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Updated football fields


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3 hours ago, tornado99 said:

I think this is a fair point. 
Baseball is certainly favored in this area per tradition and some personal preferences, but I certainly concede that soccer skills and conditioning are certainly more transferable to not only football, but other areas of health and every day life. 
Just my opinion, but I think my RB and WRs benefit from the sprints and cutting while playing soccer more than running the bases 3-4 times per game and/or tracking down a handful of fly balls in the outfield.

You explained what I was as getting at.

I think baseball vs. soccer is a personal preference and you’ll have a hard time changing anyone’s mind on the subject. 

I only became a soccer fan a few years ago but I’m hooked now. It takes a while to learn it to the point that you understand it. And if you’re only watching SWVA high school soccer it’s going to take you much longer. Ultimately I enjoy the fast pace and the strategy of the game. 

Nothing is wrong with being a baseball fan. I, as I imagine most everyone else here did, grew up watching and playing it. Somewhere in the mid 2000’s I lost interest in it and haven’t been able to pick it back up. I think mainly it’s just hard for me to commit to all the down time that takes place during the games. 
so given the choice I would choose to watch a soccer match over most baseball games. Just preference. 

Soccer is gaining a lot of traction in the USA currently. If you’re even thinking of giving it a chance now is a great time. Arguably the greatest player to ever play is now playing in Miami and playing in the MLS which has helped the image of the league to help recruit higher level players to America. Stadiums around the country are opening up their stadiums for international friendlies which is bringing some of the top talent in the world within driving distance of us. The player that most people consider to be the best current player in the world is going to play a match in Charlotte this summer. Plus we will have the World Cup here in 2026.

Give it a chance if you haven’t yet. 

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On 3/19/2024 at 3:36 PM, Ryan4VT said:

You ain't kidding haha. I remember being a freshman in the band and getting ready to perform for the first time and standing on the visiting sidelines and not being able to see anything below the mid-thigh of the Richlands players on the other side haha. Blew my 14 year old mind. 

*laughs in Giles in the late 80's/early 90's*

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14 hours ago, EH31 said:

You explained what I was as getting at.

I think baseball vs. soccer is a personal preference and you’ll have a hard time changing anyone’s mind on the subject. 

I only became a soccer fan a few years ago but I’m hooked now. It takes a while to learn it to the point that you understand it. And if you’re only watching SWVA high school soccer it’s going to take you much longer. Ultimately I enjoy the fast pace and the strategy of the game. 

Nothing is wrong with being a baseball fan. I, as I imagine most everyone else here did, grew up watching and playing it. Somewhere in the mid 2000’s I lost interest in it and haven’t been able to pick it back up. I think mainly it’s just hard for me to commit to all the down time that takes place during the games. 
so given the choice I would choose to watch a soccer match over most baseball games. Just preference. 

Soccer is gaining a lot of traction in the USA currently. If you’re even thinking of giving it a chance now is a great time. Arguably the greatest player to ever play is now playing in Miami and playing in the MLS which has helped the image of the league to help recruit higher level players to America. Stadiums around the country are opening up their stadiums for international friendlies which is bringing some of the top talent in the world within driving distance of us. The player that most people consider to be the best current player in the world is going to play a match in Charlotte this summer. Plus we will have the World Cup here in 2026.

Give it a chance if you haven’t yet. 

I think I have a similar story to you. Grew up playing baseball but somewhere around the time I got into high school, I just lost that interest and I’ve never been able to get it back. I worked for the Salem Red Sox for 2.5 seasons when I was at VT and it’s fun to watch in person, but I just can’t watch it on TV. Or commit to paying attention for 162+ games in a season. To me, even the NBA with their 82 is far too much for my attention span lol. 

Soccer is so fun once you figure out the nuances and intricacies. And even before you gain that understanding, go to a MLS match at Charlotte and sit near the supporters. You won’t be disappointed at the party atmosphere this sport is bringing to the country. I’m so excited to see where the sport is in 20-30 years from now. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, while I was on vacation, my wife and I considered going to opening day in Chicago for the White Sox and Tigers.  Could have got tickets fairly cheap but the outrageous amount for parking was what made us decide against it.  Glad we didn't go now.

