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New Head Coach at Richlands

Blue Tornado

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8 minutes ago, bleedblue89 said:

Not sayin that your wrong, but our school board candidates where up for re-election and they both ran unopposed. So, maybe instead of the constant online bashing, throw your hat in the ring and run for a seat, now that could actually shake things up. 

Yelp, it would shake things up, but living 50ft. inside the Russell County line, as I do, wouldn't let me take the position.  It's funny that the county line puts me into another county, when I graduated from good old RHS, and have been a Blues fan all my life, but that's how life is sometimes.  You're right about the bashing, I probably shouldn't, but truth is truth and I'll leave it at that.  

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So, if 2 guys on here, one from Tazewell and one from Richlands are both making it known they have heard the new coach is decided on already and the interviews are just a formality or checking of the box, then......I would wager the guys interviewing for this position are also aware of this. Therefore, why interview if you know you have no chance?

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3 minutes ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

So, if 2 guys on here, one from Tazewell and one from Richlands are both making it known they have heard the new coach is decided on already and the interviews are just a formality or checking of the box, then......I would wager the guys interviewing for this position are also aware of this. Therefore, why interview if you know you have no chance?

Maybe some of the local  interviewees are hoping to land the OC or DC position under the new coach??? 

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11 minutes ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

So, if 2 guys on here, one from Tazewell and one from Richlands are both making it known they have heard the new coach is decided on already and the interviews are just a formality or checking of the box, then......I would wager the guys interviewing for this position are also aware of this. Therefore, why interview if you know you have no chance?

It's actually pretty common for public-sector interviews to take place even when the hiring party already knows the eventual outcome. Public-sector interviews are a requirement to meet state and federal law. 

Why interview if you know someone else will ultimately be hired? One never knows what may happen down the road. Make a good impression in the interview and set yourself up for a possible return in a year or two if the situation changes. In the late 90's, I interviewed for a position with a multinational full service engineering firm based in Norfolk. Even though they were a private company, they had to meet state had federal guidelines for public-sector employment based on the military contracts the company held. They knew who they were going to hire well before the interview process began. I went in knowing I wasn't getting the job but decided to put my best foot forward anyway. I was young and could use the interview practice and experience. Four days after the interview, I got a call from their Roanoke branch asking if I would be interested in relocation. I spent the next 8-years there.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have!

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13 minutes ago, sixcat said:

It's actually pretty common for public-sector interviews to take place even when the hiring party already knows the eventual outcome. Public-sector interviews are a requirement to meet state and federal law. 

Why interview if you know someone else will ultimately be hired? One never knows what may happen down the road. Make a good impression in the interview and set yourself up for a possible return in a year or two if the situation changes. In the late 90's, I interviewed for a position with a multinational full service engineering firm based in Norfolk. Even though they were a private company, they had to meet state had federal guidelines for public-sector employment based on the military contracts the company held. They knew who they were going to hire well before the interview process began. I went in knowing I wasn't getting the job but decided to put my best foot forward anyway. I was young and could use the interview practice and experience. Four days after the interview, I got a call from their Roanoke branch asking if I would be interested in relocation. I spent the next 8-years there.

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have!

This works in the real world but not in Tazewell county's political machine. It's been like the old saying, ("It's not what you know, but who you know"), for several years and more than likely will continue.

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7 minutes ago, Tru Blue72 said:

This works in the real world but not in Tazewell county's political machine. 

I'm not familiar with the political climate in Tazewell County. That could most certainly have an impact. 

I would still think going through the interview process would be beneficial practice for a young coach looking to get his big break.

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1 hour ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

So, if 2 guys on here, one from Tazewell and one from Richlands are both making it known they have heard the new coach is decided on already and the interviews are just a formality or checking of the box, then......I would wager the guys interviewing for this position are also aware of this. Therefore, why interview if you know you have no chance?

