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4 minutes ago, tornado99 said:

Probably like Sasquatch, it may have existed, but finding supported evidence and eyewitnesses are challenges.

Apparently, geeze.  

Some have reported hearing fans howling off in the distance.  Others have claimed to have blurry photos of the scrimmage 

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14 minutes ago, Union_Fan said:

The Beavers were forced to touch their toes.  I just can't fathom how one would want to make any Beaver touch its toes; nevertheless, Staunton chose yes.  A taste unlike my own, yet Staunton made the solution to force a Beaver for embracing impact.  A Mercer Street Tiger would never touch its toes.

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1 hour ago, NaugistBigsby said:

The Beavers were forced to touch their toes.  I just can't fathom how one would want to make any Beaver touch its toes; nevertheless, Staunton chose yes.  A taste unlike my own, yet Staunton made the solution to force a Beaver for embracing impact.  A Mercer Street Tiger would never touch its toes.

Classic NaugistBigsby 

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1 hour ago, NaugistBigsby said:

The Beavers were forced to touch their toes.  I just can't fathom how one would want to make any Beaver touch its toes; nevertheless, Staunton chose yes.  A taste unlike my own, yet Staunton made the solution to force a Beaver for embracing impact.  A Mercer Street Tiger would never touch its toes.

Oh my! 😳

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34 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

Saying that Graham recruits players from other schools is not a “snide comment”.  It’s a statement of fact.  That is something that is objectively, actively happening.  There are people who have observed it while it was happening, and likely have saved the evidence.  That may well not be the case for this young man, but it certainly has been for many others, and it’s gonna garner this reaction from the non-Graham contingency here.  Hammer and nail, even if it’s not a nail this time.

Recruiting a player in that manner is in direct contradiction to several VHSL rules.  Contrary to commonly held belief around these parts, not every school does it.  When some schools do, and some schools do not, this creates a legitimately uneven and unjust playing field.  It violates not only the written rule, but the spirit of fair competition.

I know that at the professional and collegiate level, the old adage “If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’…” often rings true.  There are billions (professional) and millions (collegiate) of dollars in economies across the nation at stake.  The difference in a college football team going 7-5 and 5-7 can make the difference in whether Ma and Pa have to close down the family restaurant.  That I understand and accept begrudgingly.  

This is different.  This is high school (amateur) athletics involving 14-18 year-old legal minors and very young adults.  Livelihoods are not on the line at the expense of a game played by children.  It’s not “jealousy”…it’s disgust and pity that adults care enough about a game played by children to circumvent clear and concise rules instituted by the sport’s governing body to ensure fairness and integrity.  That’s what’s turning people off.  That’s why GMan left this site.  

It absolutely happened at Richlands from 2000-2018.  Mance’s staff was far more discreet about it, but it absolutely happened.  When a double-digit percentage of the players’ dads are employed by the same employer, it’s not hard to connect the dot.  But when confronted, Richlands’ folks (to their credit) didn’t back down from the fact.  They didn’t make excuses for it, or try to paint it as some “jealous” conspiracy, or try to cache it in some “The Palmer Way” BS.  Folks would have a lot more respect for this operation if there was just more intellectual honesty about it.  “Yeah, we’re doing it.  We’re not the first nor the last.  Nothing stopping you from doing it too.”  I might ethically disagree with that, but I can’t really counter it or force my opinion onto the person saying that.  Speaking of…


You want to talk about “chastised”?  What the Graham “faithful” and “grateful”, including yourself, did to me last year went far beyond chastising.  I was doxxed (admittedly I made it fairly easy, but still) and had legitimate threats made upon my employment for expressing a private opinion that I earned by receiving a diploma from the school.  I should have used far better discretion in my judgment in stating my sincerely-held belief, and I have apologized publicly and privately for that to those whose opinion I value and those who I hurt.  

Nevertheless, seeing you *of all people* take TBG’s very tame admonition as “chastising” just gobsmacks me.  Not everything is some grandiose scheme of jealousy or plot to hurt your beloved G-Men.  I should say “our” beloved G-Men, lest you forget that I’ve got the same credentials you do.  Put away the tinfoil and hatred and just enjoy life and sport, man.  Life’s so much better when you do.

