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Train Horns

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13 hours ago, Union's train horn said:

I was just letting you know to bring some. And yes you are wrong on the rule. There is no rule against them at all.

Okay. Blow your horn all you want then. I'm happy for you? 

It's apparently a stadium-specific decision. It seems the VHSL bans them for state title games, but from what I can gather its up to the home team since there isn't a specific VHSL or NFHS rule.


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Speaking of excessive noise, a thing I have noticed over the past few seasons is the PA system playing more "canned" music, even to the point of doing so while one of the two present bands are trying to play. I say use the PA sparingly for "canned" music and let our excellent musicians provide the soundtrack.  

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16 hours ago, goose111874 said:

That wasn't the only issue with clock.  When Union went by 17 or whatever it was and Graham had ball on next drive there were a few times clock never ran and no one noticed except our section but it did back fire when we got ball for our last drive

I just found out over the weekend who the clock operator is.  Not going to name them but I'll say this, doesn't surprise me that their attention span misses more than a few things on it but they don't have a dog in the fight or care who wins as long as they get paid!  At least it should be equally irregular for both teams lol

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What if I told you that I loved the Train Horn at Union weeks ago? 

It's what playing on the road is all about. Gotta learn how to play through adversity sometimes. Gotta learn how to deal with life through adversity sometimes. 

Can't keep making excuses for these kids and then wonder why they can't handle anything when they grow up. 

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4 hours ago, cityofRaven said:

What if I told you that I loved the Train Horn at Union weeks ago? 

It's what playing on the road is all about. Gotta learn how to play through adversity sometimes. Gotta learn how to deal with life through adversity sometimes. 

Can't keep making excuses for these kids and then wonder why they can't handle anything when they grow up. 

Is fairness for the children not what's most important? Life is hard enough as an adult why make it hard on the youth? The kids ears could be damaged out of your love for a train horn. It just doesn't make sense......

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30 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

Is fairness for the children not what's most important? Life is hard enough as an adult why make it hard on the youth? The kids ears could be damaged out of your love for a train horn. It just doesn't make sense......

I was once married to a train horn so my love is undeniable.

Speaking of the children, they could also be hurt other ways like falling out of bed in the morning, slipping in the shower, or even playing a contact sport known as football. Hopefully one day in the near future, all the children will be wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them all of the day.

Finally, I lost hearing in my left ear while serving in the Army and was on the field the entire time at Bullitt Park, the train horn didn't bother me.

Life isn't fair and the earlier everyone learns this lesson, the better off we'll all be.

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1 minute ago, cityofRaven said:

I was once married to a train horn so my love is undeniable.

Speaking of the children, they could also be hurt other ways like falling out of bed in the morning, slipping in the shower, or even playing a contact sport known as football. Hopefully one day in the near future, all the children will be wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them all of the day.

Finally, I lost hearing in my left ear while serving in the Army and was on the field the entire time at Bullitt Park, the train horn didn't bother me.

Life isn't fair and the earlier everyone learns this lesson, the better off we'll all be.

Life is not fair but, should the school system not make it as fair as possible. That's a cop out response. The world is not fair so let's not strive for equality. I thank you for your service but, if you are deaf in one ear it's easy to see why the horn does not bother you as you cannot hear it at the same levels as these school children. As you said accidents could and do happen, my issue is this is preventable. We should work together to achieve harmony for our youth by building them up without fear of loud noises. Those young people from Richlands were not anticipating those loud noises and it clearly impacted their ability to perform at their highest level. This is high school sports, not the NFL. These kids are playing to refine their talents and skills, learning teamwork, hard work and what dedication means. Unnecessary hurdles that prevent those things from happening should be removed immediately.

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Unnecessary hurdles are what life is all about. When do you expect people to learn how to handle adversity, when its too late?

And fun fact, my working ear is very sensitive. It does double the work now and I hear through one just as well as you do. 

