, (who is born and raised in Grundy) was talking to some people from Grundy(people she went to Vansant Church of Christ with) and my kids walked up with Hurley shirts on, and the people just looked at them and walked off in mid-sentence. I think it's first time my wife had to experience anything like that and I told her it"wasn't my first rodeo".


Damn right, I got a sore ass, you treat my wife and kids as second-class citizens, it pisses me off.

So, go ahead, jerk out the "banhammer" see if I give a damn. I think it will just show that what I said was right. The simple fact is when it comes to Grundy sports fans, they can dish it out but they can't take it.


your wife is a fine lady...i've known her most of my life. I don't know who would treat people as you have described, but I sure don't. I don't care for CC much myself, not much of a secret here...but I took some pics for the CC parents that asked me to do so and I was over on their sideline taking pics and talked with a few people from there and went out of my way to be as nice to them as I could be.


I have come to find in my travels that many of the people you see in church on sunday are also some of the biggest hypocrites you will find. Not everyone, but some...you would think church people would be the ones who are the best examples from a given community, but it's not always the case.


if I couldn't "take it" then i would have already banned you...but i don't have any plans on doing that sort of thing as you have not really done anything that i see that would require that sort of thing...if you can't mix it up a little and disagree with people in a somewhat civil manner then you often don't get to the real points that matter.


I don't think all people from Grundy are as you have said here any more than I think all people from Hurley are ignorant rednecks as a lot of people say they are...I like Hurley, my dad played for Hurley, the people there are not any different from the people from Grundy, or Richlands, or Abingdon, or anywhere else...you get the elite few that give the rest a bad name where ever you go.


So...not all people from Grundy are like that any more so than all people from Hurley are like that...you get stupid people where ever you go...they key is to figure out who they are so you don't have to associate with them anymore and move on...I've learned to feel sorry for most people like that instead of hating them. I figure it must be hard for them to go through life with such ignorance.

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@Lance, Once again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the pictures during the game. You know part of my story, but there are some other tidbits that I'll leave out on this forum (maybe PM them to ya) for the mean time. I realized by the flavor of the majority of your posts that you "didn't care much for CC." I never took that personally and still don't. Carroll County has almost 30K people living in it and most don't even know this site exists, let alone post anyting here. A good many attend home games, but there is a small core group that travels to most all the away games. I know most of them and they would be welcome at my home anytime and most will probably attend my wake and funeral. I have a brotherhood with them that has little to do with sports. However, like I've said before, schools and school sports help bring communities together. They can also create friction and pull them apart. Same applies for competing against other schools from other communities. So, I respect your feelings for CC, but I encourage you to visit the area (you can come see me anytime and will visit the family farm, hunt, cruise, listen to music, or talk all things sports) so that you make an informed decision on whether we suck or not based solely on sports or participants on this messageboard. I got a strange feeling you would enjoy your visit and discover that "people are people."


As for church goers, I am an unashamed Christian. That certainly doesn't excuse my behavior or give me any advantage in stating my views here or elsewhere. I, like all fellow Christians, am human and thus fallible. I would also invite you to attend church with me and see that my church family is not as you describe most church goers. God is great, but we must allow Christ living "in" us to come "out of us" in order to truly be like him. Religion is man's attempt to achieve that goal; Christianity is God's plan to assist man with making it over that hump! The two are wildly different and opposite! In the immortal words of Rodney King (and poor Reginald Denny too): "Can't we just all get along?"

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@Lance, Once again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the pictures during the game. You know part of my story, but there are some other tidbits that I'll leave out on this forum (maybe PM them to ya) for the mean time. I realized by the flavor of the majority of your posts that you "didn't care much for CC." I never took that personally and still don't. Carroll County has almost 30K people living in it and most don't even know this site exists, let alone post anyting here. A good many attend home games, but there is a small core group that travels to most all the away games. I know most of them and they would be welcome at my home anytime and most will probably attend my wake and funeral. I have a brotherhood with them that has little to do with sports. However, like I've said before, schools and school sports help bring communities together. They can also create friction and pull them apart. Same applies for competing against other schools from other communities. So, I respect your feelings for CC, but I encourage you to visit the area (you can come see me anytime and will visit the family farm, hunt, cruise, listen to music, or talk all things sports) so that you make an informed decision on whether we suck or not based solely on sports or participants on this messageboard. I got a strange feeling you would enjoy your visit and discover that "people are people."


As for church goers, I am an unashamed Christian. That certainly doesn't excuse my behavior or give me any advantage in stating my views here or elsewhere. I, like all fellow Christians, am human and thus fallible. I would also invite you to attend church with me and see that my church family is not as you describe most church goers. God is great, but we must allow Christ living "in" us to come "out of us" in order to truly be like him. Religion is man's attempt to achieve that goal; Christianity is God's plan to assist man with making it over that hump! The two are wildly different and opposite! In the immortal words of Rodney King (and poor Reginald Denny too): "Can't we just all get along?"

I think that you can find a bad bunch of people anywhere you go. Sometimes it seems there are some places that are worse than others. I personally have never had a bad experience at either Grundy or CC of course they aren't my favorite places but still not had a bad experience at either place.