Just to clarify, GMan left this site because he thought Graham actively recruits or because of Graham fans on here? 

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15 minutes ago, Gridiron60 said:

Just to clarify, GMan left this site because he thought Graham actively recruits or because of Graham fans on here? 

He left it because he was disenchanted with the level of corruption in amateur (high school and collegiate) athletics.  Recruiting of high school athletes was a large piece of it.  The death knell for him was the Virginia General Assembly essentially enacting law that allows people and businesses to buy high school athletes effective July 1, 2023.  

I’ve spoken with him about it IRL and I’m comfortable sharing it.  I don’t reckon he would mind.

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5 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

He left it because he was disenchanted with the level of corruption in amateur (high school and collegiate) athletics.  Recruiting of high school athletes was a large piece of it.  The death knell for him was the Virginia General Assembly essentially enacting law that allows people and businesses to buy high school athletes effective July 1, 2023.  

I’ve spoken with him about it IRL and I’m comfortable sharing it.  I don’t reckon he would mind.

Thanks for clarifying what you meant. 

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9 minutes ago, UVAObserver said:

He left it because he was disenchanted with the level of corruption in amateur (high school and collegiate) athletics.  Recruiting of high school athletes was a large piece of it.  The death knell for him was the Virginia General Assembly essentially enacting law that allows people and businesses to buy high school athletes effective July 1, 2023.  

I’ve spoken with him about it IRL and I’m comfortable sharing it.  I don’t reckon he would mind.

It is frustrating.

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I can’t speak to recruiting because I have never witnessed it but I do know there are multiple parents not happy with whatever is happening at BHS football right now. I have seen several FB post which some are now gone and I have no idea what is true and what isn’t but it’s more than one or two that aren’t happy. 

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10 hours ago, Hokie Bound said:

PH has had a great run of athletes over the past decade and it looks like its going to continue for awhile. Plus when the VHSL put a hard cap of 475 for Class 1 it left PH as one of the state's largest schools in that classification which has led to success for the Rebels and it continues to carry on. 

seems like eastside went down and put it on old PH the run of athletes must have ran out.

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14 hours ago, Real Sasquatch said:

Yeah, Real Estate in this area is selling like hot cakes.

It seems that a lot of city transplants are buying the real estate and snatching it up as quickly as possible.  People that lived in the north or bigger cities and they sell their place and move to quaint little Taz Co with what they sold their place for they are able to buy whatever and pay over with no issues.  Have some good friends that fit this mold that some from NY and CA and they love the area here.  So glad to be away from the hustle of where they were.  

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9 hours ago, Mountain Football said:

It is frustrating.

They say money is the root of all evil and corruption.  I lose more and more interest in college football because money allows the bigger schools to get bigger and widen the gap.  Money wise VT can never ever come close to Michigan, Alabama or USC (CA) and it disgusts me the whole greedy realignment going on right now.

High school should never ever have money involved for players.  Grow up with a bunch of kids that you have been playing backyard, peewee, little league, etc football with for years and oh the grass is a bit greener over there.  I'll just go over to a supposed to be hated rival so maybe I can get more attention on me and make it all about me instead of the team.

Recruiting has always been a thorn to me.  Yes Richlands did it and I have proof on two occasions there, Graham is doing it and know of a specific one there as well and a previous few.  Now I won't shy away and say that Tazewell hasn't done the same thing currently and in the past but I still hate it just as much. 

Preseason rant done now lets get to next week and start some real football!

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10 hours ago, UVAObserver said:

Saying that Graham recruits players from other schools is not a “snide comment”.  It’s a statement of fact.  That is something that is objectively, actively happening.  There are people who have observed it while it was happening, and likely have saved the evidence.  That may well not be the case for this young man, but it certainly has been for many others, and it’s gonna garner this reaction from the non-Graham contingency here.  Hammer and nail, even if it’s not a nail this time.

Recruiting a player in that manner is in direct contradiction to several VHSL rules.  Contrary to commonly held belief around these parts, not every school does it.  When some schools do, and some schools do not, this creates a legitimately uneven and unjust playing field.  It violates not only the written rule, but the spirit of fair competition.

