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Ridgeview vs Bluefield


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Seen a friend of mine post on Facebook last night about a situation near the end of the game about Bluefield cops and Ridgeview personnel getting into a heated discussion? What was that all about? 

Anywho, the poster was encouraging everyone to call Bluefield police chief and raise hell. 

What good that will do? I'm expecting get a few laughs out of the police chief... Lol 

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1 hour ago, swva_havok_fan said:

Seen a friend of mine post on Facebook last night about a situation near the end of the game about Bluefield cops and Ridgeview personnel getting into a heated discussion? What was that all about? 

Anywho, the poster was encouraging everyone to call Bluefield police chief and raise hell. 

What good that will do? I'm expecting get a few laughs out of the police chief... Lol 

Don’t know about the end of the game, but I thought something was about to happen before halftime. There were a bunch of parents yelling back and forth. No police at that time though.  
Now my question about Tiller is, were the allegations true? If they weren’t, (apparently Honaker didn’t believe them) he should find a way to take them to court. Because that is dirty.

I’m sure every county in SWVA has this problem, but nepotism is a huge problem over here. Just look up and down all the county offices.  

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On 10/29/2022 at 9:28 AM, GMan said:

It had nothing to do with coaching tonight...Bluefield had more speed and talent than Ridgeview.  You all talking about how good your QB is...he has one of the weakest arms I've seen for a "good" QB.  His deep balls are lobs or jump balls (ie. throws it up to which ever player can get to it) and his short passes have zero zip on them.  Ridgeview had zero speed on the outside or on D.  Best player was Hill the RB. He did most of the work on his runs as the OL got little to no push on the Beavers.  None of that has to do with coaching...

See, this is a bad take all the way around and simply not true.  I’ll address the coaching aspect first.  RV simply does a poor job of play design and play calling.  Break down the film….the route combos, etc.  They often have two WRs within a yard or two of each other.  No spread concepts or passing concepts..no reads…Additionally, the play calling is really bad for tendencies….run up the middle on 1st…throw it deep on 2nd..the fans even call them out in the stands.  The reason Bluefield looked so much better was the play design and coaching. They have good athletes and know how to use them. They called plays that RV defense gave them and then countered off that.  RV had no such flow.  It appears often that RV doesn’t even consider the defensive alignment when calling plays.

O’Quinn is asked to make very difficult and low % throws more than any QB in SWVA.  Any kid can hit a 3 yard hitch 20 times a game but try hitting a fade three yards off the sideline in double and triple coverage 40 yards downfield.  The kid over threw his deep balls the whole game…missed two or three TDs I know of.  Hit those and you change the game a bit.  His problem is he often puts too much air under them but I’ve seen the kid throw it 55-60 yards in the air.  Arm strength is not his issue at all.  I would say only Jones from VHS has a stronger arm.  Now, he has a really bad habit of waiting to see his WR get open before he throws.  He needs coaching and is getting no positional coaching right now.  

As for speed on the outside, did you watch the game?  Beavers blew by defenders half a dozen times last night but was over thrown.  On one play he was 5 yards behind the whole defense and was overthrown by 3-4 yards.  The kid is the Region D  champ in all sprints and four events.  The Counts kid is a legit 4.6 and Hill is probably 4.7. That is plenty fast enough if used properly, especially in SWVA.  But I will say some of them have a tendency to out edge a defense and they weren’t doing that to Bluefield who is too fast.  
A final point is that the frustration is building because of the lack of structure and vision on offense.  Man…it was so apparent last night that coaching was the absolute major difference in those two teams.  When you absolutely know what to do and your assignment you play fast.  When you’re not sure and things are always changing you play slower. The team speed on defense was noticeable for Bluefield. They fly to the ball which RV used to do fairly well but they seemed sluggish and hesitate last night.  As for OL/DL…definite advantage to Bluefield.  RV can match them for the first 2 or 3 players but not for the 4th and 5th one.

