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Train Horns

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Just now, cityofRaven said:

If thats the argument then why is there any noise what so ever? Maybe we should make fans and the band be quite as well? Where does this end seriously?

It ends at the act of intentionally trying to get an advantage. There is noise in the stadium. Natural noise and a band or two. There are lights in a stadium at night. Sometimes these things do impact play but it is not designed to do that. When something is designed to distract an opponent to gain advantage that is where it crosses the line IMO. I am a PA announcer for Graham and Bluefield. Am I allowed to scream on the PA when the opponent is trying to call signals? Of course not. It is unethical.

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4 minutes ago, cityofRaven said:

If thats the argument then why is there any noise what so ever? Maybe we should make fans and the band be quite as well? Where does this end seriously?

How can you not understand? We are trying to prohibit excessive noise that is not part of normal activity. This extra noise caused several false starts and reflected poorly on the Richlands offensive line. 

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1 minute ago, Bluefield researcher said:

It ends at the act of intentionally trying to get an advantage. There is noise in the stadium. Natural noise and a band or two. There are lights in a stadium at night. Sometimes these things do impact play but it is not designed to do that. When something is designed to distract an opponent to gain advantage that is where it crosses the line IMO. I am a PA announcer for Graham and Bluefield. Am I allowed to scream on the PA when the opponent is trying to call signals? Of course not. It is unethical.

Bands play all the time when their team is on defense. Fans yell and cheer when there team is on defense. So you're telling me that is not used to distract the opposition?

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2 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

How can you not understand? We are trying to prohibit excessive noise that is not part of normal activity. This extra noise caused several false starts and reflected poorly on the Richlands offensive line. 

I understand that this exact thing happens somewhere every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Noise isn't new to football. 

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20 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

My generation believes in fair play and you should too. 

Union did not win that game fairly, their fans used a horn to prevent Richlands from calling plays. That’s unethical. 

How can I help you understand this? Fair play is paramount to life. Many of my friends came back from war talking about how unethical their adversary was, that sold me on fair play. I guess I was fortunate I didn’t have to go due to bone spurs in my foot. 

On 9/23/2019 at 4:34 PM, BigWinners said:

I simply stated I wasn't a fan. Am I supposed to pretend? I'm not one to sugarcoat much. 

Blow it to your hearts content as long as it's not drawing flags. I was under the impression that the VHSL banned those type of artificial noise makers when teams are at the LOS, maybe I'm wrong

Really Richlands was up 3 to 0 at halftime when Mance's wife complained about to our AD. So tell me how the horn commenced a beat down in the 4th qtr.

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Just now, Union's train horn said:

Really Richlands was up 3 to 0 at halftime when Mance's wife complained about to our AD. So tell me how the horn commenced a beat down in the 4th qtr.

It prevented Richlands from being up larger. The boys got fatigued in the second half with that long drive and mental exhaustion from the horn in the first half. 

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6 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

How can you not understand? We are trying to prohibit excessive noise that is not part of normal activity. This extra noise caused several false starts and reflected poorly on the Richlands offensive line. 

Did you watch the Georgia vs Notre Dame game last Saturday night. Notre Dame had 5 false start penalties during to crowd noise give me a break. Get over it

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2 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

It prevented Richlands from being up larger. The boys got fatigued in the second half with that long drive and mental exhaustion from the horn in the first half. 

Omg just stop. You’re not a Richlands fan. We didn’t lose because of a ******* horn. We lost because Union was mentally tougher at the end and until last week, Richlands hadn’t put together 4 full quarters. 

Just stop, man. 

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2 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

It prevented Richlands from being up larger. The boys got fatigued in the second half with that long drive and mental exhaustion from the horn in the first half. 

Really Union had nothing to do with it at all. Hell maybe we should all just bow down to the mighty Richlands when they show up God forbid someone beat them.

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4 minutes ago, Union's train horn said:

Really Union had nothing to do with it at all. Hell maybe we should all just bow down to the mighty Richlands when they show up God forbid someone beat them.

Stop reacting to him. He’s not a Richlands fan. Read what real Richlands fans have said. Not him. 

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49 minutes ago, Bluefield researcher said:

Honest question. Would it be ok for me to take a laser pointer to the game and shine it in the eyes of an opponent? If not. What is the difference?

I would have to agree that this particular comparison is apples and oranges. A laser pointer to the eye could cause real, longlasting/permanent damage to a player's eye(s). I don't think a train horn could do the same to a player's ears. Possibly cause damage to the person or person's sitting on the bleachers in front of it, but not the players. 

Is it a competitive advantage? Possibly, but no more than the general atmosphere at The Park. 

Bullitt Park is loud! I remember Palmer stating, in 2015, that it wouldn't be louder than Mitchell during a Graham/Bluefield game with 10,000 fans. Yet they had multiple false starts and had to take timeouts. As did Stuart's Draft as far back as 2012. In 2017, a reporter for WCYB, covering the Union/MoWest game, stated in all his years covering HS football he had never heard a stadium as loud as Bullitt. All of that was before the horn.

If I were an opposing team/player/fan, would I like the train horn? No, probably not.

If you shoot someone falling off the roof of a 20 story building, did you really make a difference in their ultimate predicament. 

Horn or no horn, Bullitt Park IS a competitive advantage. 

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Not to cause more dissention but air horns and train horns can cause permanent hearing loss or temporary deafness. In fact train engineers are required to have their hearing tested periodically. I would never sit near anyone with either an air horn or train horn nor let my children at a football game or any sporting event for that very reason. A child with sensory issues or autism might have a very difficult time at a Union home game without protective ear gear. Hearing loss can occur at 85 decibels from prolonged or repeated exposure. Train horns are 140 decibels.  Not bashing train horn just giving some factual information since hearing damage was mentioned. 

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2 hours ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

My generation believes in fair play and you should too. 

Union did not win that game fairly, their fans used a horn to prevent Richlands from calling plays. That’s unethical. 

How can I help you understand this? Fair play is paramount to life. Many of my friends came back from war talking about how unethical their adversary was, that sold me on fair play. I guess I was fortunate I didn’t have to go due to bone spurs in my foot. 

With all do respect but Union beat Richlands outright just like they did Graham, train horn or no train horn. I don't agree with blowing it during live play but can't make excuses when a team beats themselves while the other team played smarter & more disciplined. 

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43 minutes ago, CriticalNoise said:


I bet you probably voted for Hillary and watch YouTube videos just to see Nancy Pelosi. 

Cause your about as goofy as a damn liberal 

How about we don’t bring politics into this, please. There are goofy people on both sides. 

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49 minutes ago, Gridiron60 said:

Not to cause more dissention but air horns and train horns can cause permanent hearing loss or temporary deafness. In fact train engineers are required to have their hearing tested periodically. I would never sit near anyone with either an air horn or train horn nor let my children at a football game or any sporting event for that very reason. A child with sensory issues or autism might have a very difficult time at a Union home game without protective ear gear. Hearing loss can occur at 85 decibels from prolonged or repeated exposure. Train horns are 140 decibels.  Not bashing train horn just giving some factual information since hearing damage was mentioned. 

These are very true. Those horns when you sit near them can easily cause tinnitus and over time, that ringing no longer goes away. 

We spent many weeks on the subject in classes for my music industry minor at VT. 

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