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just to clear it up...i dont have a problem with CC or the people who live there...i just don't like going there to play football...it's a long drive and it's been less than rewarding to make the trip down there as a Grundy fan over the years lol. I have seen a few people in my travels there that I dont care for, i've also seen a few people from Grundy i don't really care for either, in particular there was a young girl dropping the F bomb every other word outside the field house a few weeks ago ...it was raining and there were a few kids sitting under the canopy there and they mostly had on Grundy shirts and hats so they were the home crowd...i felt sorry for the ignorance they were putting on display for the world to see. If I was from East Ridge or whoever we were playing I would not have a good impression of Grundy. That's not to say the whole town is like that, but you take away what you take away from places you visit based on what you see and hear.


In several trips to CC I've really only had negative experiences in my interactions with the fans on the visitors side...most of the time there were kids running thier mouth and people trying to start fights...things I dont see at other places. At some point you just start to not like going to a place like that when you see the same thing over and over again...much less when you lose the game as well.


Thats not saying that all people from CC are jerks...far from it...i speak to several here that I enjoy talking to, Huntercav being one of them...but there are others as well....and like i said, while I was down there with them on the sidelines, I tried to be as nice as possible and stay out of the way while taking my pics...I saw the coaches and kids and got to hear what they were saying...and it was the same sort of thing you see anywhere else...if anything your coaches were treating your kids better than most I've seen on the visitors sidelines...I was impressed by that to be honest.


As for church people, you have those who try to live a good life 7 days a week...and you have those who show up on sunday hoping it will make up for the other 6 days. I figure you all know exactly what I'm talking about...so I'm not going to go in to it more than that.


So...just to be clear...when I say "i dont care for cc" I don't mean the people who live there or the place in general, i just dont care much for going there to play and I'd say you guys probably dont care to go to grundy if you dont have to lol...so hope that explains it...nothing personal against the good people of CC.

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@Stu- LOL, I don't think we will be seeing Carroll County on The Travel Channel as any type of desired destination anytime in the foreseeable future! I have lived here twenty five years and it's been a great place to work and raise a family. The people, especially my wife's family, have been very good to me and my family. Now, am I defending it or encouraging folks to move here? NO! Just offering a little insight into the area outside of the

.01% that makes up football. We lvie in the other 99.9%.


@Lance, I never go to the visitor's side. I had an incident with a CCHS student running over Hunter down by the bathroom when he was about three years old that got very ugly because he had blood on his lip, was crying, and kids were laughing about it. Suffice it to say, I had the offender rolled up by the collar in the air to flatten his face while his clown friends looked on in shock. Just before I blasted him, I came to my senses. I confessed my sin to the administration the following Monday and was told that they would have understood if I hit the kid! Are you kidding? I didn't go to games for about two seasons until I grew up/matured and realized that it was an isolated incident and had nothing to do with the student body, the administration, or the team. Funny, I never let the brownie to the back of the head at Old Mountaineer Field keep me for going loving the 'Eers. I am not attempting to get you to change your mind about the school, team, or fans; rather, offering an olive branch to say we are all not those folks with whom you've had negative experiences. The church stuff is just that-stuff. Going to church doesn't make anybody a Christian any more than me driving a truck making me a truck driver. The sadness to most of these issues is that we are all more alike than different and that likeness is what scares us or makes us sick most of the time!

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God is great, but we must allow Christ living "in" us to come "out of us" in order to truly be like him. Religion is man's attempt to achieve that goal; Christianity is God's plan to assist man with making it over that hump! The two are wildly different and opposite!


Great insight between religion and a relationship with our Lord. Man will be flawed while in this mortal body, but we who are called by his name must do as the following scripture instructs us:



Pressing toward the Goal Philippians 3:12-16 (New Living Translation)


12--I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.


13--No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it,[d] but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,


14--I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.


15--Let all who are spiritually mature agree on these things. If you disagree on some point, I believe God will make it plain to you.


16--But we must hold on to the progress we have already made.

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I agree about the drive to CC but as a Richlands fan I guess that after driving to Patrick County a couple of times I may start to like the drive to CC. I see here stories about people being bad from other areas and I know Richlands is full of the same. When Richlands played CC last year it was a nice warm day in the Richlands area that day, but when I arrived in CC last year it was very cold with a light misting rain. There I sat with shorts on like some tough guy or idiot, you pick. I was offered a pair of pull-over rain pants by a lady in the concession stand and took her up on them and was able to still feel my legs after the game due to her generousity. All of this happened with me wearing my Richlands Blue Tornado sweatshirt. I don't know if she was a Christian but I know she did an act which made Christ proud of her. Not give a Blue tornado fan help but to have a heart of charity. Greek translation of charity is love. If the world only had more like her this old world would be a better place. I try to remember the good acts and forget the bad. It makes the world a little more tolerable.

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@Stu- LOL, I don't think we will be seeing Carroll County on The Travel Channel as any type of desired destination anytime in the foreseeable future! I have lived here twenty five years and it's been a great place to work and raise a family. The people, especially my wife's family, have been very good to me and my family. Now, am I defending it or encouraging folks to move here? NO! Just offering a little insight into the area outside of the

.01% that makes up football. We lvie in the other 99.9%.



Cant say anything about the fans from what Lance is saying (I feel the same way about GC) I know there are some good people over there. My coworker's wife is the softball coach over there. I just know from the perspective of the SW district nobody likes CC beacuse of the distance and how they are the "outsiders" it would be much better for them to be in the the Piedmont, but it's all part of it.

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