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Congrats to Appo no matter what happens in this game past 3 seasons been  top dawg of 2A football. But I can only speak for myself in saying I'm glad its over and that arrogant fanbase will go back into hiding.  Hate on me on you want but you never heard anything about them until 2014. Go BEARS

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1 hour ago, Union's hammer said:

Congrats to Appo no matter what happens in this game past 3 seasons been  top dawg of 2A football. But I can only speak for myself in saying I'm glad its over and that arrogant fanbase will go back into hiding.  Hate on me on you want but you never heard anything about them until 2014. Go BEARS

If memory serves me correctly , I think they had a post season game  of some sort at Gate City  several years ago. Their coach  was John  Justice with mom I became acquainted with when he returned to Buchanan County . He was Principal of Garden High School for  short time and relocated to Knoxville.. 

you statement about APPO is correct as I never heard any more about them until 2015 when they made an  unbelievable   late comeback to beat Richlands.

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10 hours ago, SWVAgridiron said:

Congrats to Appo on 3 amazing seasons. R.E. Lee was the better team IMO, but they got out coached in all phases of the game in that 2nd half. Appomattox may not 4-peat next season, but with this new Era they have started,  they will now be in the mix of things for seasons to come.

I do give Lees coaches credit for keeping their players head in the game on the punt that never crossed the LOS and finishing that play for a TD.  Not a play you see very often.

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WOW!  Tongue and cheek right off the bat!

RE LEE came to play and they were a great team.  Two great teams met and battled with Appomattox having to fight back most all of the game.  Javon Scruggs (#1 QB) is a PLAYER.  Every time Lee took momentum he did something to swing it back to our favor.

I was super proud of our kids, especially some of out back ups!  #4 Drew Mann went out on the first offensive series and then #54 Daniel Baldwin never came out after half time (maybe even before the half).  Both of those guys are starting Dog and Middle Linebacker on defense and T.E. and left tackle on Off.  For Appomattox to overcome those two major losses and still battle back to win was amazing.

Plus, RE LEE scored on one of the most bazaar plays that I have ever seen.  Punter shanks the punt so bad that it never crosses the LOS and rolls to their side of the field. I thought it rolled OB but I guess it didn't.  They pick it up as our guys caught up in the excitement of the big stop and then this punt and......the kid runs it for a TD.  

44-1 over the past three years (and that "one" lost in the 3A finals yesterday).  Don't hate on them for that success.  All dynasties start somewhere and Appomattox along with Coach Smith and company are on their roll.  Will they win it next year..........people didn't think they would win it this year.

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1 hour ago, 1inStripes said:

I do give Lees coaches credit for keeping their players head in the game on the punt that never crossed the LOS and finishing that play for a TD.  Not a play you see very often.

That was a crazy play! And I thought that would be the back breaker for Appo but that next drive they went 3 plays and in the end zone. Much respect to them for never quitting as well as Lee. Had Appo not gotten field position on the 50 every possession Lee might have taken this one by 2 tds. 

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Way too many woulda coulda shoulda's to call any play a true back breaker. Appo beat themselves up with way way too many very bad mistakes in first half and some bad plays in second half. I attribute alot of that to having 6 major players out of the game by 2nd half and much younger inexperienced players stepping up and giving it their all. Soo to say if something had not happened then let me say if the punt in first half had not been dropped then surely the score outcome may have been alot different.

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14 hours ago, oldfool said:

Appomattox stil loves all of you. You guys motivate us to give you a sun Shiney day.

Hats off to you guys for a job well done.  All the players and the coaches have done a great job for the last three years.  To all the Appo fans, thanks for the attitude you have shown with the utmost respect you have for the opposing fan base, (NOT).

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19 hours ago, Union's hammer said:

Congrats to Appo no matter what happens in this game past 3 seasons been  top dawg of 2A football. But I can only speak for myself in saying I'm glad its over and that arrogant fanbase will go back into hiding.  Hate on me on you want but you never heard anything about them until 2014. Go BEARS

I've never seen a fan base yet of a successful team that people didn't think was arrogant, Union included.  It goes with the territory.  Also, you are not going to have much of a fan base if you have a losing team.  #fact of life #2

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7 hours ago, jarhead24219 said:

APPO beats UNION by 3 and LEE by 4, I would guess it would be fair to say they earned this one. The WEST still rules there is no debate about that

Yes it was a tough earned win. Lee came fully loaded and firing.Appo forgot to bring flak jackets and took alot of hits. But dang you have got to give Leemen credit they are a strong group of young men to be respected.