Just trying to get your name out there and show what you know for Coordinator positions, or just staff positions, maybe someone will remember you for the next open HC position, for interview experience(what kind of questions will they ask, who will be in the room, etc.), maybe the interviewees feel that "those in power at Richlands/TCPS believe they have their guy but just wait til they get a load of me! Ill blow that other guy out of the water" or maybe they think those bunch of dummies on the sports forum don't really know what's going on and are just gossiping. Btw, I've heard that they have their guy (idk who, and wouldn't say on here if I did) and I am in no way connected to Tazewell County or Richlands.

Typically the powers that be have a coach is in mind before firing the current one. Coach Tarter took on what most people knew was gonna be a bad situation to try to get the program through it as best he could for a few years before stepping down and riding off into the sunset (just to be looked at by history as a coach who did a terrible job - thats what the record book will show). No offense to him(who made a pretty big sacrifice for R) but those powers in charge probably had the next HC in mind when Tarter took the position, id guess at the latest had the next guy in mind before this season started, and at the latest had the next guy lined up by midway through the 2023 season.

Hard to keep a secret that long, word gets around.

Ive applied and interviewed for a lot of jobs that I knew I wouldnt get, got several calls and at least 1 job offer from those applications and interviews. 

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49 minutes ago, sixcat said:

I'm not familiar with the political climate in Tazewell County. That could most certainly have an impact. 

I would still think going through the interview process would be beneficial practice for a young coach looking to get his big break.

All it takes is for 1 person on that interview panel to like a guy who isnt the chosen one and remember him. Who knows where that guy from the interview panel is at in a few years. We see Administrators all the time who move and then bring guys along with them. 

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2 hours ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

Thanks Sixcat, Redtiger and Gridiron60. Those reasons for why a coach would interview knowing he likely wouldn't get the position are logical and make sense. I wasn't aware it was this common to 'go through the process" for lack of better words until today. 

In a public K-12 school system, it is this common for virtually every position. Almost all go to a relative, friend or friend/relative of a friend. Very few "unknowns" are hired. Once you get in though, you're family is set for generations.

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Ok, Ok, I'll spill the beans.  I've accepted the position as the next HC of Richlands football.  We are in the process of ironing out a few of my requests, which are:

  • Grant me one year of playing eligibility since I didn't play my junior year.  This is an unprecedented request, I'll grant that, but I think we can work it out.
  • A weekly wad of "walking around money".  We are still determining the amount.  I'm not looking for a super large sum...just want to look like a baller and be able to "appreciate" my players when they perform well. 
  • We will not refer to the other Tazewell county schools by their names...simply "That Team Out East" and "That Team Further Out East".  We have our graphics department on this now. 
  • The other Tazewell county teams have to provide (1) player of my choosing from each of their varsity and JV squads.
  • The first Friday home game will always be "Hawaiian Shirt Night" perpetually. 
  • The Richlands High School Blue Tornado Marching Band will allow alumni to play every home game.....perpetually.
  • Guest player approval.  I have an extensive network of out-of-state friends whose kids are very good football players.  We are looking into allowing them to come visit and play one game a year.  So far, I've got a killer DT from Florida and an 6', 210lb RB/LB from Georgia scheduled for next year.  
  • Exclusive Veto rights for three plays every game.  If I throw my veto flag, the play is wiped out like it never happened.  You ain't breaking no big plays on me, fool!
  • A "Leave Me The Hell Alone" card that I can present when the TCSB wants to suggest something stupid.  I get to use it once a month. 
  • If, for some reason, we lose a game, I get to challenge the opposing HC to a fight on the 50 yard line.  If I win, I take the win and he takes the lose.
  • When I beat Union at BSG, their town council has to present the train horn to me, in formal fashion, the following day.  I will immediately have it smelted.   
  • Make It, Take It scheduling:  When I beat you, you have to come to Ernie Hicks every year until you beat me. 

Now, I'm realistic.....I probably won't get all of those concessions...probably about 80%. I don't promise a first year complete turn-around....probably take me 2-3 years to win our next state title. But, I promise you, We Comin'!  