The root of their problem is they are struggling to design good plays to get the ball to their guys in advantageous positions where Bluefield excelled at that.  In fact, Bluefield put a demonstration on for RV and showed them exactly how RV should employ their athletes.  I’d scrap my offense and just copy Bluefields….and I’m 90% serious on that.  I like everything they did and a big fan of what they do.

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2 hours ago, swva_havok_fan said:

Seen a friend of mine post on Facebook last night about a situation near the end of the game about Bluefield cops and Ridgeview personnel getting into a heated discussion? What was that all about? 

Anywho, the poster was encouraging everyone to call Bluefield police chief and raise hell. 

What good that will do? I'm expecting get a few laughs out of the police chief... Lol 

The cops made some comments to some of the players and it escalated quickly.  The police denied it but several players were brought out and identified the officer that was making the remarks.  They id’ed the same cop and had the same story.  Very unprofessional “Wow, ya’ll down by 30” “Don’t slam your helmet, play better”,  “ They’re playing like trash”. One player asked the police “If you’re gonna talk trash just move back toward the stands.”  It boiled over with several parents letting the police have it and, rightfully so.  Very bad look for the BPD. I witnessed most of it and it seems that it was just one younger officer who was making the comments.  The kids absolutely did NOT engage the officers prior to the comments being made.  The officers were about 2-yards behind the RV bench the whole game.  Shit show all around.  

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If it makes y’all feel better, one official was trash talking some of the Graham players during the Pulaski game. I’m not excusing any inappropriate comments that might have been made on the part of the officer last night but adults often act childish. Coaches have to teach kids to rise above it & do their talking on the field so to speak. Adults should be better but unfortunately they sometimes aren’t. 

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Who are the coaches that are being criticized, I haven't kept up enough to know who is in what rolls.   I also never heard anything about Tiller, just a chance to go to Honaker, so if there is more, please advise.   Actually have gotten back to a few games this year, definitely is some responsibility missing, at least to me.  

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10 hours ago, WolfpackGhost said:

Long time reader, first time poster.  I read a post on social media talking about the importance of sportmanship, it also applies to parents & fans.  Since consolidation, I’ve watched many RV games & shook my head at the actions of some players, parents & fans. I can’t help but think that many of those actions were a result of what’s posted on here. When I read this board, all I see is negative, contradicting posts that are of no help to anyone, except the posters ego. “This player needs the ball more”, “we don’t run the ball enough”, “we run the ball too much”, “more short passes”, “too many deep balls”, “Tiller”, “Edwards”, name calling. These help nothing. Do you honestly believe any coach is reading this for advice or even reading it at all??  But I’m sure these kids do read it, so this cancerous nonsense spreads from “parent/fan poster” to player & throughout the team. How about reading you’re the on the most overrated unimpressive 8-0 team?? Real confidence booster!! Tiller & Edwards we’re not fired, they accepted jobs at other schools that they applied for, so move on from that. Remember these are kids & in a few short weeks, it’s over for some & it may be a coaches fault, a players fault or just a better team(sometimes those actually exist). I would like to see it end with a trophy, but these silly blame game posts won’t help that. This site had a good purpose, but has turned into a whining place for egotistical parents/fans & so this will also be my last post.   Good luck Wolfpack the rest of the season 

Wonder which coach this is?

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Bluefield was obviously the better team, but another poor showing from the Stanley twins. Nothing will change till the AD grows a pair or the parents run the Stanley’s off. I see neither happening. But I’m hearing lots of grumbling about the poor play calling and poor discipline of the athletes. I still won’t hold my breath.

