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New Head Coach at Richlands

Blue Tornado

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2 hours ago, Westisthebest said:

My bet is Davis or Breeding unless someone more proven comes along

I'm just a crusty old guy who has folowed the Blues for over 60 years and in my non-coaching opinion I think it would be better to hire someone out of SWD who can build his on staff.  If you're going to start over, it has to be a clean sweep of all associated with the program, but then again I'm just a fan and my opinion is just that an opinion.  With all the poitical situations with our county school board it will probably be someone who knows diddly squat about football and with no knowledge of the game, but a good guy who treats everyone nice and follows the school board's recomendation to the tee.

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53 minutes ago, bleedblue89 said:

Ronnie Davis is not the answer. 
There needs to be some kind of rule or limit to how many times that a coach can quit, leave, then come back and then quit again, leave again and come back again and again. The kids deserve stability, which seems to be rare these days. 
Just sayin’

Ronnie Davis started coaching this fall and then quit so I don’t know why they would give it to him.

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2 hours ago, V-Cats said:

I wonder if the answer would be bringing someone in from outside the area

No idea who that would be of course but it would be a good way to fix the in-fighting

If you do that they would still be reliant upon local "in-house" assistants.  Not saying it is a bad idea at all, just that to get a clean sweep you would need a HC and 2-3 of his hand-picked assistants to be a package.  That is incredibly hard to do in high school sports.  I think in this scenario you can count anyone not in the SWD footprint as being an outsider.  

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I normally stay out of these types of talks. I am hopeful they find someone who can turn such a tradition-rich program back into a winner. A formidable Richlands team is better for the health of SWVA football as a whole. The talent cycles and swings of area are now commonplace at almost every school except a handful. Richlands was one of those handful, and I think it still is even today. There's not many places that compare to a rocking Ernie Hicks on a Friday in the fall. They have facilities, community support, and some hard-nosed kids. Those are what SWVA football is all about.

They have faced the perfect storm to bring the program to where it is now, and it will be fun to watch the resurgence. 

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