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1 hour ago, SwvaOG said:

Ok, Ok, I'll spill the beans.  I've accepted the position as the next HC of Richlands football.  We are in the process of ironing out a few of my requests, which are:

  • Grant me one year of playing eligibility since I didn't play my junior year.  This is an unprecedented request, I'll grant that, but I think we can work it out.
  • A weekly wad of "walking around money".  We are still determining the amount.  I'm not looking for a super large sum...just want to look like a baller and be able to "appreciate" my players when they perform well. 
  • We will not refer to the other Tazewell county schools by their names...simply "That Team Out East" and "That Team Further Out East".  We have our graphics department on this now. 
  • The other Tazewell county teams have to provide (1) player of my choosing from each of their varsity and JV squads.
  • The first Friday home game will always be "Hawaiian Shirt Night" perpetually. 
  • The Richlands High School Blue Tornado Marching Band will allow alumni to play every home game.....perpetually.
  • Guest player approval.  I have an extensive network of out-of-state friends whose kids are very good football players.  We are looking into allowing them to come visit and play one game a year.  So far, I've got a killer DT from Florida and an 6', 210lb RB/LB from Georgia scheduled for next year.  
  • Exclusive Veto rights for three plays every game.  If I throw my veto flag, the play is wiped out like it never happened.  You ain't breaking no big plays on me, fool!
  • A "Leave Me The Hell Alone" card that I can present when the TCSB wants to suggest something stupid.  I get to use it once a month. 
  • If, for some reason, we lose a game, I get to challenge the opposing HC to a fight on the 50 yard line.  If I win, I take the win and he takes the lose.
  • When I beat Union at BSG, their town council has to present the train horn to me, in formal fashion, the following day.  
  • Make It, Take It scheduling:  When I beat you, you have to come to Ernie Hicks every year until you beat me. 

Now, I'm realistic.....I probably won't get all of those concessions...probably about 80%. I don't promise a first year complete turn-around....probably take me 2-3 years to win our next state title. But, I promise you, We Comin'!  



You have my vote!!!

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Current/Former Coaches with SWVA ties

Aaron Lowe      

Brannon Breeding   

Chris Akers

Craig Plymal  AKA” Graig” Plymal

Dennis Vaught AKA Dennis “Vault”

Dwayne Stanley  

Freddie Simon   

Fritz Simon   

Gary Collier

Greg Mance   

Jack Ginn

Jack Turner 

Jimmy McGee   

Keener Fry  

Keith Warner   

Mark Dixon

Mike Compton

Mike Rhodes

Monty Chipman

Ronnie Davis   

School Board Supervisor of Secondary Education

Shane Wicks   

Snake Palmer

Thad Wells, Blacksburg, Mooresville, Richlands, UVA,  Lakewood Christian

Todd Tiller

Tommy "Runs Like A Deer" Crigger  



Current/Former Coaches Outside Area

Robert Casto (Riverheads)


College/NFL Coaches

Bill Belichick

Jim Harbaugh

Jimbo Fisher

Justin Fuente


SWVA Sports members



The Mayor   


Actors/Fictional Coaches/TV Movie Characters

Bud Kilmer, West Canaan Coyotes , Varsity Blues

Rick Vice, Pullham Univ. Blue Cocks, Division III

Coach Klien, SCLSU Mud Dogs , The Water Boy

Billy Bob Thorton as Gary Gaines, Permian Panthers, FNL,  Karl Childers, Sling Blade

John Crist, Unknown team, Brutally Honest Coach

Ricky Bobby


Ghostly Visages and Holograms from Sorcerers or Meth Heads

Ernie Hicks



An Unnamed SWD Coach

A familiar name with Blues ties

A former player from one of the state championship teams

Someone across Davis Mountain


Suggested Hires

One of the M7 coaches looking to move up

One of the Buchanan Co coaches looking for a job due to consolidation

Someone outside the area

Someone with football knowledge and a proven record

Any of the “experts” on Facebook

One of the current assistants

One of the current assistants’ daddy



Anyone enticed by the Mayor's empty, never been flooded trailer in the bottom within walking distance of not one, but two Dollar Generals   

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