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10 hours ago, WolfpackGhost said:

Long time reader, first time poster.  I read a post on social media talking about the importance of sportmanship, it also applies to parents & fans.  Since consolidation, I’ve watched many RV games & shook my head at the actions of some players, parents & fans. I can’t help but think that many of those actions were a result of what’s posted on here. When I read this board, all I see is negative, contradicting posts that are of no help to anyone, except the posters ego. “This player needs the ball more”, “we don’t run the ball enough”, “we run the ball too much”, “more short passes”, “too many deep balls”, “Tiller”, “Edwards”, name calling. These help nothing. Do you honestly believe any coach is reading this for advice or even reading it at all??  But I’m sure these kids do read it, so this cancerous nonsense spreads from “parent/fan poster” to player & throughout the team. How about reading you’re the on the most overrated unimpressive 8-0 team?? Real confidence booster!! Tiller & Edwards we’re not fired, they accepted jobs at other schools that they applied for, so move on from that. Remember these are kids & in a few short weeks, it’s over for some & it may be a coaches fault, a players fault or just a better team(sometimes those actually exist). I would like to see it end with a trophy, but these silly blame game posts won’t help that. This site had a good purpose, but has turned into a whining place for egotistical parents/fans & so this will also be my last post.   Good luck Wolfpack the rest of the season 

Kids and coaches need to toughen up if they cannot take criticism.

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I’m going to play devil’s advocate, maybe an outsider who has never watched Ridgeview play might argue an 8-1 team doesn’t really have a coaching issue. There are probably a lot of teams that would take that record regardless of who coach/coaches are & which players are or aren’t utilized. 

(I’m not saying this is my personal opinion, I’m just saying any random Joe just looking at the record might disagree with Ridgeview fans). 

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3 minutes ago, Gridiron60 said:

I’m going to play devil’s advocate, maybe an outsider who has never watched Ridgeview play might argue an 8-1 team doesn’t really have a coaching issue. There are probably a lot of teams that would take that record regardless of who coach/coaches are & which players are or aren’t utilized. 

(I’m not saying this is my personal opinion, I’m just saying any random Joe just looking at the record might disagree with Ridgeview fans). 

After last years run, expectations were very high coming into year. I’m not saying they should be on Graham’s level, but you’d expect a ton of improvement from one year to the next. 
Running the coach off has upset a lot of folks. Legit or not legit, I have no idea.  

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1 minute ago, Wolf1207 said:

After last years run, expectations were very high coming into year. I’m not saying they should be on Graham’s level, but you’d expect a ton of improvement from one year to the next. 
Running the coach off has upset a lot of folks. Legit or not legit, I have no idea.  

I’m not disagreeing. Y’all had everyone back and I think everyone across the region expected for Ridgeview  to be the team to beat with all the talent that returned. They still may end up being the team to beat but I understand where you’re coming from. Any abrupt coaching change usually upsets a team’s mojo especially if team/coach were a good fit. 

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7 minutes ago, Gridiron60 said:

I’m going to play devil’s advocate, maybe an outsider who has never watched Ridgeview play might argue an 8-1 team doesn’t really have a coaching issue. There are probably a lot of teams that would take that record regardless of who coach/coaches are & which players are or aren’t utilized. 

(I’m not saying this is my personal opinion, I’m just saying any random Joe just looking at the record might disagree with Ridgeview fans). 

True, someone who doesn’t have kids playing on the team, is not at every game, doesn’t sit in the stands talking to dozens of parents every game, doesn’t know players personally and doesn’t know all the coaches.  Probably wouldn’t realize how bad the atmosphere and morale is at Ridgeview. Thats why so many people are here telling you we need a change for the better. Most Ridgeview fans on here are saying that.  

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I haven’t been to one ridgeview game this year but I’ve heard every Saturday morning how awful the environment is.  I’m only going to address the coaching situation from last year.  Whoever WolfpackGhost is get the heck out of here with your BS knowledge.  Tiller and Edwards did accept other jobs AFTER the fact they both was told they wouldn’t have jobs at Ridgeview this year. An anonymous letter got Tiller out the door that had no proof to it. Edwards met with Dewayne Stanley after he was named the head coach who said he wouldn’t have no say so on offense….how’s that working out for you? Y’all have a winning season but that locker room has no respect for one another. When the head coach and son argue ALL the time it doesn’t set a good tone at all for this program. These kids have NO respect for the bobbsey twins.  I feel sorry for the kids because they didn’t and don’t deserve any of this. The leadership at Dickenson County schools are just horrible, not good people at all. 