Do you also know that during two-a-days and other practices loud music was played while Richlands prepared for moments such as this? Their poor ears!

This is why kids are soft now, people like you making excuses for mediocre. "It's ok Tommy, that big bad horn is the reason you lost, not missed tackles or fumbles."

Again, I'm from Richlands and don't make excuses for losses, I'd ask you to do the same.

Union beat us and they beat a good Graham squad last week, maybe their just that good and we can learn and move on.


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Unnecessary hurdles is not what life is all about. Life is about relationships! These young men are working to develop a deeper bond by playing ball together forging relationships that will last a lifetime. Should these young people not be given the chance to perform their best without fear of outside obstacles? Sir, I ask you to have some compassion in your heart, this horn was used as a deterrent for success! I would hope the music played at practice is of the soothing nature that stimulates mental awareness making the young men highly keen and aware as they prepare to play.

I want the youth to have opportunity to excel, how is this making them soft? If you are from Richlands and were at the game you would agree that the horn did cause the team to lose the game. It led to numerous penalties giving Union an unfair advantage. However what I'm most concerned about is that the horn precluded the young men from Richlands from displaying their talents fully. It forced the coaches to call different plays than they would have previously due to the distance they had to travel to pick up a first down. The whole thing was wrong and you know it!

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7 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

Unnecessary hurdles is not what life is all about. Life is about relationships! These young men are working to develop a deeper bond by playing ball together forging relationships that will last a lifetime. Should these young people not be given the chance to perform their best without fear of outside obstacles? Sir, I ask you to have some compassion in your heart, this horn was used as a deterrent for success! I would hope the music played at practice is of the soothing nature that stimulates mental awareness making the young men highly keen and aware as they prepare to play.

I want the youth to have opportunity to excel, how is this making them soft? If you are from Richlands and were at the game you would agree that the horn did cause the team to lose the game. It led to numerous penalties giving Union an unfair advantage. However what I'm most concerned about is that the horn precluded the young men from Richlands from displaying their talents fully. It forced the coaches to call different plays than they would have previously due to the distance they had to travel to pick up a first down. The whole thing was wrong and you know it!

Do you know what football is? 

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7 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

Are you referencing the sport or the ball? I'm quite familiar with them both. We would have won state in 63 but they didn't have state playoffs back when I played. Only thing I got out of it was the homecoming queen and she's still my wife.

Did you play at Richlands?

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5 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

Matter of fact I played on the best Grundy team they ever was. The 1963 Golden Wave. Since you know so much about football, I'm sure you've heard of us!

Yeah, you had to forfeit your first game in 1963 to EC Glass, did you guys posses a train horn that night? 

Cheating and having to forfeit isn't very compassionate and in no way results in almost winning a state title.

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4 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

What are you talking about? EC Glass didn’t even score on us. We went undefeated and everyone regarded us as the best in the state. Before your time Sonny Boy, back when Coal and the Golden Wave were King!

According to fourseasonsfootball.com you are incorrect. 

Congratulations on all the great pre-Cold War time you had in Grundy before loud noices were invented. 

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19 minutes ago, LongTimeSWVAFan said:

What are you talking about? EC Glass didn’t even score on us. We went undefeated and everyone regarded us as the best in the state. Before your time Sonny Boy, back when Coal and the Golden Wave were King!

The 1963 Grundy Golden Wave forfeited the win over E. C. Glass due to an overage player. I can email you the article if you like.

To Grundy's credit coach Cummins reported the infraction to the Principal who then informed E. C. Glass and the VSHL of the infraction. They themselves were satisfied after their own investigation that the player in question was indeed ineligible and that Grundy would forfeit the game without the need of an investigation.

The forfeit did indeed cost Grundy the 1963 Virginia state championship as the out of state tie to Man, WV would not have counted just as Graham's loss in 1962 to out of state Bluefield did not affect their standing in the VHSL.

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