I know that at the professional and collegiate level, the old adage “If you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’…” often rings true.  There are billions (professional) and millions (collegiate) of dollars in economies across the nation at stake.  The difference in a college football team going 7-5 and 5-7 can make the difference in whether Ma and Pa have to close down the family restaurant.  That I understand and accept begrudgingly.  

This is different.  This is high school (amateur) athletics involving 14-18 year-old legal minors and very young adults.  Livelihoods are not on the line at the expense of a game played by children.  It’s not “jealousy”…it’s disgust and pity that adults care enough about a game played by children to circumvent clear and concise rules instituted by the sport’s governing body to ensure fairness and integrity.  That’s what’s turning people off.  That’s why GMan left this site.  

It absolutely happened at Richlands from 2000-2018.  Mance’s staff was far more discreet about it, but it absolutely happened.  When a double-digit percentage of the players’ dads are employed by the same employer, it’s not hard to connect the dot.  But when confronted, Richlands’ folks (to their credit) didn’t back down from the fact.  They didn’t make excuses for it, or try to paint it as some “jealous” conspiracy, or try to cache it in some “The Palmer Way” BS.  Folks would have a lot more respect for this operation if there was just more intellectual honesty about it.  “Yeah, we’re doing it.  We’re not the first nor the last.  Nothing stopping you from doing it too.”  I might ethically disagree with that, but I can’t really counter it or force my opinion onto the person saying that.  Speaking of…


You want to talk about “chastised”?  What the Graham “faithful” and “grateful”, including yourself, did to me last year went far beyond chastising.  I was doxxed (admittedly I made it fairly easy, but still) and had legitimate threats made upon my employment for expressing a private opinion that I earned by receiving a diploma from the school.  I should have used far better discretion in my judgment in stating my sincerely-held belief, and I have apologized publicly and privately for that to those whose opinion I value and those who I hurt.  

Nevertheless, seeing you *of all people* take TBG’s very tame admonition as “chastising” just gobsmacks me.  Not everything is some grandiose scheme of jealousy or plot to hurt your beloved G-Men.  I should say “our” beloved G-Men, lest you forget that I’ve got the same credentials you do.  Put away the tinfoil and hatred and just enjoy life and sport, man.  Life’s so much better when you do.


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33 minutes ago, stu_bean said:

They say money is the root of all evil and corruption.  I lose more and more interest in college football because money allows the bigger schools to get bigger and widen the gap.  Money wise VT can never ever come close to Michigan, Alabama or USC (CA) and it disgusts me the whole greedy realignment going on right now.

High school should never ever have money involved for players.  Grow up with a bunch of kids that you have been playing backyard, peewee, little league, etc football with for years and oh the grass is a bit greener over there.  I'll just go over to a supposed to be hated rival so maybe I can get more attention on me and make it all about me instead of the team.

Recruiting has always been a thorn to me.  Yes Richlands did it and I have proof on two occasions there, Graham is doing it and know of a specific one there as well and a previous few.  Now I won't shy away and say that Tazewell hasn't done the same thing currently and in the past but I still hate it just as much. 

Preseason rant done now let’s get to next week and start some real football!

Everyone does it in various sports…I don’t begrudge any kid, male or female , or parent wanting what they feel is best for their kid. I do draw the line when money or special perks for parents are involved. That’s a whole other level.

Agreed, let’s get to some real football! Bring on those Friday Night Lights! Good luck to all our Southwest Virginia & southern West Virginia teams! 

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Guys football is a violent, tough sport and even at the HS level can lead to lifelong injuries or worse. Why should we begrudge a kid if a local restaurant or car dealership wants to give them a few dollars for an endorsement? 

as long as it’s done in the open by independent businesses and not people trying to build some sort of super team by paying players, I see no issue. 

it’s a win/win. In a football crazed area, getting the star QB to do an IG post or come hang out for a day and eat their hamburger would be a small boon for a place and the kid gets to put a few dollars in his pocket. 