Tigers won 1-0.  I would have been bored out of my mind watching a 1-0 baseball game, especially with the one run not coming from a home run.  

I imagine folks got bored out of their minds who watched that VT and Wake football game several years ago be scoreless in regulation.

I also get bored watching a 0-0 draw in soccer.  How do you feel @EH31 and @Ryan4VT watching a scoreless draw unfold?


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7 minutes ago, swva_havok_fan said:

So, while I was on vacation, my wife and I considered going to opening day in Chicago for the White Sox and Tigers.  Could have got tickets fairly cheap but the outrageous amount for parking was what made us decide against it.  Glad we didn't go now.

Tigers won 1-0.  I would have been bored out of my mind watching a 1-0 baseball game, especially with the one run not coming from a home run.  

I imagine folks got bored out of their minds who watched that VT and Wake football game several years ago be scoreless in regulation.

I also get bored watching a 0-0 draw in soccer.  How do you feel @EH31 and @Ryan4VT watching a scoreless draw unfold?


It can still be fun. Just think of it like a pitcher’s duel in baseball. 

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14 minutes ago, EH31 said:

It can still be fun. Just think of it like a pitcher’s duel in baseball. 

Unless it's a perfect game/no hitter, pitcher's duels are boring as well.  Hence why I said that 1-0 Tigers and White Sox game I could've went to on Thursday would've put me to sleep.  Lol

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53 minutes ago, swva_havok_fan said:

So, while I was on vacation, my wife and I considered going to opening day in Chicago for the White Sox and Tigers.  Could have got tickets fairly cheap but the outrageous amount for parking was what made us decide against it.  Glad we didn't go now.

Tigers won 1-0.  I would have been bored out of my mind watching a 1-0 baseball game, especially with the one run not coming from a home run.  

I imagine folks got bored out of their minds who watched that VT and Wake football game several years ago be scoreless in regulation.

I also get bored watching a 0-0 draw in soccer.  How do you feel @EH31 and @Ryan4VT watching a scoreless draw unfold?


I mean, I would 100% rather see goals lol. But some of the most exciting games can be 0-0 draws where both teams take 20+ shots each and you get some crazy saves and hits off the posts or bar. That said, I've never seen 0-0 in person. Every Charlotte game I've been to that actually counts, we have lost lol. 

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On 4/1/2024 at 9:09 PM, Real Sasquatch said:

DEQ crap is over and done with.  Going to be pushing it to be ready by August, even if it starts this week.

Not starting this week or next week now.  Hopefully on the 15th. 

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I’d say Richlands will be ready. I don’t know about Graham as I don’t know where they are in the completion process. If Tazewell hasn’t started not sure how long it will take. Obviously quicker than Graham but Graham started weeks ago. Anyone know projected dates? 

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49 minutes ago, Gridiron60 said:

I’d say Richlands will be ready. I don’t know about Graham as I don’t know where they are in the completion process. If Tazewell hasn’t started not sure how long it will take. Obviously quicker than Graham but Graham started weeks ago. Anyone know projected dates? 

I think they were all originally projected to be completed by August.  It will be tough to get the THS and GHS fields done by then, but we can always hope.

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  • 2 weeks later...
24 minutes ago, cityofRaven said:

Anyone else hearing the rumblings of a potential lawsuit in regards to the folks living close to the GHS project and the runoff from said project destroying some property?

Well, thats one way for their fans to make sure they continue to play at Mitchell Stadium

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49 minutes ago, cityofRaven said:

Anyone else hearing the rumblings of a potential lawsuit in regards to the folks living close to the GHS project and the runoff from said project destroying some property?

Runoff is required by federal law to be contained onto the property under construction and cannot, for any reason, encroach upon adjoining properties. As a matter of fact, post-construction runoff isn't permitted by law to exceed pre-construction runoff. It has to be contained (piping, underground vaults, permanent sediment basins, etc.) and slowly released back into it's natural flow patterns. 

If true, this isn't going to be an engineering issue. It will be a construction company negligence issue. I've seen it dozens of times. Contractors get lazy (or intentionally attempt to cut corners) by not installing proper erosion and sediment control measures prior to beginning construction. The inevitable happens and they attempt to blame anyone and everyone they can. It never works because engineering plans are scrutinized to the nth degree before construction permitting is issued.

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