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4 hours ago, Blue 72 said:

Hats off to you guys for a job well done.  All the players and the coaches have done a great job for the last three years.  To all the Appo fans, thanks for the attitude you have shown with the utmost respect you have for the opposing fan base, (NOT).

I'll keep my hat on my bald head to keep it warm thankyou. However, i would ask you look on THE OTHER MESSAGE BOARD and take a gander at a thread called Congratulations to R E Lee.

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14 minutes ago, AdvocateOfMany434 said:

Yall keep saying that but the only people I hear say it is people from SWVA. I have yet to hear anyone say this and I have been on these boards for years. 

Have you seen the 5 or 6 pictures of people with no front teeth and him mocking Union along with those pictures? Or are you just turning a blind eye to the BS that goes on over there?

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4 hours ago, Weatherman said:

I've never seen a fan base yet of a successful team that people didn't think was arrogant, Union included.  It goes with the territory.  Also, you are not going to have much of a fan base if you have a losing team.  #fact of life #2

Congratulations to Appomattox from a Union fan that calls it like I see it. You guys have put together a great program that will be remembered for some time. This arrogance on here is not shared by all bear fans. The bears had a good season and over achieved. Our one dimensional offense player will graduate this year. I looking for bears to be very average next season will have to Waite and see. Again congratulations on a fantastic run.

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47 minutes ago, AdvocateOfMany434 said:

Yall keep saying that but the only people I hear say it is people from SWVA. I have yet to hear anyone say this and I have been on these boards for years. 

Lol come on man. Ya boy Luke has been all over it. Unless I imagined it when I was high on all those opioids that I take for my back pain ?? 

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1 hour ago, EH31 said:

Lol come on man. Ya boy Luke has been all over it. Unless I imagined it when I was high on all those opioids that I take for my back pain ?? 


2 hours ago, Ryan4VT said:

Have you seen the 5 or 6 pictures of people with no front teeth and him mocking Union along with those pictures? Or are you just turning a blind eye to the BS that goes on over there?

I actually didnt know how childish he could be with all that...did you see me entertain it??? Was he not attacked first? I will have to read it again....I may be wrong.  I actually didnt read all that back and forth stuff. It was championship week, i wont reading them garbage post.  Other than that.....I have yet to read anything about yall being hillbillies. Furthermore, I have not had a conversation with anyone that said it either.

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On 12/10/2017 at 6:06 PM, Union's hammer said:

Congrats to Appo no matter what happens in this game past 3 seasons been  top dawg of 2A football. But I can only speak for myself in saying I'm glad its over and that arrogant fanbase will go back into hiding.  Hate on me on you want but you never heard anything about them until 2014. Go BEARS

Would love to know why we are being called "arrogant"? I think that is pretty unjustified...

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11 minutes ago, AdvocateOfMany434 said:


I actually didnt know how childish he could be with all that...did you see me entertain it??? Was he not attacked first? I will have to read it again....I may be wrong.  I actually didnt read all that back and forth stuff. It was championship week, i wont reading them garbage post.  Other than that.....I have yet to read anything about yall being hillbillies. Furthermore, I have not had a conversation with anyone that said it either.

I quoted your buddy Kenny stabler and ask him a question and he came at me. Once I threw it back at him then all he could say was that we are all uneducated (or community college educated at best) and toothless, opioid using, hill people that did not belong on VAPreps. I was having fun but I had to quit entertaining Him because my phone battery was getting low in the mall and I was trying to watch the FB Live stream of the champ game later so I didn't want my phone to die. 

So no, he was not attacked whatsoever. He interjected himself into for his own fun. I've gave you a way harder time and the worst thing you've ever called me is "Empty Head" so in hindsight I appreciate that ?

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