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This post blew up! For my take, I strongly echo the sentiments UVAObserver and stu_bean. Maybe it’s an age thing. A couple of points I would like to refute somewhat, but for comparison’s sake, I will share my thoughts and experience as a Richlands fan. 
From 1997-2008, I am not aware of any active recruiting by the Blues. The 3 finals appearances 2005, 2006, and 2007, with the title in 2006 to my knowledge consisted of mostly hard-working, homegrown Richlands kids. I maybe naive, but I take a lot of pride in the accomplishments of those kids, and coaches alike. While the 2008 team was comparably short on talent, that was one of the best coaching jobs In winning the Region, beating a much more talented Tazewell team twice, and eventually losing big to a much more talented Logan Thomas-led Brookeville team. 
In 2009, that all began to change with the perceived recruiting. I can’t speak to parents doing what is best for their kids, which is honorable in the intention, but I personally felt an undercurrent of disappointment. I realize that there are important values of competing, but I couldn’t help but feel compassion for some of the kids, essentially replaced by what felt like mercenaries. While often results on the field reflected success, I felt and witnessed a perceived decline in discipline and work in favor of seeking talent. I have no idea if the long-term ramifications explain what Richlands is experiencing now or this is just a reflection of the current talent and return to normalcy. 
As most players are concerned, I imagine some of the harder working glue guys (a term from Never Settle by Marty Smith-excellent read) would become discouraged by this pattern. Personally, I would feel a sense of resentment if the opportunity I had worked so hard for, was taken away all of a sudden by someone brought in and I observed to be lazy, but talented. I was blessed to be a part of the era where hard work and dedication seemingly was rewarded by playing time. In fact, I carry that and other lessons from my football experience. 
The taint of recruiting for me carries a stigma of manipulating a system to tilt the playing field for instant results. It seems contradictory to playing, working, and sacrificing together as a team or community to achieve a common goal.

As stated, by UVA, it’s here. If you hope to compete you have to embrace or begrudgingly accept it.

Thank goodness simply for the game of football and those players and coaches that work so hard to teach those lessons and virtues that apply to life outside of football. 

This post isn’t meant as a criticism, but primarily an opinion, perspective, and analysis of a practice that is now more widespread. 

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I think if you look at the ADM numbers Ph is far from being the largest 1A program. I am pretty sure they are under 400. I also think Chilhowie, GW are larger. Across the state there would be several more over 400 and closer to the 475 mark. Yes, East looked good against both PH and Northwood. Future looks bright for the Spartans.

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First, the "hard cap" of 475 was the old ADM system that expired in June. The new ADM system that began July 1, which doesn't account for the senior class of any school, is 350. Second, it can't be considered a "hard cap" when schools like Grayson and George Wythe are able to successfully appeal to play down while having an ADM figure of greater than 350. Something Riverheads was successful in doing a decade ago under the old ADM system.

1. Grayson - 364
2. George Wythe - 353
3. Westmoreland - 348
4. Buffalo Gap - 348
5. Fort Chiswell - 341
6. Brunswick - 324
7. Giles - 323
8. Rappahannock - 316
9. Chilhowie - 315
10. Northampton - 313
11. Cumberland - 304
12. Altavista - 295
13. Galax - 290
14. Patrick Henry GS - 289
15. Essex - 284


For reference, the following schools are Class 2 with smaller enrollments than Grayson County.

Mountain View - 355
Riverheads - 357
James River (Buchannan) - 359
Randolph Henry - 360
Lebanon - 363


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3 minutes ago, sixcat said:

First, the "hard cap" of 475 was the old ADM system that expired in June. The new ADM system that began July 1, which doesn't account for the senior class of any school, is 350. Second, it can't be considered a "hard cap" when schools like Riverheads, Grayson and George Wythe are able to successfully appeal to play down while having an ADM figure of greater than 350.

1. Grayson - 364
2. George Wythe - 353
3. Westmoreland - 348
4. Buffalo Gap - 348
5. Fort Chiswell - 341
6. Brunswick - 324
7. Giles - 323
8. Rappahannock - 316
9. Chilhowie - 315
10. Northampton - 313
11. Cumberland - 304
12. Altavista - 295
13. Galax - 290
14. Patrick Henry GS - 289
15. Essex - 284


For reference, the following schools are Class 2 with smaller enrollments than Grayson County.

Mountain View - 355
Riverheads - 357
James River (Buchannan) - 359
Randolph Henry - 360
Lebanon - 363


I thought only Grayson won the appeal.  Know Riverheads got denied to move down.  Didn't GW get denied as well?

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