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2 hours ago, Here2pissUoff said:

I haven’t been to one ridgeview game this year but I’ve heard every Saturday morning how awful the environment is.  I’m only going to address the coaching situation from last year.  Whoever WolfpackGhost is get the heck out of here with your BS knowledge.  Tiller and Edwards did accept other jobs AFTER the fact they both was told they wouldn’t have jobs at Ridgeview this year. An anonymous letter got Tiller out the door that had no proof to it. Edwards met with Dewayne Stanley after he was named the head coach who said he wouldn’t have no say so on offense….how’s that working out for you? Y’all have a winning season but that locker room has no respect for one another. When the head coach and son argue ALL the time it doesn’t set a good tone at all for this program. These kids have NO respect for the bobbsey twins.  I feel sorry for the kids because they didn’t and don’t deserve any of this. The leadership at Dickenson County schools are just horrible, not good people at all. 

An anonymous letter? WOW 

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2 hours ago, Here2pissUoff said:

I haven’t been to one ridgeview game this year but I’ve heard every Saturday morning how awful the environment is.  I’m only going to address the coaching situation from last year.  Whoever WolfpackGhost is get the heck out of here with your BS knowledge.  Tiller and Edwards did accept other jobs AFTER the fact they both was told they wouldn’t have jobs at Ridgeview this year. An anonymous letter got Tiller out the door that had no proof to it. Edwards met with Dewayne Stanley after he was named the head coach who said he wouldn’t have no say so on offense….how’s that working out for you? Y’all have a winning season but that locker room has no respect for one another. When the head coach and son argue ALL the time it doesn’t set a good tone at all for this program. These kids have NO respect for the bobbsey twins.  I feel sorry for the kids because they didn’t and don’t deserve any of this. The leadership at Dickenson County schools are just horrible, not good people at all. 

Very accurate kill shot.

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6 hours ago, Here2pissUoff said:

I haven’t been to one ridgeview game this year but I’ve heard every Saturday morning how awful the environment is.  I’m only going to address the coaching situation from last year.  Whoever WolfpackGhost is get the heck out of here with your BS knowledge.  Tiller and Edwards did accept other jobs AFTER the fact they both was told they wouldn’t have jobs at Ridgeview this year. An anonymous letter got Tiller out the door that had no proof to it. Edwards met with Dewayne Stanley after he was named the head coach who said he wouldn’t have no say so on offense….how’s that working out for you? Y’all have a winning season but that locker room has no respect for one another. When the head coach and son argue ALL the time it doesn’t set a good tone at all for this program. These kids have NO respect for the bobbsey twins.  I feel sorry for the kids because they didn’t and don’t deserve any of this. The leadership at Dickenson County schools are just horrible, not good people at all. 

Both coaches had there choice too leave or being fired, that's the truth, it should of came out beginning of season,I think it will come out or someone higher up might get into very much trouble, that's all I am saying.

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32 minutes ago, Packman15 said:

Both coaches had there choice too leave or being fired, that's the truth, it should of came out beginning of season,I think it will come out or someone higher up might get into very much trouble, that's all I am saying.

Well here’s my outside observation on the matter.   If they were given the option then any sort of allegation against them couldn’t have been true and the schools in which they are now both head coaches would not have hired them either.  So it does seem a little odd that they were forced to take other positions. With an anonymous letter as well I Seems it was a mission to get them out.  

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24 minutes ago, Real Sasquatch said:

Team loses 1 game(against a good team  on their home turf)and fans are ready to tar and feather the coaching staff.  Geeze.  Re-group, work harder and come back stronger.  

In normal seasons you’d be 100% correct. But this is the 3rd coaching staff in 4 seasons. The only common denominator that I can see is the A.D., principal, and superintendent. 
This is just what the public can see.  It makes me ask are there any other issues going on in the school system. 

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37 minutes ago, Real Sasquatch said:

Team loses 1 game(against a good team  on their home turf)and fans are ready to tar and feather the coaching staff.  Geeze.  Re-group, work harder and come back stronger.  

Go back and read.  This has been every week since week 1. Even when we were 8-0

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