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Off-season rumor mill...


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Coach Allen has done a great job at Tazewell. Calling him a joke after trying to turn the program that was in shambles is harsh. He turned down a huge opportunity at George Wythe before last season because he is invested in these kids. I have witnessed it first hand.He cares more about the kids at THS than anyone knows. Countless hours of preperation, training, counseling, and parenting in some cases. He may or may not leave now, but who could blame him? When you spend that much time and effort on kids, and in return they choose to look out for themselves, what incentive would he have to stay?


Looking back over the past few years, Graham and Tazewell have both struggled. But one common factor in these struggles are that everytime either school looks to be on the rise, They somehow lose a player to Richlands. Tazewell in 2008 made the Region Championship game, within 2 years They lost a potential running back, and their starting back to Richlands(Parnell and Lockhart).


How many has Graham lost? Bunker, Farris, the QB Baker that got hurt twice. Those are big hits to a small enrollment school.


Now Tazewell has lost 2 more, kicker is already enrolled at RHS and now the RB, who will be one of the best in the area if he stays healthy. Take him away from a team that is trying to build and put him on the rival that already is good, and that just makes Tazewell and Graham look even worse.

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Coach Allen has done a great job at Tazewell. Calling him a joke after trying to turn the program that was in shambles is harsh. He turned down a huge opportunity at George Wythe before last season because he is invested in these kids. I have witnessed it first hand.He cares more about the kids at THS than anyone knows. Countless hours of preperation, training, counseling, and parenting in some cases. He may or may not leave now, but who could blame him? When you spend that much time and effort on kids, and in return they choose to look out for themselves, what incentive would he have to stay?


Looking back over the past few years, Graham and Tazewell have both struggled. But one common factor in these struggles are that everytime either school looks to be on the rise, They somehow lose a player to Richlands. Tazewell in 2008 made the Region Championship game, within 2 years They lost a potential running back, and their starting back to Richlands(Parnell and Lockhart).


How many has Graham lost? Bunker, Farris, the QB Baker that got hurt twice. Those are big hits to a small enrollment school.


Now Tazewell has lost 2 more, kicker is already enrolled at RHS and now the RB, who will be one of the best in the area if he stays healthy. Take him away from a team that is trying to build and put him on the rival that already is good, and that just makes Tazewell and Graham look even worse.


I cannot blame any family for chasing the limitless variety of diverse business opportunities that exist in the Cedar Bluff, Pounding Mill, Richlands, Raven, Bandy, and Jewell Ridge zip codes of Tazewell County.  I further cannot blame people who wish to contribute to the population explosion occurring in that fertile crescent.

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I cannot blame any family for chasing the limitless variety of diverse business opportunities that exist in the Cedar Bluff, Pounding Mill, Richlands, Raven, Bandy, and Jewell Ridge zip codes of Tazewell County.  I further cannot blame people who wish to contribute to the population explosion occurring in that fertile crescent.


Hey, we're getting a new Dollar General, the sky is the limit for the Raven area in the near future!

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The worst part of all this transfer business that has been going on in Tazewell county for several years now is the parenting...Yes, I agree the coaching in both places has been in shambles for quite some time. I agree with barondawg77 that Coach Allen has invested a lot into the program to get it back on track, and has done an admirable job. Richlands has had consistency in their coaching, and that has made a difference on the field. The travesty that exists is when the parents of these kids that transfer allow it to happen, and in some cases, even promote it happening! What are they teaching their children and their siblings? That when you don't get things you want, or things don't go your way, pack up and leave your family, teammates, friends behind and go try something else? Especially when it involves kids going into their senior years. Take the 3 years you have just spent and throw it all away? Many parents claim that the reason they move down the road is for the opportunities it provides their children to go to college. How many of those kids that have transferred down the road have went on to play scholarship football at the next level? How many of those guys are in the pros now? 


10, 20, 30 years from now will it matter how many games you won? Will it matter if you started on your varsity football team? Will it matter that you turned your back on your childhood friends, coaches, and sometimes your family? Which class reunion will you attend? The one where you only spent one year and barely know anyone, or the one where you grew up playing in the backyard with all you friends pretending you would be a Bulldog or a G-man one day? You know, those same "friends" you turned you back on when things didn't go exactly like they were planned to do? The one your siblings, your cousins, your mom and dad, even your grandmother and grandfather went to?


Sorry for the rant...Just something that needed to be said...

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Issue with the last post in turn I do agree with is that these kids are friends no matter if they were from T or R or G....with these kids driving and getting vehicles and hanging out with each other. Parents tend to fire up the rivalries more than the kids. Does it really bother the kids that do transfer? ?? Does it really matter overall? ?? Hate it for T-TOWN ....but they will be alright.

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Kids will always jump. Graham has lost far more to Bluefield than to Richlands, btw.


The main thing here is that if you have a chance to go win a ring, most kids are going to want to help achieve it. There's only team in the county who is capable of winning a title this season. Not bragging or boasting, but we return a team that didn't lose much at all on a defense that was killer down the stretch last year.


The tide will one day turn. Kids will leave Richlands to go play for Tazewell and Graham and Honaker etc. And they will do it in the name of a state title.


It is what it is.

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I happens everywhere.  Galax, Grayson and Carroll have, at one time or another, been on both ends of transferring students.  Grayson County High School has lost nearly 250 students since the 2010-2011 school year.  Carroll County has lost around 400 students system wide in that same time frame.  


Galax, on the other hand, have seen such an influx of student population, administrators have purchased property in an effort to build a new elementary and middle school.  The current elementary school enrollment has exploded.  My 4th grade daughters class is 94 strong.  My 1st grade daughters class was 103 for kindergarten and rose to 127 for 1st grade prompting the school to have to hire a 1st grade teacher after classes began in August.  The current kindergarten class enrollment is 140.  Galax Elementary School has gone from 5 kindergarten classes in 2010-2011 to 8 in 2014-2015.


I have said it before, Carroll County had its best option to coach the football team already on staff and allowed him to leave for Tazewell in an effort to keep Tom Hale.  Poor choice!

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Call it what you want...

Gosh, there's so many things...


Culture of instant gratification.

Dertrimentally indulgent parenting.

Undue self importance.

Lack of loyalty.

Lack of gumption.

Contempt for jurisdictional rules.

Tail wagging the dog.

Sports above education.

Me Me Me.

Turning your back on your friends.

Turning your back on your teammates.


And most importantly...


A mistake.

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Gosh, there's so many things...

Culture of instant gratification.

Dertrimentally indulgent parenting.

Undue self importance.

Lack of loyalty.

Lack of gumption.

Contempt for jurisdictional rules.

Tail wagging the dog.

Sports above education.

Me Me Me.

Turning your back on your friends.

Turning your back on your teammates.

And most importantly...

A mistake.

Gosh, there's so many things...

Culture of instant gratification.

Dertrimentally indulgent parenting.

Undue self importance.

Lack of loyalty.

Lack of gumption.

Contempt for jurisdictional rules.

Tail wagging the dog.

Sports above education.

Me Me Me.

Turning your back on your friends.

Turning your back on your teammates.

And most importantly...

A mistake.

Post of the year.

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