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Richlands incident


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39 minutes ago, Gfan said:

The board has to do what’s in the best interest of the girls. Both parties were clearly in the wrong but Rife did get physical. I don’t see a way of Rife returning to coach at Richlands without it being a bigger distraction. Legally there are a lot of previous cases like this, involving stuff like pro wrestling. The thing going against Rife is that there is an expectation of safety if you are sitting in the stands. If the fan didn’t spit on him he likely has a good lawsuit. I guess Rife could just change his name to Meta World Peace. As for banning the fan I doubt the board will out of fear of litigation.

Tort Law.  4 factors.  A duty to ensure no injury.  A breach of that duty occurs.  An injury occurs.  The injury is due to the actions of the person committing the harm.  All 4 must be present.  In this case, no inury occured, so there is no case.  The last one is also up for discussion, EVEN IF an injury would have occured regarding the actions were completely caused by Rife.  Why?  It was a planned event, a planned incident, and the nitwit was already down close by the bench, and there's an argument that EVEN IF injury would have occured, it wasn't completely due to Rife's actions.  There is no injury regardless, so there is no case.  A legal case is separate from High School/Tazewell County rules.  Those are two entirely separate things, but regarding the legal side, there is ZERO chance. 

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19 minutes ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

Tort Law.  4 factors.  A duty to ensure no injury.  A breach of that duty occurs.  An injury occurs.  The injury is due to the actions of the person committing the harm.  All 4 must be present.  In this case, no inury occured, so there is no case.  The last one is also up for discussion, EVEN IF an injury would have occured regarding the actions were completely caused by Rife.  Why?  It was a planned event, a planned incident, and the nitwit was already down close by the bench, and there's an argument that EVEN IF injury would have occured, it wasn't completely due to Rife's actions.  There is no injury regardless, so there is no case.  A legal case is separate from High School/Tazewell County rules.  Those are two entirely separate things, but regarding the legal side, there is ZERO chance. 

To play devils advocate it doesn’t have to be a physical injury. The fan can claim mental anguish or PTSD. Not saying that he will, just a thought

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6 minutes ago, Gfan said:

To play devils advocate it doesn’t have to be a physical injury. The fan can claim mental anguish or PTSD. Not saying that he will, just a thought

PTSD ,that would be a long stretch especially if he was out celebrating afterwards; here’s my take! Dad is fired up enough to go to the bench yelling, pointing, making a scene…when shoved does nothing? Testosterone not kicking in ? Natural instinct to defend one’s self not kicking in? I’m thinking like Bandana, more & more seems like setting Rife up. I’m not saying Rife is blameless but bottom line, dad stays put NONE of this happens. 

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18 hours ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

Way more to the story than that.  What if I told you the incident was PLANNED by the fan?  That's right.  Literally planned in advance and CELEBRATED for the accomplishment after the game?   That will come out in time.  It's actually true.  Does that make Rife right?  Nope, but justified firing based on the fans history and literally, a planned incident?   Absolutely not.  Again, a moot point because Rife isn't paid by the County and he is retired, but if he were an employee, in my opinion, it justifies making someone better.  Anger/conflict management/1 year suspension.  Why?  He has a body of work over 40 years that MATTERS.  Has helped people.  Has helped families.  Has helped kids by the hundreds.  Has helped Tazewell County, and that should mean something compared to............the guy who like I just wrote, PLANNED the event before entering the gym and has a history of anger issues.  There a DIFFERENCE here in the two parties, and again, just my opinion, punishment yes, but firing...absolutely not.  Again, moot point in Rife's case.

You better have the means to prove it if you’re gonna make claims like that. 

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18 minutes ago, Hokiebird7 said:

Sounds like the fan either needs to just shut him mouth and let coach do the coaching or put in for the job when it comes available...cause I'm sure he knows more since most fans do lol

It’s my understanding he was going to be the boys’ varsity assistant but somehow he didn’t end up with the position. But yeah, fans know best, perfect coaching, fans have never lost a game, they could win every time in their own minds especially those daddy ball fans 😂

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1 hour ago, Gridiron60 said:

It’s my understanding he was going to be the boys’ varsity assistant but somehow he didn’t end up with the position. But yeah, fans know best, perfect coaching, fans have never lost a game, they could win every time in their own minds especially those daddy ball fans 😂

Oh so since he was going to be an assistant and didn't get the position this tells alot...guess it's not just kids that want everything handed to them these days...and you see why some kids think this is right

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4 hours ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

Tort Law.  4 factors.  A duty to ensure no injury.  A breach of that duty occurs.  An injury occurs.  The injury is due to the actions of the person committing the harm.  All 4 must be present.  In this case, no inury occured, so there is no case.  The last one is also up for discussion, EVEN IF an injury would have occured regarding the actions were completely caused by Rife.  Why?  It was a planned event, a planned incident, and the nitwit was already down close by the bench, and there's an argument that EVEN IF injury would have occured, it wasn't completely due to Rife's actions.  There is no injury regardless, so there is no case.  A legal case is separate from High School/Tazewell County rules.  Those are two entirely separate things, but regarding the legal side, there is ZERO chance. 

The fan was clearly trying to start a confrontation,the video shows that Rife was telling them to remove the fan , but never struck at the fan at all , and Rife wasn’t sure what the guy’s intentions were and was merely concerned for his players as he should have been , but that’s my opinion! 

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1 hour ago, Wolf1207 said:

Well it appears that this video is going viral folks. Just saw it on a couple of websites I read for news each day. 


Tom Rife is going to be known as a legend among HS coaches now. You know every HS coach in America has wanted to do this at some point, lol.

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1 hour ago, Wolf1207 said:

Well it appears that this video is going viral folks. Just saw it on a couple of websites I read for news each day. 


"He was ultimately pulled away by others -- and Redlands went on to lose the game, 54-51."

Richlands shall forevermore be known as Redlands!!!

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21 minutes ago, Mountain Football said:

Vaught just thought he was going to be the most well known coach from Richlands. Rife said "Hold my beer"

Interestingly, Vaught's issues were within 30 years give or take a few months, but not far from being very, very close to 30 years ago to the same month.  Just wait until 2053 in the winter.  Somebody's gonna wear an a** whippin in 2053 down in Richlands at the hands of one of the coaches.

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48 minutes ago, BandanaVTDavis4321 said:

Interestingly, Vaught's issues were within 30 years give or take a few months, but not far from being very, very close to 30 years ago to the same month.  Just wait until 2053 in the winter.  Somebody's gonna wear an a** whippin in 2053 down in Richlands at the hands of one of the coaches.

Probably be wearing an A$$ whippin from a coach in 3/4 cleats lol

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I had seen the video earlier, was wondering if it would trend, guess so.   Pretty sure there is enough blame to go around.   While the coach did probably push and grab, he didn't swing.  At that point he also could play the card of protecting the girls, assuming that with what the guy was saying, he intended harm.   His saving grace, to me at least, is he didn't swing or anything and was pretty much immediately, as soon as he kind of had him restrained, was motioning for others to come and get him.    It's being blown up more than it really should be in that nobody threw any punches (like the infamous little league brawl from a couple years ago....wait Central was involved there too, wasn't it....do they provoke everybody??? *lol*)    With the way the guy was leaning into it, and since it sounds like he had been a problem before, there is the possibility of playing the protecting players card, afterall nobody else was there to it and he didn't know, he controlled the scene and requested back-up.   I'd think since the guy had coached a long time in the past apparently and unless he had issues before, it sort of makes it easy to point in one direction as the fault at least.

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